francisca posted a status
Aug 26, 2023
romeo and juliet wouldve flopped without exit music tbh

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  • i keep thinking about this comment of yours which i read a few days ago. to think that movie would have flopped is sort of hilarious to me! it featured leonardo dicaprio and claire danes! as a lovesick 12 year old, i definitely would have gone to see it in the theater even if it did not feature the amazing sounds of radiohead. however! it did make the movie much better, didn't it?
    • the story was actually great and i loved the movie but i would not have cried at all if they didnt have exit music at the end honestly

      radiohead KNEW what they were doing !!!

    • yes they certainly did know what they were doing, didn't they. well great. now i'll just have to watch the movie again i guess. it's only been..... several decades or less so i guess it's time. to watch. an actually good rendition of romeo + juliet! thank  you for the recommendation.

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