



Nashville, TN

Favourite music

Radiohead mostly

Favourite books

Life of Pi (Yann Martel), Marian Keyes (all), Steinbeck (East of Eden), 1984, other Orwell books, Edith Wharton, Jane Austen, Brave New World (Aldous Huxley), On The Road (Jack Kerouac)

Favourite movies

Dogville, Royal Tenenbaums and other Wes Anderson films, Atonement, Gosford Park, The Portrait of a Lady, West Side Story, The Pianist

Favourite tv shows

Mystery and Masterpiece theatre on PBS

Favourite quotes

The purpose of art is not a rarified, intellectual distillate-- it is life, intensified, brilliant life. ~ Alain Arias-Mission

To get to work/school I

Take the bus