




Favourite music

radiohead liars tindersticks joy division pj harvey nick cave interpol the fall ligeti bach mozart beethoven schubert vivaldi maurice ravel emanuel nunes john cage olafur arnalds

Favourite books

por quem os sinos dobram- hemingway um admiravel mundo novo- aldous huxley os demónios- Dostoiévski cem anos de solidão- gabriel garcia marquez o livro do desassossego- fernando pessoa

Favourite movies

Oldboy le genou de claire ma nuit chez maud match point the man without a past nightwatching mulholland drive i´m not there before sunrise/before sunset- richard linklater waking life a clockwork orange baraka broken flowers a space odyssey persona wild strawberries trust good will hunting fargo

Favourite tv shows

six feet under angels in america the simpsons californication weeds mad man

Favourite quotes

“... Unwatchably ugly and breathtakingly beautiful, gut-wrenching and delicate, heartbreakingly emotional and coldly manipulative, mind-bogglingly entertaining and almost arrogantly artistic, “Oldboy” is a mass of contradictions that nonetheless coheres as a whole... “Oldboy” is without doubt the most purely cinematic (both in form and content) piece of work, the truest motion picture, released in South Korea this year”. KYU HYUN KIM “They say that at the exact time of death we lose 21 grams of bodily weight. But how many lives do we live? how many times do we die? How much can fit into 21 grams?” SEAN PENN (Paul Rivers) “People are always talking about freedom. Freedom to live a certain way, without being kicked around. Course the more you live a certain way, the less it feel like freedom. Me, uhm, I can change during the course of a day. I wake and I'm one person, when I go to sleep I know for certain I'm somebody else. I don't know who I am most of the time.” RICHARD GERE (Billy the Kid)

To get to work/school I

Walk, Drive car