that in 2012 at the Radiohead concert here in Atlanta, three young females made fun of me.... I was holding my sign, wearing my derby, whilst on the rail first level and yelling to Radiohead "I love you"! these young girls sitting about 3 rows below me, have no idea how hurt I was with their glares, laughing and pointing at me..... I allowed myself to feel shame and embarrassment for being a 56 year old and acting like a fan-girl. fact is, I am a fan-girl. fact is, I do love Radiohead for the gift of their music and the difference it makes in my life. fact is at 60 years old now, I am not going to allow anyone to make me feel ashamed or embarrassed for expressing my love. Radiohead bring to this diagnosed chronic depressive with anxiety disorder person, great happiness and peace of heart and mind. I wonder if Radiohead have any idea that their music is like medication, or nourishment to some of us, in this sometimes lonely, cruel world?
my deceased ex-husband was a musician, singer, entertainer...... we entertained as a couple many times. turns out singing in public wasn't for me, I became more and more shy and nervous with each performance. anyhow the point I am making is, I think I sabotaged myself this time with getting the tickets for the April 1st concert here in Atlanta. (btw-my husband died April 1st, 2014) I think I subconsciously decided that at 60 years old, I was too old to be with all the young people and enjoy myself as much as they do at a rock concert..... I couldn't understand however, why would anyone want to be stoned. I want to remember every single damned thing. I want to be there completely. I also wanted the 45 minute drive home to be a safe one. LOL
I know I was wrong.... I know I have blown my chance to experiencing the best high I have ever had again, that being a Radiohead concert. I hope I will come to believe that even though I only saw them once in my life, I was so blessed! when I read stories of fans who have never been able to obtain tickets to see them I hurt for them. I feel so blessed that Radiohead chose Atlanta Georgia USA to visit and put on a concert. I feel so blessed that even though I could not see their faces, the one thing that just made me so happy was that, I was in the same damned room, building, city and state with the five men(six including Mr. Deamer) that I so dearly appreciate, listen to everyday, go to that happy place with and I pray they continue to produce more music for me to enjoy till the day I die.
The Radiohead fans I meet here on WASTE and on Facebook, have been so genuine and so compassionate. I hope everyone who really wants to see Radiohead gets a chance in their lifetime, just the way I did. Peace, Love and Blessings to all my Radiohead friends! XOXO Jeaninrainbows