maybe it was because we were in a place like where i'm from. not where i'm from but like it. country roads. day bleeding into night. highway gas stations. small towns. being looked at. taking pictures in a field. the corn is that high, yes.
and with the sun roof open. and the ac on. and good music playing a little too loud. it all feels like a jeff buckley song. or that volkswagen commercial. actually that's what it feels like. and you're smitten. by the headlights bouncing off the trees and the macadam. by the smell of a humid country night. by all of it.
stars in the sky. eyes wide open. heart alla patter.
like you were before.
and you remember that don't you? through all the countless nights and missing parts and other forgotten stuff. you remember those certain days and places and smells and then things feel like that again. and it makes sense. how it all comes flooding back.
with the next thing.
twenty years ago i was just about to start my last semester in high school.
it was the dirty end of winter.