until our boys will be back on the road again. I just wanted to drop in and say hello to all my favorite Radiohead fans and friends. (^.^) Peace!
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any word on a 2018 calendar?
Well, dear Thom, someone I have deep respect for once wrote in probably one of the most beautiful songs ever written, “I may be a dreamer but I'm not the only one”.
And guess who made my day a couple of days ago in an interview for an Irish paper?Yep, Ed!
“Society misses a trick by dismissing dreams as flights of fancy and fails to grasp their true importance. Do you ever wake up and feel compelled to do something? Or you've had a dream so real it feels it's happened?”
About how he came up with the idea of creating a signature guitar : “I woke and thought, 'This has to be made'. If I'd ruminated on it, I'd have forgotten about it. I acted on that impulse. You can almost make the things that you form in your head happen.”
“I like dreaming at night and dreaming during the day. I always tell young musicians and students, 'Don't be afraid to dream'. Old civilisations took great importance from dreams. Dream time is an important part of my life.”
It's especially important to me in a period of deep confusion where all options are dead ends, I keep dreaming anyway. Dreams are my reality. It's what keeps me alive. And it's more than a metaphor. The only thing is so far is I'm not as good at the technique as he is.
I had a lot of visionary dreams about people that meant to me in the past. I dreamed of some musician from an American band I dated a long long time ago where he got injured in the face by the explosion of a building and later he was taking a freight train, waving me goodbye. As the dream haunted me and I had no longer any way to contact him, I made some research over the Internet and finally found he had died in a car crash. It's really weird but it made me get in touch with one of his ex-bandmates (thanks to social media).
Another dream I had was about someone who broke my heart to a point of no repair and I dreamed informations about him that I absolutely couldn't have known and which turned out to be true. So much accuracy literally blew my mind and helped me realise I was over him for good. That was probably the purpose of this dream.
Another dream yet was about another friend of old with whom I attended an audiovisual school (after I graduated high school and before I decided to go to university and get a master's degree in English language instead). He was the best friend I ever had and I even had a crush on him at the time but for some reason it never happened (well, now I hear that I somehow impressed him too much, oh dear). Well, I kept having dreams about him being in trouble, that he needed a hug and that I should call him. So I finally found him on the internet (ago) thanks to his music (guess all my friends are musicians!) and it turns out that he is in trouble indeed and also that our friendship is as strong as it was then, even after a lifetime gap and he is of great support to me as well.
So who really does think dreams are fancy stuff, a mere biological way for the brain to process all the shit recorded during daytime? No way!
I got so much guidance from dreams. I got into discovering Radiohead (I had missed in the 90's) on an impulse I acted upon just like Ed says he did when he contacted Fender. In the same fashion, I decided to join WASTE months later after I had another dream involving a massive oak tree (the king of limbs?) and a young latino guy. I made my first contribution to WASTE posting a design I called "From the hollow of a thousand-year-old oak tree" featuring the lads dressed up as Rudolph and Santa's elves with Thom as Santa and Ed as the Christmas Angel which was a very good laugh to do and which Lady Newell reposted all over the place, ha ! ha! And most importantly I met the latino guy here on WASTE while everybody ignored his beautiful music (I recognised him through his vibe).
I could go on and on like this but it was important to me to explain why it means so much what Ed said. Right after I've been stabbed in the back this year by two people I gave my time and unconditional support to. Somehow all they ever wanted (unconsciously) was NOT to find a way out of but dragging people into their misery. To them, I'm the one who's got a problem for wanting to change the outside from within. I know they're wrong but at times you tend to lose your grounding and faith and to be overwhelmed with self-doubt. So thank you Ed from the bottom of my heart for reminding me that about dreams.
Incidentally, a couple of weeks ago I felt an urge to remove all the pictures hanging over my workspace and replace them with inspiring quotes. As you can see on the pic below, they're all about dreams: “Everything starts with a dream”, “Every morning you may choose to stay in bed to keep dreaming or get up to make it happen”, Aim at the moon to reach the stars”, “Everything is possible”, “Follow your dreams, they know the way”, etc.
Funny how exactly two years ago, I posted here on WASTE the above picture (on top of this page) as if my subconscious knew about Ed being a “professional dreamer” before he mentioned it publicly, ha ha! Keep sending the good vibes, Ed!
Can't wait to go to bed to dream what to do next. Incidentally my favourite song at the moment is "Song for a dream" by Indochine and it's about sticking to your dreams. And that one from my favourite female singer:
I’m just at the other end of your night
I’m always in and out of your light
Right down the middle of all your dreams
Stevie Nicks