



Raleigh, NC


March 29



Favourite music

R.E.M. Bowie Pink Floyd Phish Led Zeppelin Neil Young Bob Dylan John Coltrane Talking Heads Television Patti Smith

Favourite books

Most books by Philip K. Dick All books by Raymond Chandler Tortilla Flat by John Steinbeck Cannery Row by John Steinbeck Most books by Stephen King The Lord of the Rings J.R.R. Tolkein Dune by Frank Herbert More than Human by Thoeodore Sturgeon To Kill a Mockingbird

Favourite movies

Blade Runner 2001: A Space Odyssey Mulholland Drive Apocalypse Now Three Colors: Red Persona The Third Man The Big Sleep E.T. Close Encounters of the Third Kind Withnail and I Ghostbusters The Blues Brothers The Grateful Dead Movie

Favourite tv shows

The Man in the High Castle Twin Peaks The Prisoner The Avengers Better Call Saul Jessica Jones

On Mortigi Tempo I am known as

Disco Stu

To get to work/school I

Drive car