Agassiz British Columbia
February 7
Favourite music
I listen to a wide range of music from classical to punk, and everything in between. I can appreciate almost all music, but some of it rubs me the wrong way. But over all I think I could call myself a music lover, or at least something to that extent. However at the moment I really dig Miles Davis, some grunge, Johnny Greenwoods music for 'Bodysong'. I've also always been a folkie, so Grateful Dead, T.H.A.T.H, those guys are way up my ally. And of course always and forever Radiohead/On a friday. Overall I like/enjoy everything.
Favourite books
Angela's ashes The fencepost chronicles Roots
Favourite movies
Hair Benny and Joon I like movies, but I don't have to many favourites.
Favourite tv shows
I'm not a big fan of tv. But the walking dead is probably my favorite, I also like freaks and geeks.
Favourite quotes
Music is no illusion, but rather a revelation. -Tchaikovsky Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so. Galileo
On RHMB I am known as
To get to work/school I
Walk, Bike