Behind the thin Vail
when i first awoke i saw behind a thin vail. Slowly but surely i noticed how this thin vail covered that which appeared to be beautiful and with it being removed with the opening of my eyes i saw so much ugliness i wished to never have even opened my eyes to begin with. Once my eyes were opened they would not be closed. I almost forgot at times, in darkness, the truth of all things and true beauty, the beauty of whats inward, invisable, and pure....until a certain many things reminded me of it. the impact of seeing the senserity in the face of a person, even a stranger, the light that shines through something so seemingly small...has such major rippling effects that it could never be fully comprehended at once.
reminders to me that i am grateful to have my eyes open, although they are tired and sore...that i am grateful to understand beyond the vail..
there is a light, force, and energy in love, in people, that is truly unstoppable. once you can see with the eyes of love, illusion is shattered and the truth becomes as plain as day.
there is so much corruption, so much of the ugliness in mankind, that could be changed if we all, on a very individual level would just wake up and see it...see the possibilities before us in a new way....a way not clouded by hate and fear....but a way directed through understanding...and love.
i fear only that there is little time, but i hope that iàm wrong. the end is always a new this there is no fear at least. time seams to be moving rappidly forward faster than ever. we have a window of an opportunity in this time...
i can see it and i am going to step into it with all that i am. in be-ing.
we ARE the change. we Are the protest. we in simply being and seeing what is true.
itàs hard at times to be awake. but once awoken...i would never want to be asleep again.
...come what may...