It is really sad that we project our current level of culture and our cultural norms on to others. Just because US imperialism is aggressive and bent on controlling all the resources, labor and markets of the world it can... doesn't mean truly intelligent life would be that way.
In fact there are many arguments that the only way interstellar space flight could be obtained would be through a long term stable culture requiring peaceful social relations among their peoples that could amass a great deal of resources.
In other words societies just the opposite of those of the history of human kind of class domination. In short, a post capitalist society based on abundance that Marx called Socialist and then later a free association of people called Communism or anarchy.
The reason Native Americans were decimated was unfortunately they were not contacted by such a truly intelligent society, but by self righteous Calvinists that thought if you can take it, you should get it, and if you lost out it was because obviously you were not in God's favor. We now practice the modern equivalent of this, the capitalist ethic.
By definition I would say our current way of operating in the world could not be defined as intelligent.
All Posts (48)
Dijiste que esperara un tiempo
Algunos viajes cambian las perspectivas
Soy un vigilante de los detalles
Mi mirada te desnuda
Y quedas expuesta para todos
Ohh adelante, sigue pensando que soy un niño
Te puedo asegurar
Que no estaré bajo tus pies
Estaré por encima de ti
Clavando mis colmillos en tus venas
Soy el perfecto jugador
Para jugar a esto
¿Piensas que soy menos que el?
¿Me debo disculpar por no excitarte?
Cariño, soy mejor que todos, lo sabes
Espero que el tiempo te juzgue
Quizás en otra vida podrá ser
Ambos caerán en su propia desesperación
Su invierno los enfriara
Suponer es mi estilo de vida
No perderé nada, te lo aseguro
Porque ya todo lo perdí
Todo lo que toco, muere
Todo lo que veo es en blanco y negro
Mis enemigos no se comparan a mí
Me presento, soy tu caída
No me interesan tus protestas en contra mía
Esto se convirtió en la guerra fría
¿Aun quieres engañarme?
¡Bravo, perfecto, sigamos!
No te preocupes, estaré ahí
Para recogerte de los que te cojen
Y seguiré fingiendo
¡Sí! Soy un psicópata
El mejor de todos, lo sabes
Saquémonos nuestras mascaras
Para ver quien tiene el rostro más desfigurado
¡Perfecto! Gane, esto se sentencio
Me quedare contigo
Para recoger tus huesos.
driving the stretch of land outisde kent ct to home. valley. vistas. hills. windows down. air feels good. sun feels warm. all is right.
the emptiest of feelings.
Or I can listen to some music and escape the melange of self-induced life dilemmas. On the bright side, I got to see Thom Yorke/Atoms for Peace the second night in Oakland, and I'm quite sure that this experience changed my life. Being in the midst of all that exciting energy between artists and fans felt like I was truly at peace and at home--if home were a state of mind, of course. Now back to writing about civil society.
together to forge some semblance of authority. Halfwits and maroons
across the board. Hurling negativity, like it will turn all sparkly
with the revelation that no one is perfect. Yet, perfection is not
sought. It is up to each person to do their own job and not seek its
completion by others. Bashing the youth as they stare them down, their
condescension burning in the souls of the clueless.
It is just beyond me how an inquisition of this magnitude was assembled
for something so seemingly trivial. Then, it is supposed to have been
up to me to "fix" things. These people got the wrong gal, especially
since I don't believe that there is anything broken. It was almost
laughable to see their expressions when I so graciously reminded them
that what they were asking of me was still under their job description.
Seriously, we all have enough to manage throughout the day. Did they
actually expect that a show of force would bully me into submission.
They could think or say what they want, but that doesn't mean that I'm
going to lie down and let them stomp on me with a smile. It will take
more than their boldfaced intimidation tactics to knock me down. Do
people actually cower to them? They must, or they wouldn't keep trying
to assert their assumed superiority.
Boy, if they think they are going to call me in there on a regular
basis, they are in for quite the fight. Once is more than enough for
me. Perhaps they should focus on solutions instead of bombarding
people with all the minuscule "problems" that really aren't even worth
the time of mentioning. Talk about being focused on the wrong thing
Camino hacia atrás en mi juego, un hombre me dijo:
“Continua con tu manera, no podrás dar un solo paso”
Apartado por barreras que te protegen
Déjame tomar el control, déjame tomar el control
Cuento secretos al viento
El es más seguro que cualquier otro
Se los lleva y los esconde, lejos para oírlos
Gasto mi tiempo, enmarcando tus recuerdos
Los mantengo cerca, para seguir con mi camino
Recordando mis penas, recordándome mi manera
Apartado por ti, déjame tomar el control
Déjame tomar el control
Secretos hacia el viento, lejos y se los lleva
Floto hacia abajo, me hundo de a poco
Esperando tu rescate, esperando que llegues.
(La parte "dejame tomar el control" es de la canción Untitled de Thom Yorke tocada con su grupo Atoms for Peace... bueno es solo esa frase, el resto es creación mia.)
Agora também no youtube
Mais uma mega iniciativa do nosso amigo Andrews Ferreira Guedis, ele organizou, editou os diversos vídeos de fãs feitos no Rio, e está disponibilizando mais essa grande iniciativa para Download
Download disponível aqui
Mais uma vez, queremos parabenizar o Andrews por esse trabalho enorme que vai nos permitir perpetuar todos os momentos, da passagem da nossa amada banda pelo Brazil
Gray skies and broken rain
Sliding down the windshield
A lifeline ever-changing
droplets, in contact they merge
Yet, some sit lonely, isolated
Only to be sucked into the paths of others
Left behind or swept away
As I sat it the parking lot watching the rain on the windshield, I wasreminded of how much it reminded me of people, of life. There are somedrops that sit stagnant, almost like they are afraid to move. They areoften alone. Though, at times they are grouped with others when,without warning, they separate as one joins the crowd and leaves theother longing. A little shove from one nearby and the journeycontinues. Sometimes there are many drops running alongside. Othertimes the seem so tentative that they could be motionless. They cantrickle slowly or rush to an unknown destination. Where there are twostreams nearby, it is difficult to tell if the larger will devour thesmaller, or if the smaller will draw life from the faster flow, thusreigning it in. It is never the same path twice. So many similaritiesand so many differences. It was beautiful and a bit sad. I'd still bewatching the drama unfold, had it not been for me getting swept away bythe crowd.
Holla people !!
Good news !! Good news !! les cuento que finalmente y luego de complicadíssssimas gestiones hemos podido traer a Buenos Aires nuestro precioso librito.
Sí !! Sí !! la edición mexicana de Loup traduciendo Radiohead de Lady Newell & Friends publicada por Stonehenge Books ya tiene distribución en Argentina !!
Vamos a hacer un Book Party este miércoles 21 de abril de 19 a 22 hs en Purr Libros, Av. Santa Fe 2729 /local 32 (arriba) Buenos Aires Argentina
Villa Diamante DJ en las bandejas y Sol del Rio VJ proyectando visuales ¡! – y tal vez ?? maybe … algunas otras surprises !!
Me encantaría que vengan a nuestra fiestita ¡!
See you later ¡! Lady
La entrada al book party es libre y gratuita y si quieren el libro lo pueden comprar durante la fiesta