




Favourite music

Pop : Radiohead, PJ Harvey, Chemical Brothers... - Jazz : Bill Evans, Esbjörn Svensson Trio... - French : Thomas Fersen... - Middle East : Anouar Brahem... - Mali : Rokia Traore, Tinariwen...

Favourite books

A. Cohen's Belle du Seigneur (Her Lover), M. Proust's In Search of Lost Time.

Favourite movies

Kubrick's, Coen brothers', Bergman's and so many others and for so many reasons, so I can't pick up a few.

Favourite tv shows

"Tracks" broadcasted by the french-german channel Arte, great (student spirit) show exploring music, arts, cultures and "subcultures" in many cities in the world. And now "One Shot Not" !

Favourite quotes

No idea...

To get to work/school I

Take the train