You know almost everyone out there is reporting only the negative things about "Sh*tstorm '09", but I guess there are a few silver linings like this from One of their headlines this week read Illegal Immigrant: "I can't make it here in U.S.". I had no choice but to read it. I was quickly disappointed when I read the first line:"LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Pedro Pablo slowly folds up his American flag blanket and stuffs it in his duffel bag. With it goes his American dream."Yep, CNN like the rest of the bleeding heart liberals think this is a sad thing. Boo f*cking Hoo, Pedro can't find work in America so now he has to go back home. He shouldn't have f*cking been here in the first place.Let me back track. I am not against immigrants coming to America. I really am not. Let them come, but let them come legally. There is a pathway, and if it weren't for all the illegals coming in, the legal pathway wouldn't take nearly as long as it does now. Come in with legal documents, find work, pay taxes, contribute to our society and the building up of America. Raise your family by the fruits of your own labors. That is the American dream. The American dream is not sneaking into the country, buying illegal documents, working for slave wages, avoiding INS agents, and sending every frick'n dime of your money to some other country. That is not the dream. That is not the answer. That doesn't help anyone. It doesn't help the immigrant. It doesn't help his family and it sure as sh*t doesn't help America.The gist of the story is there isn't even day-labor jobs for illegals anymore. That is how bad "Sh*tstorm '09" has gotten. I'm really surprised there wasn't something in the new stimulus package to address this concern that would help these continue to rape our country.Pedro Pablo, an illegal immigrant from Guatemala, headed home recently due to the bad U.S. economy. "I left my family and lost four years with them. I will ask them to forgive me," he said.Pablo is an illegal immigrant from Guatemala who came to the United States to support his wife and five sons back home. When he arrived, construction jobs were plentiful. Over the last year, he says, he's worked three days.He recently boarded a bus with a one-way ticket home, paid for by the Guatemalan consulate in Los Angeles. "I thought I could get ahead here. I regret coming."Well Pedro I regret that you came also, and I really hope your family doesn't forgive you. You sir our a frick'n loser. You are the very epitome of a sorry sack of sh*t."America's economic boom during the 1990s and 2000s created a high demand of day workers needed for anything from building homes to picking fruit and from working at slaughterhouses to working as nannies. Many of those jobs have since evaporated, resulting in more and more people -- immigrants and native-born Americans -- flooding day labor job sites and standing on street corners in search of any type of work they can get."So like ants or cochroaches or flies, they come here, pick us over and when there's no more left, the flee back to their holes. Nice."Steven Camarota with the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington-based think tank that seeks a "pro-immigrant, low-immigration vision," said Census data indicate that more than 1 million illegal immigrants left last year, a departure that began even before the nation's economy took a turn for the worse toward the end of the year.He said better border enforcement and workplace raids on illegal immigrants "let people know that the immigration law was back in business."With illegal immigrants returning home, he said, "It's certainly good for two groups: taxpayers and less educated natives."Erik Camayd-Freixas, a professor at Florida International University who has served as an immigration court interpreter for two decades, said, "The truth of the matter is, despite our 7.6 percent unemployment, most Americans are not going to do those jobs that migrant workers do. They're certainly not going to pick tomatoes, grapefruits and oranges."BULLSH*T. This line of reasoning is the dumbest horsecrap ever. Who came up with this? Who actually believes this? Americans will do those jobs except they don't even pay minimum wage and they're not available. That's because of all the illegal scum bags that are willling to do it for less than minimum wage and farmers and companies are willing to hire them in order to save money.So yes, there's a lot of blame to place on those companies and private parties that hire illegals. They don't get a free pass from me. But as far as what American's are and are not willing to do - well I got 3 teenagers that will do just about anything to earn money for college. And for each of ours teenagers, they have 4 or 5 friends that are also willing to do any of those jobs, and they all know people who are willing to do those jobs. There isn't a job that needs to be done, that we are unwilling to do, so stop feeding me that bullsh*t about illegals doing jobs that American's are unwilling to do. That's crap. Erik, you're a sorry sack of sh*t too."Camarota disagrees with Freixas. He said Americans most likely to compete for day labor jobs -- those with a high school degree or less (the teenagers I was just talking about) -- are currently unemployed at an astounding rate of about 15 percent. "It's very hard to argue that we're desperately short of unskilled workers," he said."That's why my cousins can't even get a job at McDonalds right now. My younger cousin recently worked for the uncle of one of his friends. This guy owns a restaurant and was moving into a smaller location to save money on rent. At the end of the day, my cousin asked him if he could hire him as a server. The man said, "A year ago, I would have hired you on the spot. You're one of the hardest working kids I've ever seen. But I've got a stack of applications an inch thick to fill one server job. Most of those applicants are college educated adults with families they're trying to support. Two of them have Masters degrees. I'm afraid I have to chose someone with kids over you."So I say to all you illegal immigrants. Stop stealing jobs from our kids. Go home. Stop stealing our children's opportunities. Go home. Stop stealing the American Dream from our kids. Go home. Stop f*cking with our kid's plans for college. GO THE F*CK HOME.The final word from Pedro was: "I can't make it here. If I have to suffer, it's better to suffer in Guatemala with my family." I agree. Go suffer with your family. Pedro I hereby crown you "Sorry Sack of Sh*t" and I hope you get home to find out that your wife has been f*cking the landlord in exchange for rent, and that your daughter is prostituting herself for food, and it's because you are a miserable failure.OK, maybe I don't really mean that, but I am glad he's leaving