



Planet Telex


December 17





Favourite music

Rock alternativo, rock stoner, grunge rock, classic rock, etc. Radiohead, Muse, Alice in chains, Nirvana, SOundgarden, Faith no more, the smashing pumpkins, Pearl Jam, Incubus, Silverchair, Rhcp, RATM, Audioslave, Blur, Failure, Mr Bungle, Ffighters, HdSilencio, Korn, La Renga, Local H, Mudhoney, Nickelback, Pantera, Qotsa, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Ac/dc, Megadeth , Metallica, REM, Skunk Anansie, Stone Sour, Temple of the dog, Soad, A.n.i.m.a.l.

Favourite books

El Túnel [Ernesto Sábato]... Todos los Fuegos el Fuego, Octaedro, Historias de Cronopios y de Famas, Bestiario, etc [J. Cortazar], Relato de un náufrago [G. Marquez], 1984 y Rebelión en la granja[G.Orwell], Cementerio de Animales [Stephen King], La metamorfosis [Kafka], The hottest state -Estado de excitación- [Ethan Hawke], Brida, Verónica decide Morir [P. Coehlo], etc.

Favourite movies

Todas las de Jim Carrey [Truman Show, Majestick, el Eterno resplandor, Ace ventura, ETC!], Tim Burton Movies, Into the Wild [Sean Penn], V de Veganza, Old Boy, Kill Bill, Terminator [1 y 2], Tiburón, Depredador [1 y 2], Alien [1,2,3], avp 2, Antes del amanecer y antes del atardecer, Laberinto, La historia sin fin, etc.

Favourite tv shows

Peter Capusotto, Lost, The Office, Doctor House, Heroes, As If.

Favourite quotes

"I'd like to fly, but my wings have been so denied"

To get to work/school I

Take the bus, Take the subway/tube/metro