So the station that got me into Radiohead all those months ago is now being bought out by some company called ClearChannel. It has something to do with the FCC, but I never bothered to look into the details.
Just now, I was listening to the last show of one of the DJs there and she and her guest were just letting loose with their complaints on the station being bought out. They didn't care; they were going off the air anyway. I felt a sort of catharsis as I was listening to them. Screw the censors, right?
I actually have to thank my sister for introducing me to that station. She likes it more than me, since I have more of a tendency to listen to the classic rock stations. Still, any station in my area that plays "How Soon is Now?" by The Smiths is certainly one to tune in to.
But despite the brief period of time that I've been listening to them, I had fun. Their out-of-the-ordinary selections kept me company while I waited for yet another playing of "Free Bird" to whizz by one of the classic rock stations. I may have heard them play Radiohead only once (and to my surprise, it wasn't "Creep"!), but that moment added another surreal detour on my road through life and helped me from going crazy this past spring semester.
So thanks, WFNX. I hope some trite Country station or political talk radio doesn't take you over.