



Brooklyn, NY


June 28


Brooklyn, NY

Favourite music

Radiohead ~Beethoven~Bach~Mozart~Chopin~DelShannon~YmaSumac~BuddyHolly~Coltrane~MilesDavis~Beatles~Kinks~Cream~Love~Doors~Stones~Floyd~Sabbath~SlyStone~Bowie~T-Rex~Roxy Music~Eno~The Clash~Ramones~The Stooges~PattiSmith~Zeppelin~Rush~Hendrix~Pistols~AC/DC~Rush~Van Halen~Bauhaus~Elvis Costello~Talking Heads~Police~HuskerDu~TomWaits~JudasPriest~TheCars~JoyDivision~Depeche Mode~Queen~Mudhoney~Prince~FlamingLips~Nirvana~LCD Soundsystem~AliceInChains~R/A/D/I/O/H/E/A/D~Neutral Milk Hotel~SteelyDan~Jane'sAddiction~Fear~Blur~The Good The Bad The Queen~Scott Walker~Portishead~MGMT~Neil Young~QOTSA~Pavement

Favourite books

Please Kill Me, Confederacy of Dunces, Ladies and Gentlemen the Bronx is Burning, Money, Naked Lunch, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Corrections, Crime and Punishment, Assommoir, Fight Club,Just Kids,

Favourite movies

Wizard of Oz/The Killing/The Godfather/A Clockwork Orange/French Connection/Wild Strawberries/Hud/Roma/Dr.Strangelove/Deer Hunter/Manhattan/The Shining/Taxi Driver/Brazil/Platoon/King of Comedy/Apocalypse Now/Down By Law/The Celebration/Irreversible/Fargo/Caddyshack/Annie Hall/Zodiac

Favourite tv shows

Breaking Bad, Portlandia, Extras, Boardwalk Empire, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Eastbound and Down, The Simpsons, Bonanza, Mork&Mindy, ModSquad, Sigmund and the Seamonsters, Happy Days, South Park, Bored to Death, Criminal Minds, Mad Men, The Sopranos, Hung, Two and a Half Men, Miami CSI, Sarah Silverman, Arrested Development, Jersey Shore, Seinfeld, Saturday Night Live, OfficeUK/USA

Favourite quotes

"Without music, life would be a mistake." ~Friedrich Nietzsche "I didn't *take* cocaine. I had to pay for it". ~Charlie Sheen "This has become Freaktarded" ~Anonymous

To get to work/school I

Walk, Take the subway/tube/metro, Work from home