I told him my tomorrow sorrows, then he leaned close
and said "blackness is blue", and that noise I have made
You can create with a simple thought, toward the poisonous gray
I wished him away, but the more I strayed, he engulfed my soul
I became him, I changed then... it's as if I was devoured whole
What I saw... black castles, dark horses, armed by hell
A cloud of ash suffocates the illusion of a community, I fell
Into the street... I met a man who said he "Understands"
I payed him my last dollars and he went off into a foreign land
He gave me a piece of bread and told me he'd return in golden carriage
I met a girl who told me she loved me, dreamt the clouds of marriage
that perished when she return with her demons, and mask
We can change every part of ourselves but the past is still the past..
The past is still the past... I dug deeper. Deeper then I had ever been
Down to the lowest depths into the wooden arms and broken hearts of men
I saw my cancer take every single part of who I am
I saw... a death, I died 3 years ago... never to become a man
I saw loneliness, I saw a fool with a claw, trying to strike
I saw his all, fall.. then a blank page fell, completely white
What laid beside me, a weapon w/ black blood
A heart, broken, but still, is it truly broken if you still love?
I struck the paper, then a portal emerged
They tempted me with women, cash, to stay submerged
To stay in a desert below the earth, even though it hurt
To watch them go, if your heart won't follow, what's it's worth?
And I woke up... No ghost, no city defeated.
No happy ending if not only in my dreams, I believed it
I believed in me, and who I was, who I could never forget
Stays with me, until I follow the darkest of depths
The past is still the past, even though it's burdensome
It remains in my heart, so when I forgive myself, I can truly.. become.