

March 13



Ciudad de México, México.

Favourite music

Everything is music! But of course Radiohead, Björk, Portishead, Pink Floyd, Muse, Jazz (Duke Ellignton, Mile Davis), Barry White, George Michael, Natalie Imbruglia, Cat Power, Erykah Badu, Bebel Gilberto, Justice, Chemical Brothers, Air, Sonic Youth, Regina Spektor, Joss Stone, practily almost everything that makes me move.

Favourite books

García Márquez, Herman Hesse, Fernando del Paso, José Saramango, Isabel Allende, Isaac Asimov, Laura Esquivel.

Favourite movies

Matrix definitely.

On Mortigi Tempo I am known as


To get to work/school I

Walk, Bike, Take the subway/tube/metro, Carpool