Ten years after OK Computer shocked the world, Radiohead released In Rainbows on October 10 (10/10). Though no one was expecting the album to be released until 2008, Radiohead announced In Rainbows just ten days in advance. In Rainbows, which consists of ten letters, has ten tracks, and would be downloadable from a rumored ten servers.Radiohead preceded the release of In Rainbows with nine cryptic messages. They repeatedly emphasized X, the Roman Numeral for ten, in phrases such as “March Wa X”, and “Xendless Xurbia”. The tenth message was posted on October 10 with a photo of the band drinking tea.There has been a lot of speculation over Radiohead’s emphasis of ten surrounding the release of In Rainbows. One theory suggests that Radiohead was typifying a binary code of ones and zeros, 1010101010. This has come to be known as the Binary Theory, also called the TENspiracy by some.Puddlegum first addressed the Binary Theory in Radiohead: 1010101010. Someone associated with Thom Yorke contacted Puddlegum, sharing Thom’s reaction to Puddlegum’s article:“The meaning behind all of this is right in front of our faces, we’re just overlooking it. [Thom] has been expecting an article much like this one for a couple of years, as have I. But I’m willing to wager he’ll have fun waiting a few more. On the other hand, it seems to annoy him that no one ‘gets it’ yet, given the mountain of clues.”Ten days after our original article, we have come to believe that OK Computer and In Rainbows were meant to complement each other. During the writing and recording process of OK Computer, Radiohead used the working title of Zeros and Ones. If OK Computer is represented by 01, and In Rainbows is represented by 10, then we have 01 and 10. In binary code 01 and 10 complement each other.Consider that In Rainbows was meant to complement OK Computer, musically, lyrically, and in structure. We found that the two albums can be knit together beautifully. By combining the tracks to form one playlist, 01 and 10, we have a remarkable listening experience. The transitions between the songs are astounding, and it appears that this was done purposefully.The lyrics also seem to complement each other. There appears to be a concept flowing through the 01 and 10 playlist. Ideas in one song is picked up by the next, such as “Pull me out of the aircrash,” and “When I’m at the pearly gates, this will be my videotape.”To create the 01 and 10 playlist, begin with OK Computer’s track one, Airbag, and follow this with In Rainbow’s track one, 15 Step. Alternate the albums, track by track, until you reach Karma Police on OK Computer, making All I Need the tenth track on the 01 and 10 playlist. Follow Karma Police with Fitter Happier from OK Computer, for tracks eleven and twelve. These two tracks act as a bridge between the first ten and the following ten tracks on the 01 and 10 playlist. Then continue to alternate the albums again, picking up with Faust Arp on In Rainbows, with Electioneering on OK Computer as the following track.Radiohead - 01 and 10 playlist:1. Airbag (OK Computer)2. 15 Step (In Rainbows)3. Paranoid Android (OK Computer)4. Bodysnatchers (In Rainbows)5. Subterranean Homesick Alien (OK Computer)6. Nude (In Rainbows)7. Exit Music (For A Film) (OK Computer)8. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (In Rainbows)9. Let Down (OK Computer)10. All I Need (In Rainbows)11. Karma Police (OK Computer)12. Fitter Happier (OK Computer)13. Faust Arp (In Rainbows)14. Electioneering (OK Computer)15. Reckoner (In Rainbows)16. Climbing Up The Walls (OK Computer)17. House Of Cards (In Rainbows)18. No Surprises (OK Computer)19. Jigsaw Falling Into Place (In Rainbows)20. Lucky (OK Computer)21. Videotape (In Rainbows)22. The Tourist (OK Computer)the album title can be heard in the backing vocals of Reckoner.BUT, did anyone notice theIN RAAAAAAAININ RAAAAAAAININ RAAAAAAAINNNNN IN RAAAAAAAININ RAAAAAAAINBOWSstarts precisely at the albums golden section??? I've got fucking chills; can anyone concur?The Golden Section, Golden Ratio, appears at 1/1.618, or about 61.8% of a way through of a work of art. Seehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratioIn Rainbows is 42m 34s, or 2554 seconds long. 2554/1.618 is the 1578th or so second of the album, which is 2m49s into Reckoner, precisely when the strings come in with the album title.I can't believe that is coincidental...can anyone confirm?I found this on line i think this is very insteresting.