
Favourite music

Todas as mulheres do Mundo (Rita Lee) Just (Radiohead)

Favourite books

Any book from Patricia, Galvão, Clarice Lispector, Machado de Assis, Gabriel Garcia Marques, Córtazar, Eduardo Galeano....

Favourite movies

Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol, Glauber Rocha Todas as mulheres do mundo, Domingos Oliveira Caramuru - a invenção do Brasil, Guel Arraes e Jorge Furtado. Full metal jacket, The shining, Lolita - Stanley Kubrick Todo sobre mi madre, La mala educación, Kika, Habla con Ella, Pedro Almodóvar... It seems like i'm writing a tesis ... HItchcock, Spike Lee, Tim Burton and the list goes on and on

Favourite tv shows

not much of a TV geek.. I'll have to say The X files.

Favourite quotes

some of them are in portuguese... "A vergonha do pobre é o dinheiro" (Patricia Galvão) "politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed constantly and always for the same reason " (Ricardo Martins, a good friend) "quando o pobre tem no seu repasto o direito a escola e proteína, o seu cerébro cresce igual a um astro e como a surgir para todo lado Jesus Cristo e muito Fidel Castro " (TOM ZÉ) ‘At first I thought I was fighting to save rubber trees, then I thought I was fighting to save the Amazon rainforest. Now I realise I am fighting for humanity’. (Chico Mendes) "toda sociedade tem o governo que merece" (Max Weber) "Nenhum país comunistas jamais bombardeou uma população civil! Repito, e lembre-se disso! NENHUM PAIS COMUNISTA JAMAIS BOMBARDEOU UMA POPULAÇÃO CIVIL" (Kenneth Tynan) "The political power is simply the organized power of a class to oppress the other" (Karl Marx) "Our reward is in the effort and not in the result. A total effort is a complete victory" (Mahatma Ghandi) "latinoamerica es un enano con el cerebro atrofiado y histronico" (Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Aka Fuser) >> I'm not sure if this is correct, I'll have to check later<<<</body>

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To get to work/school I

Take the bus, Take the subway/tube/metro