



México City.


July 23


Mexico City.

Favourite music

Wish You Were Here | Pink Floyd Led Zeppelin III | Led Zeppelin In Rainbows | Radiohead Absolution | Muse Kid A | Radiohead Dark Side of the Moon | Pink Floyd Revolver | The Beatles Origin Of Symmetry | Muse Definitely Maybe | Oasis Let It Be | The Beatles Stadium Arcadium | Red Hot Chili Peppers Ok Computer | Radiohead Velociraptor! | Kasabian Demon Days | Gorillaz Morning View | Incubus ∞

Favourite books

1984 | George Orwell Las Batallas en el Desierto | José Emilio Pacheco La Ciudad y los Perros | Mario Vargas Llosa The War of the Worlds | H.G. Wells Extraordinary Narrations | Edgar Allan Poe Cuentos | Horacio Quiroga The Little Prince | Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Favourite movies

Fight Club Interstellar Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Memento Matrix Inception Batman: The Dark Knight The Godfather Requiem for a Dream 2001: A Space Odyssey Taxi Driver Cloud Altlas 300 Dead Poets Society

Favourite tv shows

Breaking Bad Malcolm in the Middle Cosmos Sense 8 The Walking Dead Daredevil Dragon Ball Z KND

Favourite quotes

Don't waste your time or time will waste you. In the end the love you take is equal to the love you make. There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you are meant to be. Don't ever let life pass you by. So, don't let that world being you down. Not everyone here is that fucked up and cold. Remember why you came and why you're alive. Experience the warmth before you grow old. Maybe I will never be all the things that I want to be Now is not the time to cry; now's the time to find out why. When the days, they seem to fall through you, well, just let them go. Todo arde si le aplicas la chispa adecuada. Tengo un raro presentimiento: que hay algo más que sobrevivir.

To get to work/school I

Take the bus