For those who don’t know or remember, Senor Chieftain Mews,as he likes to be addressed now, was our slightly disturbing host
on ‘the most gigantic lying mouth of all time’ …. Well, his comrade in
arms and occasional masseuse, Chris Bran (who has also been hugely
involved in our webcasts since we started them back in 2000), has a
pilot out of his new comedy called ‘This is Jinsy’ .. it went out last
Monday night on BBC 3 and you can still watch it on the BBC iplayer, but
only for a few more days… hurray whilst stocks last… Go check it out ..
It’s mental:
If we are on the subject of things you should watch then allow me to point you in the direction of the film ‘1 2 3 4’. It was written and directed by an old friend of ours from Oxford, Giles Borg. Giles was a true mensch of the Oxford scene back in the day .. he directed videos (Colin starred in one he made for the Candyskins, and it's on youtube..),and made a fine documentary on Ride. Well, he’s made his first feature film and it’s the story of an indie band forming and trying to get a deal … Sound familiar?...I love it.. You can see a trailer of it at:
It’s showing around the UK at the moment:
Spring is sprunging…
If we are on the subject of things you should watch then allow me to point you in the direction of the film ‘1 2 3 4’. It was written and directed by an old friend of ours from Oxford, Giles Borg. Giles was a true mensch of the Oxford scene back in the day .. he directed videos (Colin starred in one he made for the Candyskins, and it's on youtube..),and made a fine documentary on Ride. Well, he’s made his first feature film and it’s the story of an indie band forming and trying to get a deal … Sound familiar?...I love it.. You can see a trailer of it at:
It’s showing around the UK at the moment:
Spring is sprunging…