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A boy has a dream that he can float, but unless he holds on, he will drift away into the sky. Even when he is grown up, this idea recurs. After a strange accident, he walks through what may be a dream, flowing in and out of scenarios and encountering various characters. People he meets discuss science, philosophy and the life of dreaming and waking, and the protagonist gradually becomes alarmed that he cannot awake from this confusing dream.
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The BBC belittled 1973 Irish Top-Ten hit. ART Indoor Festival:
(Berlin 18-09-1973).
I heard this played as a single on the radio when it came out in about 1973. This song was much maligned and downplayed by the BBC and indeed may have never been released in the UK, for being a 'rebel rouser' in the troubled 1970's.It spent 11 weeks in the Irish top ten but was rarely heard on Mainland British Soil. I would be about 16, and it was the definitive moment of experience of Rock 'N 'Roll. Sadly the German film crew seem more determined to film their own equipment and studio than The Boys themselves but they get their focus right in the end.Now deceased Brit' DJ John Peel talked about having that defining moment hearing Elvis for the first time and forever seeking that special moment to relive anew, hence the career as a DJ.
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For All of Those Who Love Our Mother Earth!!

The-Planet.jpg is a great site that is providing to the world for free a 4 Part Documentary each part about an hour long about The Planet!!There is only one Planet and it has its limits...The Planet is a hot from the oven attempt to find answers about the truths and untruths of the alarming global changes that many claim are already in motion.It is the most extensive documentary project ever being produced in Scandinavia. The film crews have been working for more than 2 years and have visited over 25 countries around the world.The extraordinary visual style and the unexpected content in The Planet will unlock the alienated attitude many people have built up in relation to the subject.The Planet is about much more than climate change. It’s about the Earth as a whole - it’s about the overall global changes we are experiencing right now.The Planet has been selected for the Joris Ivens Competition. This means that it will be eligible for the Joris Ivens Award and the IDFA Audience Award.Its absolutely Amazing, I assure that most of you will agree too, at the same time I erge you to pass it along to educate the next person!
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No place like

Home... So many songs deal about it, don't you think ?Even for someone as blasé as me, Japan is such a place ! It's huge. So much space and so many who fit in. Crowd phobia did hit me in a way I had yet to discover as night had fallen in Tokyo, and I found peace at the very top of the city, watching life going on without me. I fell in love with the simplicity of a sunny afternoon in Nikko. I watched the landscape through the Shinkansen windows and asked my way for Saitama on the platforms with my three sentences of Japanese... I helped complete strangers and felt good about it; I saw the fate of complete strangers in the Unforgettable Fire and struggled to keep the tears inside. I saw what spirituality could be like, was tempted but didn't fall, slipped barefoot on pieces of high life and came back to myself under a red gate in the sea. I got lost in the Electric City and felt comfortable in the subway, desperately looking for a man and a fat girl in a pink suit but couldn't find them. I ate all those weird things I could not identify and found a neologism to describe the beef I ate in that posh restaurant in which I didn't belong with my dirty jeans and destroyed bag. I listened to music while passing under the Thousand Torii of Kyoto, drank wine in fine company between a waterfall and half-scared, half-curious monkeys, lasted a week before I had to know what went on in the world, almost passed out from the heat of the water of that Matsuyama Onsen, screamed at the top of my voice in a rollercoaster near the Tokyo Dome, was shown my own stupidity in Yokohama and got back to childhood watching deers in Nara. I got bitten so many times it was funny, forgot my umbrella in Ginza, got a sunburn in the middle of October, sent postcards to people I have never seen and thought of home.I tried to make up for all the rudeness of Western people, but failed, and washed my hands many times, and apologised even more.I've been told that the first trip you make on your own is unforgettable. Well....yeah.
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And then the day before yesterday...

... I found out I might be promoted! Or I guess it's a promotion. I would be working as receptionist at the Irvine location. It's more than just a receptionist job, but I guess that's the title. I'd also be going to the Anaheim location two days a week. At the very least I'll be making more money because I'll be able to work more hours when I'm in Irvine. So yeah... good news.
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Burn After Reading

'Burn After Reading' fullfills any wishes Coen Brothers fan's may have. Comedy, action, farce, gore, confusion, George Clooney and Francis Mc Dormand. Add to the mix Brad Pitt and John Malkovich and what's not to like?The actors may at times seem to be having way too much fun making the film, but why not? Go with the humour because you'll need it.Performances by the main cast didn't stretch them in any way, but, hey! it isn't the most challenging series of characters and doesn't need overkill - if you'll pardon the expression!Thoroughly enjoyable in a Coen Brothers' kind of way.
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"Я не могу понять, какого цвета глаза у Тома? - спрашивает у меня Alexandra. - Они - то зеленые, то голубые, то серые!"ВОт почему на него можно смотреть без конца. Как на море. Оно тоже то зеленое, то голубое, то серое. Нормальное море, наше, не турецкое,"Слушай, давай я спрошу у qwerrie? -предлагаю я. - Он точно знает, какого они цвета".А тем временем qwerrie присылает удивительную фотографию. И спрашивать уже не надо - вот они, Томовы глаза. Хочешь - увеличивай до крапинки. Хочешь - уменьшай. А мы сидим, открыв рот, будто никогда не видели Йорка.У Кверри снова очищается карма))
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The Dragon Gates: Robert Jordan tribute

100_1616.JPG100_1613.JPGWell, last month marked one year since James Oliver Rigney's (known as Robert Jordan to most of us) passing. The series began the year of my birth, and it has since stretched out to 11 wonderful books, with the final volume left unwritten when a terrible disease took Jordan's life. Luckily for us fans, another author has agreed to finish the saga with the notes and recordings that Jordan left behind to his editor and wife. The fact remains, however, that the world is left without yet another one of its greatest writers.Jordan was, I'm proud to say, a writer from my beloved Charleston. One of the most important towns within his series was, in fact, based off of charleston's peninsula. So, a few months ago I decided to make my very own pilgrimage. I already knew the general area, but after a long search I finally found the house that he had lived in. On a rainy lowcountry day, I parked at the battery and made my way there. After a bit of a walk, there they were - the white Dragon Gate. RJ's house and yard are absolutely stunning on their own, but seeing that gate was amazing. And to think, I had nearly passed by this house a hundred times. Who knows, perhaps I did once and happened to only be looking at the other side of the road.Standing at the Dragon Gate, I regretted that I was only visiting this house now. A few years earlier I might have seen it, and known that RJ was madly typing away inside. Instead I felt very sad, despite my euphoric state of mind over standing at a literary genius' front gate. I felt sad for the loss of a great artist who made his mark in a world that is disgustingly loosing its desire to read. Indeed, I think of literature as one of the greatest of all arts. I felt sorry for the widow whom I knew was probably somewhere inside that great house. Here was the home of a dead man who had dedicated his life to a dying art form. The world is going downhill at a dizzying pace. I'm horrified at the number of people, even in the academic setting in which I now spend most of my time, who say quite unabashedly that they hate to read. Here is a home still marked by its previous master, with all of his things still residing within and his gate still standing - and most of the world neither knows nor cares. They spend their time worshipping the superficial, but never stop to consider anything deeper.If people would take the time to actually look at even most fictious literature, they would find that there is almost always a message underneath all the fantastical things. Literature is about more than just stories, literature provides a controlled environment in which we can explore aspects of our world. By controlling all the variables, we can examine the exact ethics of some action. Yes, stories are enjoyable as well, but there is so much more to them! People rarely stop to think about philosophy in any degree nowadays though. The world is going to hell, and sometimes I think it deserves it. They are getting exactly what they ask for - so go on, let them have it.But nonetheless, I'm going to take the time to think about my beliefs. I'm going to keep reading. I'm going to appreciate the artists of the world. And when I am old, and even fewer people remember the great writers of my age - I, at least, will know that I have taken a moment to pay respect to someone who left something more to the world than carrying a gucci handbag with them to a premiere party.
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Collecting 1 2 3

I have started to go through and collect all of the Radiohead EP's and singles with B-Sides and rarities. I want to import them into my MacBook in Apple Lossless format. Music sounds much better in lossless format. Cleaner. From there, I will place them on my iPhone which supports the lossless format. Surprise - there is still use for CD's.Thus far I have "Airbag / How Am I Driving?" and "My Iron Lung."I want to tell jokes now.1 2 3errrrrrr ...
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Adult Temper Tantrums

When I was younger I would always take refuge in my grandmother’s arms. Bury my head in the crook of her arm and HIDE. I cant quite do that anymore. For few reasons, I am now a walking giant, and she is a frail lady. I no longer have the two high ponytails …. The hiding effect is no longer there. Its all about the ponytails.Sometimes as an adult I miss being a kid. I miss throwing my arms in the air and demanding immediate attention. At times I just want to kick and scream because my day is not progressing in the manner in which it should.Today is one of those days. All I wanted to do was throw my arms in the air, stomp my feet on the ground, turn beet red, and hold my breath. I just couldn’t do it. I mean I really wanted to. For no apparent reason. I just felt like that.I have a sick habit. What is this sick thing that I do? Well, I let frustration boil my mind until I am steaming at the ears and I can no longer take it. As if that is not enough, I also ignore little details. I take the small the little problems and shove them deep in the pits of my soul. Until there is no more room.Well….what happens when there is boiling, steam, and no room to move? It just explodes all over the place. The true Capricorn in me comes out, and basically….the short version…It’s a fucking hell. Run while you can. This whole thing lasts no more than few hours and I am back to normal.Rest assured. Its not an everyday thing. It happens every so often, like every six months or so, I sometimes go longer without saying how frustrated I am.Im working on my communication techniques. I used to be worse. Hell, at least I write about things every so often. I didn’t even do that before. Frustration has been boiling over me within the last few months. Its every little thing.My job, I feel like I am not going anywhere. I fight tooth and nail, and yet I am still not happy with it. I am not unhappy with the company, the amount I make, I am just frustrated because I am burned out. I am annoyed because I have to drag myself out of bed every day.Bills….bills, bills, bills!!! Fuck! I hate bills. Need I say more?Stupid people annoy me. I am getting sick of people and their idea of problems. Some of these people think it’s a big deal to go home to a paid off house and their only worry is to feed their mutts. Hell, if she only saw what the majority of the world sees they would shut up and enjoy what they have.Things are just not happening fast enough! I have become an evolving machine. I have become used to change. To a degree I have become addicted to the drama. That being said, I feel the forthcoming changes. I see whats headed in my way. But it is just not proceeding fast enough. Hurry UP already.That’s it! That’s my temper tantrum for the day. Everything else is a piece of cake. I think I have it under control.
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Знаете ли вы, что...

... видео Radiohead никогда нельзя смотреть после принятого энного количества спиртного? Потому что вам сразу захочется повесить за плечи котомку и пойти пешком в Оксфорд.
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Information for potential US election voters

To the potential US election voter... if your right to vote is challenged for ANY reason, two words to remember that will keep your vote alive... PROVISIONAL BALLOT. It is EVERYONE'S right by Federal and State law... the state laws of course vary, but not YOUR RIGHT to ask any poll worker challenging your right to vote on election day for a PROVISIONAL BALLOT.
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The Media's War

I’m amazed at how television seems to have decidedly desensitized a nation to the horrific nature of a seemingly useless war, glorified editorials of the mundane daily lives of our soldiers overseas. A footnote of casualties and some highlighted individual tragedies-turned-feel-good stories of a few sent home.It’s war and I can believe those sent to do their duty make the best of every minute they have. I can’t, however, believe that the media is ramming that down our throats as the reality of this war. We are shown instances of what the others did, but it feels like a justification of why we are there, rather than objective news.The way this war has been portrayed is shameful. It is not a “feel good” story, it is barbaric and, at this juncture, over the top. I feel like we are bullying the world. It nauseates me. I’m tired of hearing about it. The politics of war are ridiculous. We teach our kids to play nice and stand up for themselves not stomp the weak into the ground and then pick their pockets. I am truly sickened.
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