Our list, my love, of all the things we must do:
1.) T-Shirt Designs: Life is worth dying for
I'm not lazy, I just don't care
The world is controlled by fucking lunatics
I'm not naturally violent, only when I drink (grandma)
I don't even know what the game is about, but I want to play it with you
One side says SUPERLOVERS, other side says POWERFUCK!
You know something's wrong when you're not even feeling the same temperature any longer
I just think of you and i start laughing
You don't understand the story because you only read the words
Science is the new religion
I can let you go but I won't lose you
Something people hope to find in death if they can't understand it in life
2.) Cups that look dirty but aren't (idea by Giovanni Anzaldo)
3.) Apocalypse book!!!
4.) Siamese twins for Halloween
5.) Try and remain quiet on a coffee break
6.) visit a Korean restaurant together ✔✔✔
7.) Drunk & Yoga
8.) read Nietzsche together
9.) I Have Begun My Ascent + midnight stars
10.) Deduction Experiment - analyze people on the street, deduct something about them, then go and ask them if what was deducted was true.
11.) Personality fucking around aka "Who do you want to be tonight, honey?" - making up roles, then going out in public to "perform"
12.) Dice - select 6 events where to go or what to do, put them on different numbers and let the dice decide
13.) Play To the Moon together
14.) Go to Mother Russia
15.) wear the same or similar clothing
16.) live on an abandoned island for a week
17.) Rhyme game - "Would you in any way be offended..." the response to a quote is always a quote
18.) Harmonize violin & cello (song High Tide or Low Tide)
19.) Random Positive Messaging - posters or stencil art around town
20.) Make stencils - This won't make you beautiful.... and go fuck yourself for me
21.) Visit the dark restaurant together
22.) Watch the German movie - (about being stuck inside for 18 years?) ✔✔✔
23.) Watch sports with classical music
24.) Watch an opera together
25.) Buy DVD's - Derren Brown, Only Fools and Horses, Bob Ross
26.) Make a Bob Ross portrait for our home
27.) Dear Bob - a non-religious religion, worshiping love and love alone
28.) Write emails to: the "i'm sooooo relaxed" woman, the Sasquatch telepathy guy
29.) Book of our characters/Naked in the Dark
30,) Run and play in the Moors - (Wuthering Heights)