looking glass insecticide.

.ye of the looking glass faith . i will gaze upon your media beaten eyes . inhale a sigh of the oxygen deprived world which encompasses thou and use a shield of energetic babies breath to veil her from the masked man underneath the calm . the perennial cross bearer dawns a new light . uncovering the bloody mess of stars and blue and white . a psalm sung by the mute . a hymn moaned by the magdalena . a tythe given by the leper . superlative accidental insecticide wings and supernova shadowed in a curtain of grey . its only been one winter corsage given by my doppelganger . a skeleton of insight and street knowledge who violates the transparent graves of the vapid in a broken synthetic fiber itching its way through to eavesdrop on a forgotten transistor recalling the supernatural way of life . a vital organ poised on a virtuous high strung deprivation . the looking glass breathes static . [O_O]
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