



Gold Bar, WA


January 14




Washington state

Favourite music

everything... no really, EVERYTHING or just too much to mention here... try this

Favourite books

the little prince, the last emperor, anything by simon schama, robert massie, william steig, I collect illustrated childrens books, & art books (painting, photography, sculpture, nature), I really do read more than this, I'm just a little ADD at the moment...

Favourite movies

directors by last names gilliam, scorsese, schnaubel, bertolucci, lee, egoyan, coen, frears, coppola, lynch, kramer, attenbourough, lean, kubrick, capra, wilder, brooks, tarrantino, darabont, redford, eastwood, ball, fincher... i know i'm forgetting some, but here's enough to keep you busy until i get my second wind

Favourite tv shows

the simpsons, south park, nature, american experience, frontline, nova, sundance and ifc channels, the daily show, the colbert report, snl, monty python, austin city limits, soundstage, documentaries, biographies, music or history based programming

Favourite quotes

"What I'm looking at is only a shell. What's most important is invisible..." Antoine De Saint-Exupery's The Little Prince

To get to work/school I

Drive car, Carpool, Work from home