I was sitting with my phone, laptop and desktop computer this morning for hours watching the countdown timer to buy a single ticket for one of the 2 upcoming Radiohead shows in Boston. Finally when the clock struck 12:00 and tickets went on sale, the ticketmaster site was searching for my ticket for a few minutes. Of course, as a fan, my choice was a Floor ticket. A few minutes later, ticketmaster returned and said there are no longer any available floor tickets for me to buy from, for both nights. This was somewhere around 12:05pm.
I quickly tured to StubHub.com, and as I suspected, viola, hundreds of Floor tickets for both nights are being sold for 3X the price of the ticket.
So, I called Stubhub and asked them, how is that possible? They said, perhaps fans bought tickets and realized they couldn't make it anymore and decided to sell....for 3X the original price.
This is flat out officially supporting illegal ticket scalping. I don't really care about the legality of it as much as I do about not being able to go see my favorite band live.
Some of these "fans" don't even live in the same state where the show is held, these are people living across the country in remote corners, just trying to make money.
When will this stop????
What are Artists trying to do to make sure their fans pay a fair price to come see them perform live?