
is humankind really falling apart? i would like to be optimistic and say that in the past we were never in a peaceful blossomy situation that now we can dream at; if we have the pleasure delighting ourselves with the pink, glorious pages of history, we will find the same old troubles we are confronting today. actually to consider a moment in time an historical fact, it only needs to attribute to it one (or more) of the following activities: fighting for cows, sheep,land, women, gold, oil; fucking the wrong woman, sheep, business; eating, drinking, sleeping and fucking better than yesterday, know everything about all your neighbour's fortunes and misfortunes and get your hands in to whatever is really none of your business. (if there are any aspects that i forgot mentioning, feel free to do so)

so, if we already was in that chapter more than once, then why the heck don't we learn from our mistakes and start changing the way we do things around the world?

because human's development along time has nothing to do with rainbow philosophy, harmony with nature or whatever nice people would prefer to read in the history books. the only developments were for the sake of our own comfort (for example, everything we invented was created so we will enjoy ourselves like no other creature on Earth ((i don't say that it's a bad thing, everyone who enjoys life should burn in hell! but i can picture human happiness without some of the million things that surround us, sometimes annoy us and exhaust the soul out of us)))

of course, we had in the past people that thought differently than others and become subjects of outrageous punishments, so i feel lucky to be part of these times. but today, if i ask, everybody seems unhappy to inhabit this grouchy society and everybody is going to give a pretty damn good reason for their uncontentments. and in present tense (so i won't repeat "today") we don't live in the same fear or lack of knowledge like in the old witch's days, we have more freedom and possibility to change the way the world goes, but still, we don't do anything. we only feast, reproduce and store energy for nothing, allowing manipulation to grow in our minds, to create the feeling that we are not able to live without human life's privileges, to create the feeling that we are not important, we are like everybody else and totally incapable to do something, that only special people with special powers will save the world, people with important names.

but that is shit.  you are special, because you can think for yourself beautiful thoughts that others may not think of, or others won't express . everybody is important, everybody can create a revolution, because revolutions are not created by sea-lions(only in disney's animations), they are created by men and women just like us that weren't afraid to say what they from society(and by "revolution" i don't mean ((necessary)) an armed conflict, i mean, simply, change). people that made a difference didn't carry the ring of power, weren't approached by an oracle who told them they are destined to change generations. they were boring joes and garys that shit and eat (probably the other way around, sorry) just like us.

so, my basic idea for today, boys, girls and undecided forms from out of space is to pursuit whatever you wish for the society to change for you. and remember this guys are our brothers and sisters of species. nothing much, nothing less.

  sleep tight, tomorrow the sun will still be in the sky, lighting up your day (if you don't leave near the polar circles)!

PS: it would be easy if we would have remained children, but i have the impression that we just think we are grown-ups. we are children that take the game to seriously.

love and affection,theBlub34

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