Firenze, il concerto dei Radiohead: atmosfere magiche, in 40mila a cantare / FOTO | La Nazione http://www.lanazione.it/firenze/spettacoli/concerto-radiohead-1.3199394
RADIOHEAD: fotogallery e scaletta del concerto di Firenze - Rockon.it
15 songs [YouTube Playlist] 14 June 2017 / Visarno Arena - Parco Delle Cascine / Florence, ITALY
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01. Daydreaming
02. Desert Island Disk
03. Ful Stop
04. Airbag
05. 15 Step
06. Myxomatosis
07. Lucky
08. Pyramid Song
09. Everything In Its Right Place
10. Let Down
11. Bloom
12. Identikit
13. Weird Fishes / Arpeggi
14. Idioteque
15. The Numbers
16. Exit Music (For A Film)
17. Bodysnatchers
18. You And Whose Army?
19. 2+2=5
20. There There
21. Paranoid Android
22. Street Spirit [Fade Out]
23. Lotus Flower
24. Fake Plastic Trees
25. Karma Police
thanks for streaming
arielaspalla's photo https://instagram.com/p/BVVgecLjKqT/