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missing in action

missing inaction

what to do what to do

she's a swimmer

diving in

dripping wet

toweling off

she dives in again




she dives in again




the water's cold

are those sharks?

dry land

safe distance

boring boring

play politics

keep quiet

slowly crumble

just missing now

vacant staring

are those sharks?

real or imaginary

doesn't matter


make it matter.


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Jun TAKAHASHI(UNDERCOVER): meeting with Thom

Jun TAKAHASHI, a Japanese fashion designer of the UNDERCOVER brand,

posted about his meeting with Thom at Fuji Rock Festival and the Aftershow on facebook.

he says Thom wasn’t wholly satisfied with the show at FRF.

and not only Thom but Colin also was DJing at the Aftershow.

Jun TAKAHASHI is one of Thom’s Japanese friend. Thom likes his UNDERCOVER.

last year, Jun asked Thom to put on UNDERCOVER clothes, a design for Japanese magazine“HUgE”.


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YouTube Playlist

01. Lotus Flower

02. Bloom

03. 15 Step

04. Weird Fishes/Arepggi

05. Kid A

06. Morning Mr Magpie

07. The Gloaming

08. Separator

09. Pyramid Song

10. Nude

11. Identikit

12. I Might Be Wrong

13. There There

14. Karma Police

15. Myxomatosis

16. Feral

17. Idioteque


18. Give Up The Ghost

19. Exit Music (For A Film)

20. Talk Show Host

21. The National Anthem

22. Planet Telex

23. Everything In Its Right Place

24. Reckoner


25. Paranoid Android

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YouTube Playlist

01 Lotus Flower

02 Bloom
03 15 Step

04 Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
05 Kid A

06 Morning Mr Magpie

07 The Gloaming
08 Separator
09 Pyramid Song

10 Nude

11 Staircase

12 There There

13 Karma Police

14 Myxomatosis

15 Feral

16 Idioteque (Jonny's machine messed up again...)

17 Give Up The Ghost

18 You And Whose Army?

19 Planet Telex

20 Everything In Its Right Place (Intro: The One I Love)

21 Reckoner

22 Bodysnatchers

23 Paranoid Android

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2012/07/29 Fuji Rock Festival (Japan)

Find more photos like this on w.a.s.t.e. central

(i'm adding new photos all the time)

01 Lotus Flower
02 Bloom
03 15 Steps
04 Weird Fishes/Arepggi
05 Kid A
06 Morning Mr Magpie
07 The Gloaming
08 Separator
09 Pyramid Song
10 Nude
11 Staircase
12 There There
13 Karma Police
14 Myxomatosis
15 Feral
16 Idioteque
17 Give Up The Ghost
18 You And Whose Army?
19 Planet Telex
20 Everything In Its Right Place (Intro: The One I Love)
21 Reckoner
22 Bodysnatchers
23 Paranoid Android



via twitter

thOm said...

  • “アリガトウゴザイマス(シ)タ(thank you very much)” (観客「ありがとう!(thank you!)」)“yeah, i told you, i told you, that's what i told you. yeah, but... actually... he he he (ああ、言ったよ、言った、僕はそう言ったよ。ああ、でも…ほんと…へへへ)”
  • “if you wanna shout launch while rest of us, that would be great, just shout to us anything you feel like. just leave there with ease. junk Japanese words, i don't understand... ドウモスイマセン!!! (僕らが休憩してる間に叫びたいことでもあったらさ、だといいんだけど、僕らに好きなこと叫んだらいいよ。遠慮なくどうぞ。崩れた日本語だとわかんないけどね…i'm sorry!!!)”
  • [Kid A] “コレハKid Aデス (this is Kid A)”
  • [Staircase] “this is a new song, can get live versions of this on You Tube. there's probably a lot of me on You Tube, but there you go (これは新曲でStaircase…You Tubeでライブバージョンを観れるよ。たぶんYou Tubeにはたくさん僕がいるな、でもまあ、演るよ)”
  • “おやすみなさい (good night)”
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Find more photos like this on w.a.s.t.e. central

(i'm adding new photos all the time)

01. Lotus Flower

02. Bloom

03. 15 Step

04. Weird Fishes/Arepggi

05. Kid A

06. Morning Mr Magpie

07. The Gloaming

08. Separator

09. Pyramid Song

10. Nude

11. Identikit

12. I Might Be Wrong

13. There There

14. Karma Police

15. Myxomatosis

16. Feral

17. Idioteque


18. Give Up The Ghost

19. Exit Music (For A Film)

20. Talk Show Host

21. The National Anthem

22. Planet Telex

23. Everything In Its Right Place

24. Reckoner


25. Paranoid Android

yes, Videotape did not played… that was Give Up The Ghost. sorry…

and rumour... thOm took his shirt off again...



 via twitter







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不過我忘記了,我如果堅信的話,我的幸運會在我的身旁的。 :)




我在LIVE前得知有要發放號碼牌,我順利的取得號碼牌 No.1399
我個人是沒什麼感想,因為,我能來看LIVE我覺得我已經很棒了,我的好運跟幸福似乎只能用在RADIOHEAD的MUSIC身上 X)
所以我要自己知足,因為我相信我的好運會讓我看見RADIOHEAD. :)


LIVE開始之後我整個很開心,因為我知道他們要唱的歌是什麼,我知道他們要唱什麼,而且準確的知道他們所唱的歌曲是我喜歡的,喔喔喔...超開心 :)
當然我也有想過把每一首歌都錄起來自HIGH,但是卻又想到,如果我錄影,雖然事後可以回味那光影,但是我不能專心看RADIOHEAD,所以我放棄了,我想我該要選擇享受而不是往後的回味,我相信有其它樂迷會幫我捕捉那光影給我回味 XD
我告訴自己我很幸運,所以我腳尖墊到我真的不行了,我才放棄,當然,後期竟然有人默默的搖擺到我面前擋我的視線 QmQ
我很幸運,因為我還可以看得到PHIL :)


11010953897?profile=original我想我周邊什麼的都沒有跟到,不過沒關係,至少我跟到了雜誌,雖然我還是很想要買T-shirt :(

我想,地板震動什麼的,並不是問題,反而因為地板傳來的強烈震動讓我更開心;深深覺得,原來LIVE這麼HIGH,真是好玩 XD
是說,說不定台灣人有咄咄逼人的本性XD 所以中場休息時間很短.

我整場都玩得很開心,我雖然知道,音樂要夠大聲才能讓靈魂獲得解脫,但是帶著耳機也不能大到哪裡去,而且那不是讓靈魂解脫,而是讓頭殼疼痛,所以我一直想要一間自己的房間,裡面放我的播音器材,讓我可以貼著音箱不放 XD
我第一次知道,LIVE的音樂會讓我這麼HIGH,我也去參加過誰的簽唱會,或是默默的站在音響旁邊,但是程度差很多,我想這如果是水準,那麼當地的音樂品質更好吧!忍不住想著,我人生會有那麼一天跑去英國看RADIOHEAD吧! :)
不過在那之前我應該會先寄信過去,因為我一直想要試試看把信件寄到國外去,不知道那會是怎麼樣的情況 XD
當我看著跟YOU TUBE上看到的舞台布置,我好開心,好感動,我真的沒想到,可以搬過來,不是把我放在英國,而是把整個團隊搬來台灣.

又一次忍不住自滿的想著:這真是為了我舉辦的LIVE啊! X)
可以的話,我並不想留在台北,在LIVE結束後,去哪裡都好,就是不要留在台北,不過我最後還是選擇留在台北,我想,如果認識的人多了一點,說不定我可以窩在哪個角落,獨自傻笑著 XD

老實說結束的時候我並不想那麼早走,我本來想默默的盯著舞台,直到現場的人散得差不多的時候我在來散,不過遇到了從"There There"開始聽RADIOHEAD的朋友,所以我就默默的跟著他走了,還做了蠢不啦嘰的是情--翻牆越嶺的坐上貨梯,想當然爾,這種壞小孩行為是很危險的,所以貨梯根本不動XD

我不討厭默默的做某件事情,只是我太默默的去做,結果忘記要去換海報了,本來想說換來的海報貼在牆壁上,慢慢的把日本藝人的海報全部換成RADIOHEAD,看來是遙遙無期了 XD

不過台灣嘛...畢竟我在台灣,所以我知道我做出來的東西只是自我滿足,是不會被台灣人接受的 :(

大概是因為不太記錄了吧,被生活洗到爛爛得自己,把大腦簡化卻失敗得自己,面對這樣白爛的自己,感動已經慢慢的被消畫寫不太出來什麼,要說覺得可惜...也是有,但要認真說的話,應該是找不到分享的方法吧 XD
我真的沒辦法像這樣,但是至少晚上浮浮沉沉的睡夢中,我的耳邊都是Lotus Flower X)
當然在夢中,也遇到很白爛的是情,就像是自己默默的補完覺得很可惜的部分,還有白爛的自言自語 XD


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YouTube Playlist

01. Lotus Flower / 02. Bloom

03. 15 Step

04. Lucky

05. Kid A
06. Morning Mr Magpie
07. The Gloaming
08. Separator

09. Nude / 10. Myxomatosis

11. Identikit

12. There There

13. Karma Police / 14. Feral

15. Little by Little

16. Idioteque

17. Give Up The Ghost

18. House Of Cards

19. Talk Show Host

20. The National Anthem

21. Planet Telex

22. Everything In Its Right Place

23. Reckoner

24. Exit Music (For A Film)

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2012/07/25 Taiwan

Find more photos like this on w.a.s.t.e. central

(i'm adding new pics all the time)

Setlist Taiwan
01. Lotus Flower
02. Bloom
03. 15 Step
04. Lucky
05. Kid A
06. Morning Mr Magpie
07. The Gloaming
08. Separator
09. Nude
10. Myxomatosis
11. Identikit
12. There There
13. Karma Police
14. Feral
15. Little by Little
16. Ideoteque
17. Give Up The Ghost
18. House Of Cards
19. Talk Show Host
20. The National Anthem
21. Planet Telex
22. Everything In Its Right Place
23. Reckoner
24. Exit Music (For A Film)



















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El tener un 'ojo pipa' y el extraño mundo interior que se adivina de sus canciones muestran a un hombre tímido que ha sabido superar sus dificultades para relacionarse con un mundo extraño y deshumanizado mediante la música y la conciencia social.                                                     11010949070?profile=original

Su grupo, Radiohead, ha actuado este viernes en las praderas del monte Kobeta de Bilbao ante una gigantesca masa de 'fans', capaces de seguir a este grupo que está por encima del bien y del mal hasta una montaña mal comunicada (el ascenso en atestados autobuses o en empinadas caminatas ha adquirido dimensiones épicas), con tal de verles en la que ha sido su única actuación en España. Incluso la perspectiva de lluvia, que finalmente ha caído en forma de chirimiro desde el final del concierto, no ha sido obstáculo para que cerca de 40.000 personas hayan jaleado un recorrido por las canciones del último disco del grupo, 'The king of limbs', y de su producción más reciente, alternando con algunos de sus grandes éxitos, aunque tampoco sin demasiadas concesiones al 'Greatest Hits'.

Comenzando con 'Bloom', primer corte de este último trabajo, Radiohead ha dado un concierto saturado de público, pero también de música. Con una sobria puesta en escena de luces y pantallas que mostraban detalles de de los músicos (Ed O' Brien y su bombín, Colin Greenwood al bajo, las manos su hermano Johnny a los teclados, las baquetas de Phil Selway, Thom Yorke meneando un moño que le coronaba la coronilla), el grupo se ha puesto combativo por momentos y bailón en otros, para mayor gloria danzarina de un Thom Yorke crecido en estas lides desde el videoclip de 'Lotusflower'

Artículo Completo en El Mundo Madrid España

"Sabemos que en España estais pasando problemas, con recortes y más recortes, sin dinero. Creo que deberíais tomar las calles, porque alguien os ha robado". Thom Yorke in Bilbao

"We know that you are having problems in Spain, with more and more financial cutbacks leaving you without any money. I think you should take to the streets, because someone has robbed you."   

                  The 40,000 Sons of Radiohead, by Dario Prieto 

                                    Translation from Spanish by Vanessa Risti

Bilbao - Spirited and dancing, Thom Yorke's band played through their most famous songs and tracks from their newest album in Bilbao.

"We know that you are having problems in Spain, with more and more financial cutbacks leaving you without any money. I think you should take to the streets, because someone has robbed you."     Thom Yorke talks a little.


He has a 'lazy eye' and a strange inner world that materializes through his songs, revealing a timid man that has been known to rise above a number of difficulties in order to relate to a strange and dehumanized world by means of music and social conscience.               11010948096?profile=original

His band, Radiohead, performed this past Friday on the grasslands of Kobeta Mountain in Bilbao before a gigantic sea of fans, who are capable of following a group that is beyond the good and the bad of a mountain that is difficult to climb (The ascent of packed buses and steep hikes had grown to epic proportions). This is all so they could see the band and what their unique show in Spain would be like. Even the chance of rain, which had finally fallen in the form of a drizzle by the end of the concert, was not an problem for approximately 40,000 people that cheered on a show dedicated to songs from the band's latest album, The King of Limbs, and their most recent works. The set list also featured some of their more popular songs, though none of the songs played that night were too awarding of the term "Greatest Hits". 

Opening with "Bloom", the first track off their newest album, Radiohead gave a concert to the public that was saturated not only in color, but also in music. With a modest arrangement of lights and panels that highlighted the musicians on stage (Ed O'Brien in his bowler hat, Colin Greenwood below him, the hands of his brother Jonny at the keyboards, Phil Selway's drumsticks, and Thom Yorke wagging a ponytail that sat on top of his head), the band appeared to be spirited at moments and dancing in others. Even the great dancing glory of Thom Yorke grew during these numbers since the music video for "Lotus Flower". 


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my recent recommended music: July 24

Sigur Rós - Rembihnútur

Sigur Rós - Ég anda

alternative, ambient, electronic, experimental, post-rock

Other Lives - Dust Bowl III

alternative, folk


The xx - Angels

electronic, post-punk


Nas vs Massive Attack

electronic, hip hop


MGMT - Congratulations (Erol Alkan Rework)

alternative, electronic, psychedelic

Nasir Jones - Loco-Motive feat. Large Professor (Produced by No I.D.) Nasir Jones

hip hop


Nguzunguzu - 'Warm Pulse' EP

dubstep, electronic, future garage


Inga Copeland - B.M.W.

dub, electronic, experimental

Roska - Grand Theft Audio

dubstep, electronic, UK Funky


Jacques Greene - Ready

electronic, future garage, house


Hot Chip - Look At Where We Are (Major Lazer Remix)

electronic, electronica, electropop


The Field - Comenius Garden

electronic, minimal, minimal techno, techno


Boddika & Joy Orbison  -  Moist

Joy Orbison & Boddika - Nil

Boddika, Joy Orbison & Pearson Sound - Faint

dubstep, electronic, techno


Com Truise - In Decay

chillwave, electronic



electronic, dubstep


Flying Lotus - Between Friends (download)

Flying lotus - between friends instrumental/// thundercat version

Flying Lotus - lamentedmix3 Instrumental

Jeremiah Jae - Cat Fightttttt Prod. Flying Lotus

downtempo, electronic, experimental


Percussions - Bird Songs (TEXT017)

electronic, experimental, idm


Daphni - Ye Ye

electronic, house, techno


Primula - Boys at the Cape

electronic, idm


Warlock & Noyeahno: SUB FM 20 June 12 By Rag & Bone

bass, drum and bass, dubstep, electronic, funky, techno

Warlock & Noyeahno: SUB FM 18 July 12 By Rag & Bone

bass, electronic, house, techno


Tru Thoughts presents Unfold 24.06.12 By Tru Thoughts

beats, electronic, Gospel, house, soul

Tru Thoughts presents Unfold 01.07.12 By Tru Thoughts

bass, beats, disco, electronic, house

Tru Thoughts presents Unfold 08.07.12 By Tru Thought

bass, beats, electronic, hip hop, world


Diplo & Friends on BBC Radio 1 7/7/12 By Diplo and Friends on BBC1

electronic, hip hop, techno

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"We'd like to thank our amazing crew. This one is for our friend Scott"

Reckoner (Arènes de Nîmes, 10.07.2012)



Thanks to all of you who have sent messages of support over these past couple of weeks.

Scott has touched many people's lives and all your sentiments are testament to this.

Our thoughts and love remain with Scott's family.





 スコットの家族に心からお悔やみ申し上げます。」 Thanks Arico 


 "We have all been shattered by the loss of Scott Johnson, our friend and colleague. He was a lovely man, always positive, supportive and funny; a highly skilled and valued member of our great road crew. We will miss him very much. Our thoughts and love are with Scott's family and all those close to him."


"Wir alle sind erschüttert über den Verlust von Scott Johnson, unseren Freund und Kollegen. Er war ein wunderbarer Mensch, immer optimistisch, hilfsbereit und lustig; ein sehr talentiertes und wertvolles Mitglied unserer großartigen Mannschaft. Wir werden ihn sehr vermissen. Unsere Gedanken und unsere Liebe ist mit Scott´s Familie und all jenen, die ihm nahestanden."   Philip Thanks Anja



スコットのご家族、そして彼と親しかったすべての方々にお悔やみを申し上げます。Philip Thanks Arico

La pérdida de Scott Johnson, nuestro amigo y colega, nos ha golpeado duramente. Era un hombre adorable, siempre pensando en positivo, dispuesto a colaborar y divertido; un miembro valioso y muy habilidoso de nuestro genial personal de técnicos. Lo extrañaremos muchísimo. Nuestras condolencias y amor para su familia y sus allegados. Phil Thanks Exitmusic

                                                     Scott thanksClive Deamer

Bless you all for the many kind messages sent in response to Scott. I am deeply saddened by his passing and trying to come to terms with such a tragic end to the happiest and most enjoyable tour. I know he was very happy working with us. We are all going to miss him.

Gracias a todos por sus amables mensajes respecto a lo que pasó con Scott. Su muerte me entristece mucho y tratando de entender el trágico fin de la gira más alegre y amena. Sé que era muy feliz trabajando con nosotros. Todos vamos a extrañarlo. ThanksExitmusic

"Seid gesegnet für all die netten Mitteilungen die ihr, in Erwiderung auf Scott, gesendet habt. Ich bin tief betrübt über sein Dahinscheiden und versuche dieses tragische Ende der glücklichsten und schönsten Tournee zu bewältigen. Ich weiß, dass er sehr glücklich war mit uns zu arbeiten. Wir alle werden ihn vermissen." Thanks Anja

   Caribou@cariboubandOur most heartfelt condolences to the family of Scott Johnson and to the whole Radiohead family who have been so kind and welcoming to us. 


Radiohead stage collapse Source BBCNews


A man killed when a stage collapsed ahead of a Radiohead concert in Toronto, Canada, has been named as 33-year-old Scott Johnson, a drum technician from South Yorkshire.

A relative confirmed the death of Mr Johnson, from Doncaster, who worked for other British bands, including Keane.

Police in Toronto said the stage was being set up on Saturday when the top part of it collapsed on top of him.

The Foreign Office confirmed that Mr Johnson's family had been notified.

Three other people were injured, one seriously, in the incident at Downsview Park, medical officials said.

The band, from Oxfordshire, south-east England, were not on stage at the time and the sell-out concert was cancelled. A message on the band's website said the gig had been cancelled due to "unforeseen circumstances".

An investigation into the cause of the incident is under way.

'Big shock'

Fellow musicians have been paying tribute to the drum technician on Twitter.

Jack Lawrence Brown, drummer with White Lies, tweeted: "Devastated to learn that the man killed in the Radiohead stage collapse was drum tech Scott Johnson.

"Scott worked with White Lies on a show earlier in the year as my drum tech. A very talented man and a lovely guy all round. Glad to have known him. A big loss. RIP Scott."

Ian West, Mr Johnson's drum teacher in Doncaster, said his former pupil toured the world with famous bands, and described him as "a fantastic guy".

"It was a very, very big shock. He was a great student and a great drummer. He got a lucky break and made the most of it, he never looked back," he said.

"The list of bands he worked with was endless, his CV had every band worth their salt on it, a lot of British bands and world class bands."

The collapse happened an hour before the gates were due to open for the concert, with queues already beginning to form outside.

'Like a car accident'

Toronto police said the stage collapsed at 16:00 local time (20:00). 

The Radiohead gig was part of a world tour

Those injured were all part of a team involved with setting up the stage, officials said.

Tony Bellavance, Fire Services Platoon Chief in Toronto, said officials were alerted to a person trapped under the rubble and crews assisted in extracting the victim.He said: "It was a crushing injury that killed the man."

Toronto police later tweeted that once the structure was deemed safe to work around, forensic officers would begin a joint investigation with the coroner and the Ministry of Labour.

Alexandra Halbert, who was working in a beer tent at the show, said she was about 200-300 yards away from the stage, with her back to it, when she heard "something that sounded like fireworks".

"I turned around and the whole top part of the stage had collapsed, as well as the scaffolding," she told the BBC.

"It seemed like there were a couple of minutes of hesitation and no one knew quite what to do. It was only afterwards that we all realised how serious it was."

Jason Ip, a food vendor, said there was "chaos" as people waited for the emergency services to arrive.

"A few people started running towards the stage. No one knew exactly what had happened, but it was clear that people were underneath the stage," he said.

"It was like witnessing a car accident. In a situation like that, you just aren't sure how to react."

Some 40,000 people were expected for the sold-out gig, which was also due to feature Canadian musician Caribou.



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