



port washington

Favourite music

evrything that means what it says,classic rock punk rock,art rock garage,anything with a melody and worth listening to...

Favourite books

, socio-political history, philosophical authors,autobiographies, art books,graphic novels, sports commentaries, magazines of course...

Favourite movies

lord of the rings trilogy: return of the king, star wars trilogy, the matrix trilogy, fight club ,tombstone, wes anderson movies, there will be blood ,citizen cane, point break, seven , the usual suspects, ratatouille, the sound of music...

Favourite tv shows

heroes..house md,,law and order,,the simpsons, south park, not too many to mention

Favourite quotes

"A true friend never gets in your way, unless you happen to be going down"- arnold h. glasow "those who exchange liberty for security deserve neither"-ben franklin "id rather be a failure at something i enjoy, than be a success at something i hate"- george burns "Some rise by evil deeds and some fall by virtue"*_w.shakespear. and the fortune wheel quote from the movie "24 hour party people" i cant remember it...

To get to work/school I
