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asked by mostperfectday (via tumblr)
I'v noticed over the last few years that a lot of young people have thisfascination with U2. I grew up a teenager in the 80's and I have been
listening to U2 ever since, seeing their shows, avidly. I would really
like for you to tell me the reasons behind your admiration for the band
as a young individual. I think this is very interesting. Thanks, Chris
Well, first of all, let me tell you that I’m kinda “old school” when it comes to music. I love
artists like Beatles, Pink Floyd, Stones, Queen, David Bowie, B. B.
King, Sting… Those are the type of bands that represent music to me,
besides U2.
It’s a little bit difficult for me to put into words what U2 mean in my life, but I’ll try.
Let me start from the beginning… I was introduced to the band by my father and my brother,
when I was 8! I’m Portuguese, so I didn’t really understand the meaning
of any song. Only U2 made me try to translate the lyrics and that was
when I really fell in love with them.
I think Bono is a poet! Every single word he writes touches me in places I can’t explain. Every
single thought he has make me see the world in a whole new perspective.
I love them both as a band and as individuals. Their songs always make me feel in another
world, maybe in my own world. I can listen to them all day, in any
moment, in any mood. They’re the only band that makes me smile, cry,
laugh, jump, scream… All at once!
I love their kindness and the fact that they actually help others, using theirs fame and
success. They should be a role model for everyone!
I had been lucky enough to see them live and it’s just perfect!! I really don’t have enough
words to tell you what I felt that night! But it sure changed my life
and I’m serious about this. The way they communicate with thousands but,
at the same time, the way they make us feel like they’re on stage only
for you, like you were THE fan!
I’m not gonna talk about their brilliant minds when it comes to innovation and
musical/concert ideas. I think the ZooTv Tour, the PopMart Tour and the
360º Tour (mostly) speak for themselves!
As you can see, I don’t really know why I do love them so much, but who can actually not love
them? I think only U2 fans know exactly what they mean to us. It’s
really more than words can tell … I see them not only as a band, but as a
Well, I think I’ll stop here… Sorry, I know this is a lot to read :s and sorry for my English too, I’m not that good in it… xx
2. Suffering build up of nitrogen bubbles in the blood stream, resulting in sharp, spasmic movements (1995)
3. OK Macintosh (1997)
4. Child B (2001)
5. We Forgot About Some Songs From the Child B Sessions, So We Put Them In This Album That I Forgot About (2001)
6. We Secretly Lust Bush. (The Irony) (2003)
7. Homosexual Synonym (2007)
8. I made this cuz I wuz board (2011)
I didn't create it, I found it in YT comments under a Radiohead video, it was a song from OK Computer, I can't remember which exactly.
I'm sitting near this thin, magic, invisible wall that divides infinite space into huge amount of frozen scotch mist and a tiny block of a few cubic meters of lively molecules dancing to heater's ecstatic bassline that could sound like this from Myxomatosis for a half-deaf person who I am.
Fuck yeah, I still have 20 unpacked chocolates, 43 gingerbreads and lots, lots of liters of chocolate in solid state.
Hi everyone,
Wow! ED O' Brien is very good looking, sexy recently! I like his new look, style so much!
Check ED O' BRIEN, NICK MASON (Pink Floyd) and more wishing warm Best Wishes for all of the peoples! There are a lot of cool, interesting things too!
Christmas Messages from the FAC Board Chairs
As 2010 draws to a close, the 3 newly appointed Co-chairs of the FAC put together a few personal words about what they’ve been up to, and what’s coming in 2011…
Ed O’Brien (Radiohead)
“Happy Christmas good people of the FAC and beyond…
I spent most of the last year in the studio working on our new album… I’m unable to deal with anything else when we’re recording… it’s all consuming and I can’t keep those plates spinning…
Despite this, had a brilliant couple of days with music students at Dartmouth and Falmouth… I’ve always been sceptical of schools/colleges that offer ‘popular’ music courses, but I’m happy to say it was more like art college. There are some great young musicians there making bold, innovative and exciting music, and some cool tutors/lecturers encouraging and challenging them. I learn as much from them, as they do from me… In fact I’m not sure what they learn from me, but I had a great time!
More of this in 2011 – have a great year and good luck to each and every one of you…
Ed O’Brien (Radiohead). FAC Board Director and Co-Chair.
Nick Mason (Pink Floyd)
“Originally I thought the FAC would involve me in a little light emailing and the occasional meeting…in fact it’s a torrent of emails and ideas, lots of meetings, talking and discussions, and apart from feeling like a really useful organisation, I should really admit it’s fun.
It’s fun because after forty odd years waving my arms in time with the music its an opportunity to share experiences with musicians from different genres and generations and hopefully actually put this to good use. As well as that there’s the chance to compare notes on all the weird and wonderful crew, engineers fans, record execs, managers, agents, and ‘colleagues’ that have decorated (or graffitied) our lives…..
I’m increasingly conscious of how talented and technically advanced so many young musicians are, and just how difficult it is to find a way in the 21st Century, with all its hi-tech developments and opportunities, to actually make a living in the music business. It would seem churlish not to try and find ways of helping as many of these people as possible. If we can’t help I’m not sure who can or will.
At the same time there are issues facing many older artists. Catalogues unavailable and copyrights running out just as the Freedom Pass comes through the door (yes, I’ve got mine!).
2010 has been extraordinary really. So many doors have been revealed that we haven’t even had time to open them all or explore beyond. We’ve generally had remarkable support and enthusiasm, not only from or members but also PPL & Fran Nevrkla in particular, along with the MMF. We’ve started to work alongside the Musicians’ Union, which particularly pleases me, since I’ve been a member since Humphrey Lyttelton insisted we should join when we supported them at a Cambridge May ball in 1966.
There’s lots more to say but this is probably going out as a tweet anyway, in which case I’ll distil it into 140 characters:
FAC=Torrent of meetings+organisation.Fun.C21 artists tech-clever,yet
need help.Oldies-Catalogues,copyrights.2010 doors opened.Thanks to PPL
And that’s what’s wrong with Twitter…..
Happy Christmas
Mick Mason (Pink Floyd). FAC Board Director and Co-Chair.
Check more in
Thank you Ed O' Brien for your great attitude and brilliant works front to FAC Feature Artists Coalition!
I'm proud from you, ED!
You are the Best!
lots of love,
Natércia(Planet Ed O' Brien)
They live in a symbiosis with our minds. They go backward with every our step forward, but they never turn back. They don't have faces. They're like non-existing screens. When they hurt you, you'll try to hurt them. Oh yes, you're not worth them. They carry inside the secret parts of you to show them on a stage at the most unexpected moment. You try to destroy them using the worst blade you have. But you're not able to broke those strange screens. Trying to destroy the memories, you're destroying yourself.
Anyway... The lights of christmas trees. Shame on me!
Para todos que dividiram conosco as mesmas expectativas, o mesmo amor pela nossa banda preferida, os mesmos momentos e sonhos um Feliz Natal, que tenhamos juntos a mesmas alegrias e motivos para sorrir, sempre!
For all of us who shared the same expectations, the same love for our favorite band, dreams at the same moments, dreams, a Merry Christmas, may we have together the same joys and reasons to smile, always!
Para todos los que compartían las mismas expectativas, el mismo amor por nuestra banda favorita, los mismos momentos y sueños, una Feliz Navidad , así que tenemos las mismas alegrías y razones para sonreír, siempre!
Happy Christmas radioheaders
This Christmas I have such a small Christmas tree (that's because my dad wanted to buy it today when there's completely no trees left) but beautifully decorated. :)
And I just want to wish you Merry Christmas!
New DVD !!!
Many thanks Inez
To watch complete show / video check this link:
All information, credits and links
Absolutely Amazig !!! Merry Christmas !!
not yet
the DVD (so don’t rip this blog :)) – thanks, Kii!!
D1VOB4 and all smaller files and Kii's art
D2VOB4 and all smaller files
RH4H 1280x720 part1
RH4H 1280x720 part2
RH4H 1280x720 part3
RH4H 1280x720 part4
RH4H 1280x720 part5
RH4H 1280x720 part6
And the main soundtrack:
Actually, I don't know what I want to write.
It's indefinable.
Old seams of sentences are tearing apart. And, I'm not sure, but these parts look like meat loafs.
If you're not able to distinguish between stars in the window and illusion of it created by a computer screen, it's bad. And when music is generating galaxies itself, than you don't know what to think, maybe it's better to not to think at all.
These are separated from it's context not even small thoughts but tiny thoughts. The context was "A Midnight Clear" or what else my mind displayed that time.
But these thoughts haven't got it, so they have no sense. No sense for everyone, nobody. But I'm not everyone or nobody, I am myself, so they make sense to me. As much as laws of physics. Maybe more, sometimes.
And I think it's the only thing that really matters.
You used to be alright
What happened?
Did the cat get your tongue?
I don't know what I want to say, actually.
All that I wanted to say has been created in a language of my thoughts that is impossible to translate into any other.