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Jimi Hendrix Writes To His Dad.

Letters Of Note just released a touching little correspondence from rock legend Jimi Hendrix to his father Al Hendrix back in Seattle, Washington. Now, although this site usually stays more current, I couldn't help but be moved by the gravity of emotion that seems quite clear despite a lack of depth. It could be Jimi's yearning for approval, or the humbleness he was often known for.
 Not sure.
The postcard was written in October of 66' from Munich, Germany only two months before 'Hey Joe' would be released. 'Are You Experienced?' dropped shortly after--and eventually as we all know, would go on to be one of the greatest rock albums of all time.
Check out the postcard below:
Dear Dad –
Well...Although I lost the address, I feel I must write before I get too far away – We're in Munich, Germany now – We just left Paris and Nancy France – We're playing around London now. That's where I'm staying these days. I have my own group and will have a record out about 2 months named "Hey Joe" By the Jimi Hendrix EXPERIENCE

I hope you get this card – I'll write a decent letter – I think things are getting a little Better –
Your loving son,

Certainly a touching little piece of rock history and family love...

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Radiohead Hits The Road - 2012 Tour




If you were one of the unlucky ones [like me] who got locked out of their most recent two-day stint at Roseland Ballroom back in September, I empathize with you...

But look!

On the horizon hope lingers! Radiohead has just announced their largest tour since 2008, with dates and cities [and countries] spanning 10 months beginning in February 2012. No mention yet of a return to NY, but I imagine its still a possibility [especially given the rumor that they were supposed to play Occupy Wall St]..
The band has been recently promoting their highly enjoyable and totally necessary remix album of The King Of Limbs and we can expect that their will be some interesting live renditions with all that time spent on the road.
Tickets go on sale beginning Nov. 12 (excepting the Feb. 29 date in Tampa, FL, which will go on sale Nov. 19), with a four-ticket limit per person. The W.A.S.T.E. fan presale will begin Nov. 9 [today].
Don't blame Ticketmaster if for any issues...They can go to hell!
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Be Careful With Ticketmaster Refresh

For those people trying to buy tickets this weekend, I wanted to give you a piece of advice. This past summer I was trying to purchase tickets to another show via the Ticketmaster website. I have had an account with them for years and purchased many tickets this way. For this particular show, I started refreshing my browser over and over at about 5 minutes until the tickets were supposed to be released. Well, apparently Ticketmaster has implemented some sort of blocking mechanism for automated programs, and it thought that I was one of those.

Here's the exact text that I got in response to a customer service request (2 days after the sale began).


We're sorry you were temporarily blocked while trying to buy tickets on Blame the bots!

You see, automated programs (or "bots") constantly hit Refresh when some onsales start, which ties up our system and blocks you (the real live fan) from getting tickets. When that happens, we block them.

Unfortunately, we can't tell bots from human beings so sometimes fans who refresh too frequently get blocked - for about 24 hours.

In the future, please wait 2-3 seconds between each refresh when trying to buy tickets. That way only the bots get blocked.

If you need anything else, we're always here for you - just hit reply and ask us or visit

Thanks for being a fan!


Ticketmaster Fan Support

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Seat Info

Hey, I bought a ticket for the Miami show in GA Floor Seating. Is there anyway to know what row that will be? Or will I have to wait till I actually show up? :PAny way of judging by previous pre-sales what rows were sold?Thanks!
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For all of you who landed St. Louis tix in the lower bowl section, I called Scotttrade center, and the tix will be anywhere in sections 101-118, so that's good news :)  Being in the venue is awesome in and of itself...



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"Fraud Prevention"

My debit/credit card was denied after putting all of the information in to get the presale tickets this morning.  Hours later I get a call from my bank (Wells Fargo used to be Wachovia) and they were asking me about my transaction and that it was denied because of possible fraud.  It was mainly because the website is from the UK  and they consider the transaction as something unusual that "I" would do! Fucking bastards! that was the last thing on my mind!! That the fucking bank was gonna screw me over. It is such a stupid fucking policy because they are categorizing people according to their account activity and not as to what was being purchase which were tickets to a concert in the US, in which I had given all of my personal information, so there shouldn't have been any doubt that it was me making the transaction.  Fuck is my fucking money and I am gonna use it as I like to, and these bastards with their idiotic system of fraud pissed.


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How did it go?

I missed the window apparently.


What time did the presale happen ET?


Which site did they end up using? I had all 4 windows open before I fell asleep.


I guess I'll try for Saturday.



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Question about seats

My friend and I were able to score 4 tickets each for the show in Kansas City. We know that 4 of them are on the floor while the other 4 are in the reserved seating areas 106, 107, 108. When we each received our confirmation email, it did not say anything about specific seat locations (vs. what some others on here have said). Just wondering if we'll eventually get a specific seat location for the reserved seating tickets. Anyone experiencing this same issue?

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Little by Little

Quite an interesting and exciting and emotional morning ehh mister magpie ?


For all yinz who didn't get tix:


I would remain optimistic, the markets for these shows are quite big and at the same time there are plenty of seats / tix to go around.  Please chill out regarding the scalpers, they don't have it that good, they probably like bands that sound like doo doo and they don't appreciate what real music / art is.  


IGNORE the prices you see right now, It's all make believe bullsh.  the real prices will show after ticketmaster / livenation sale occurs this saturday and the prices will come way down.  Your going to have to be patient, if you wait you should be able to find a reasonable ticket.   Be ready when they go on sale saturday as that is the best shot, from there just wait a few months for the prices to chillax on sites like ebay and stubhub etx etx and you should be able to get a decent t1cket5


I just wonder how much a pit / GA floor tix is going to be in the 2ndary market.  Whatever it is I will be paying that because it's RADIOHEAD and I would not miss them regardless.  I got some in 2008 for RainbowsIN and it was not that bad like 300 -400$ per ticket.  I know that is a ton above face but what are you gonna do ? 


All yinz that got these tickets for face are very greatful I'm sure.  All scalpers who got them have fun trying to get them at will call. 

Hook or by crook

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I don't understand how scalpers can sell tickets when these are paperless tickets that have to be picked up at will call.  I also don't know how people are going to swap them

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