#2 Character's Like Poleroids Developing.

                                                                                         Ryan is The Holy Pet.



     Ryan is the only homeless person in White Rock. If you ask Ryan "How are you?" he replies with his gummy mouthed smile " well, I'm a specimen...." and he says specimen like spethemen, because he cannot pronounciate his words properly without the teeth to flick his toung off.  Ryan won't stop talking for as long as you stand there, he will talk.  Once I listened to him for a whole hour, it could have been two hours though, I'm not one hundred percent certain about that. I met Ryan when I  moved to White Rock and started work at the Grocery store, but I had seen him around town long before that and he would always glare at me fiercly. I had been curious about him since he came through my check-out counter. One look at the guy, and you know that there's gotta be something more going on with him than meets the eye. He looks like Santa Clause gone careless...his white hair now matted into one or two large dredds, his bright clear blue eyes, and red cheeks and nose...by the size of his belly, and by the gleam of his eyes, he is by no means a starving homeless person. When Ryan opens his mouth, all teeth missing, and he speaks, what he says...well it made me wonder, because the stuff that he says is laced with riddles and morse code. I always imagined that Ryan was probably the closest person in this life to what Socrates would have been like back in the day. I am surprised that the community hasn't made Ryan eat wormwood yet, although, he's not enough of a threat yet, for that, but if he became one, I'm sure they would. OR sometimes I wonder if the community has already made Ryan eat wormwood, and if thats what has made him become this "Holy Pet" that he now says he is.

      Ryan has evolved since I met him from a" Specimen", to a "Pet", and now he is calling himself a " Holy Pet". Ryan's ex wife is God and Government, and he believes that he was implanted with a chip in his brain when he underwent surgery, shortly after the surgery he went through, he went  crazy, and became homeless. There is some importance to the connection to what Ryan says in riddles, and what I have heard the community speak of about Ryan. As for ever figuring out the truth behind the matter, it's only open to speculation, nothing more...it remains a mystery to me. I have been told that at some point in the past Ryan was working in Government, as either a Judge or a Lawyer, whatever the possition, it was in a place of Power, and he had money and Security. I have been told that he got into some form of an accident, and after the accident, his mental abilities have never been the same, and has remained in the state that he is in now. People think that Ryan is crazy, but I think most people are crazy anyways, just in different ways. A lot of what Ryan says makes more sense than what a lot of more "normal" people say. I think that Ryan lets people think that he's crazier than he actually is, for his own protection, somehow. It's almost as if the crazier people think Ryan is, the less serious he's taken, and the less trouble he can get into with anybody. It's the weirdest thing.

      Ryans favorite food is kippers fish in a can, and pepsi, or sometimes coca-cola (those are the same really anyways aren't they?) Sometimes he'd get packaged ham. His entire diet just seemed to consist of meat, and pop. I don't understand how he has not developed scurvey. Some of the more well-to-do people of the community, while going through the check-out counter, would offer to buy Ryan groceries, in which he would reply with some comment that you cannot even begin to connect from A to B. So the response of people would be to just end up shrugging him off in their regard to help him, feeling rather embarrased about their own attempts to begin with. Some of the regulars at the grocery store who had known Ryan for quite some time, kept tabs on what he liked to eat regularly, and they would just buy him groceries without even asking. Which is really the only way to go with him, because if you ask him anything, you have to be prepaired for litereally like....any kind of reply imaginable.

     Ryan is a universe. Even one hour or two of examination, or ten minutes through the check-out counter, is not enough time it would take to fully develope this character. This piece of projection in writing hardly does him justice. Ryan is beautiful. Sometimes I wish I could take him home with me, like he is my pet. A holy pet I think he is for sure, and when I realize that taking care of him by housing, properly clothing, and feeding him, would be changing him, and he does not want this at all....and i realize that ...that I really like Ryan the way he actually is, then I'm not worried about him anymore. Sometimes if anything, Ryan makes me worry about myself. He would point out the weirdest things to me when I worked at Buy-Low, or when I would see him outside the grocery store. things like... that I needed new shoes, or that I shouldn't dye my hair because it's bad for me. One day Ryan actually asked me a normal question, and for the totality of about half a minute, he appeared completley sain...he asked me "how are you?" because I hadn't been at work for a while, I got sick. Then after he said "take care", he returned to his usual crazy babble.

     Ryan has the most beautiful smile in the whole world, and there is light that shines through his eyes, that I don't see shine through most. Underneith his fingernails is the dirt of the earth, and probably left over kippers from his lunch, and who the hell knows what else? I wonder about where he is, where he is sleeping for the night. Sometimes when it's really windy, or rainy, and snowy, I hope that he's warm enough. He hides his grocery buggy with all of his earthly needs behind this shrubb not too far from the shopping centre. When Ryan is not somewhere else, he's usually seen "up-town" waiting at the bus-stop. I don't know where he's waiting to get to, but I don't think he wants to go anywhere. It's probably just the ideal place to sit so that he can talk to or more so....he can talk at other people who are waiting for their bus.

    Ryan in the winter is a worrisome thing. Ryan in the summer is pretty much the most funny thing in the world, because he lets his belly hang out, and he resembles a pirate who has been on great journeys across lands unseen, unknown. If I could get inside his mind for one minute, if I could get inside anyone's head for one minute, would be enough to change everything I used to think I knew about knowing a person, or anything for that matter. If I had the option to be inside a persons head for one minute, it would be Ryans.

Ryan is as mysterious to me as the stars and all their mighty constillations, yet he is as innocent as a child. He is as crazy as the mad hatter, and yet he is as generous as santa clause in his reflection to the over abundant, average wealthy consumer. Ryan is a Holy Pet. Ryan is an Angel.


 I love Ryan!


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