Sorry if this footage and this music is redundant here on the site, but here's one of many articles about the new song 'Full Stop' including links to the live version and soundcheck version.
Here's the link:
Sorry if this footage and this music is redundant here on the site, but here's one of many articles about the new song 'Full Stop' including links to the live version and soundcheck version.
Here's the link:
I am hoping to hear Little by Little at the Camden, NJ show next Wednesday. I'm wondering why it's the only song off of KOL the guys are not performing.
The Bonnaroo 2012 schedule is up! Radiohead will be going on at 10 p.m. (CST) on June 8th and will be playing until midnight June 9th.
The schedule can be viewed here:
The entire festival will also be streamed on Bonnaroo's official YouTube channel.
Looks like I know what I'm doing tomorrow night. ;)
Lo importante es que la música suene más fuerte que los problemas.
Wis_H you a gL/orious day
Sóley - I'll Drown
Está solo en su casa por ahí, lejos, muy lejos, duerme con los ojos abiertos.
Estaba tan triste la noche anterior, en esta casa por ahí, él tomó mi mano y susurró.
Y la vida es tan triste en esta casa por ahí, su ventana esta bien, su jardín es maravilloso.
Sin embargo, esta cascada de lágrimas saladas proviene de él, él llenará su casa.
Toma mi mano y susurra:
Me ahogaré cuando te veo,
Me ahogaré cuando te veo,
Me ahogaré cuando te veo.
Estas lágrimas corren tan rápido en su casa, por ahí trató de salir, su casa, tomó las manos y sonrió.
Nunca vas a escapar de esta casa triste, muy triste, me tomo la mano, nos hundimos.
Me ahogaré cuando te veo,
Me ahogaré cuando te veo,
Me ahogaré cuando te veo,
Lo hare.
Me ahogaré cuando te veo,
Me ahogaré cuando te veo,
Me ahogaré cuando te veo,
Lo hare.
Find more photos like this on w.a.s.t.e. central
(i'm adding new pics all the time)
01. Bloom
02. 15 Step
03. Kid A
04. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
05. Staircase
06. I Might Be Wrong
07. The Gloaming
08. Separator
09. Like Spinning Plates
10. Morning Mr. Magpie
11. Climbing Up The Walls
12. Identikit
13. Lotus Flower
14. There There
15. Feral
16. Idioteque
17: House Of Cards
18: Myxomatosis
19: Supercollider
20: Reckoner
21. Give Up the Ghost
22: Exit Music (For A Film)
23: Paranoid Android
Inspired by Corben Carpenter's List
50. Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box
49. Cuttooth
48. The Trickster
47. Talk Show Host
46. Lotus Flower*
45. Pull/Pulk Revolving Doors
44. Lift
43. I Might Be Wrong
42. The National Anthem
41. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
40. Sulk
39. Go to Sleep (Little Man Being Erased)
38. Scatterbrain (As Dead as Leaves)
37. Bullet Proof...I Wish I Was
36. Down is the New Up
35. Codex*
34. Cut a Hole
33. Bloom*
32. I Want None of This
31. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
30. Idioteque
29. Morning Bell/Amnesiac
28. Life in a Glass House
27. Where I End and You Begin (The Sky is Falling in)
26. 15 Step
25. Stop Whispering (US Version)
24. Sail to the Moon (Brush the Cobwebs Out of the Sky)
23. 2 + 2 = 5 (The Lukewarm)
22. The Daily Mail
21. The Tourist
20. Fake Plastic Trees
19. Subterranean Homesick Alien
18. I Will (No Man's Land)
17. Worrywort
16. (Nice Dream)
15. Pyramid Song
14. In Limbo
13. Karma Police
12. Reckoner
11. 4 Minute Warning
10. The Amazing Sounds of Orgy
9. How to Disappear Completely
8. A Wolf at the Door (It Girl, Rag Doll)
7. You and Whose Army?
6. Go Slowly
5. There There (The Boney King of Nowhere)
4. Give Up the Ghost*
3. Let Down
2. Nude
1. Paranoid Android
* Basement versions only
Find more photos like this on w.a.s.t.e. central
(i'm adding new pics all the time)
01. Bloom
02. Airbag
03. Kid A
04. Bodysnatchers
05. Staircase
06. Codex
07. The Daily Mail
08. Myxomatosis
09. The Gloaming
10. Separator
11. Nude
12. Identikit
13. Lotus Flower
14. 15 Step
15. Feral
16. Idioteque
17. Morning Mr. Magpie
18. These Are My Twisted Words
19. Subterranean Homesick Alien
20. Everything In Its Right Place (Intro: After The Gold Rush by Neil Young)
21. Give Up the Ghost
22. The National Anthem (Outro: Hunting bears)
23. Reckoner
What would the essence of life be, if that wasn't a question anymore?
Does anyone know if Radiohead is going to release their concert at Coachella on video? I only ask because youtube has a bunch of HD video of the show where it was professionally filmed/recorded.
everyone believes and
Hopes you.
Thank you for visit to South Korea
I wish my old amie amos the rock concert.
because I started liseten carefully radiohead's song after she listning.
Melodies comes to me dawnly carlm down .
forgive me feeling of anger.
mythical creature by accident of ordinary
and to think the other way around
born in the taste of salty sea air
into a dream along
dancing sunlight on clear water
so would ragged and dark clouds drip
from a voice
turned away from oblivion
fooled to run in packs in cities swarming
to run to try to grab the handle
to jump to the moving steps
to feel the rails against my back
and hear the rumble as it is
the wayward drift of distance in mythology
wiped in my eye
of clattering rails and the smell of smoke
of roses
of rutting beasts biting
of bare feet in red tide
again I scrape myself and see
bruises through deepest water
pierced by the seabird’s cry the raven’s cry
over a heart still beating
muffled not under ghetto floorboards
nor roaring wheels
but under bluest fathoms
rocking rythmically
Yay - I finally got my t-shirt I ordered after I went to the concert in March. Word of advice, if you want one, get it at the concert! Stupidly, I did not want to spend the money but when I got home regretted that and ended up ordering after all. Oh well, it was worth the wait!
YouTube Playlist
01. Bloom
02. Airbag
03. Kid A
04. Bodysnatchers
05. Staircase
06. Codex
07. Meeting In The Aisle
08. The National Anthem
09. Nude
10. Morning Mr. Magpie
11. Identikit
12. Lotus Flower
13. Go To Sleep
14. The Gloaming
15. Feral
16. There There
17. You And Whose Army?
18. 15 Step, 19. Supercollider
20. Paranoid Android
21. Give Up the Ghost
22. Separator
23. Reckoner
En un mes habrá elecciones en nuestro país. Las encuestas habían estado dando por hecho que el ganador sería el tele-candidato Peña. Pero ocultaban que la gran mayoría de los encuestados NO querías responder la encuesta.
El 17 de abril (primer concierto de Radiohead en la ciudad de México), el candidato de las izquierdas López Obrador visita la Universidad Iberoamericana y sale entre gritos de "presidente".
El 11 de mayo el tele-candidato hace su visita y sale entre gritos de "asesino" y "cobarde" .
El 12 de mayo los periódicos tienen en sus portadas "Exito de Peña en la Ibero", en el interior decía cosas como "sólo eran unos cuántos y ni siquiera eran estudiantes de la Ibero, los mandó López obrador"
Ese mismo día los muchachos de la Ibero hacen un video con 131 estudiantes mostrando su credencial para demostrar que no fueron acarreados y sí son de la Ibero
El 19 de mayo hubo una marcha anti-Peña Nieto.
El 20 una concentración en el zócalo se volvió marcha hacia el ángel de la independencia. Si haces un diagrama de Venn notarías que hubo muchas personas que estuvieron en las dos.
"Prensa vendida, peña no va arriba"
La gente está enojada pues se ha dado cuenta de que la televisión miente. Hay 15 millones de jóvenes que votarán por primera vez y NO quieren imposición.
Se organizó una asamblea de todas las universidades del país en la UNAM la universidad pública más importante del país.
Las marchas han sido muy pacíficas.
Esta noche fue la última y habrá más.
Thanks for the support!
Pop each vertebrae like popcorn and let me lye motionless on the concrete
Seething and writhing I am no one no more
Throw back to the old times
The golden age
The mellow dramatic unfolding of time
When we were once known to falter but survive
I am one more candle flickering flame
I am one more dew drop under the eaves
I am one more bird to take flight
Remember me under the veil of sunshine
As it burdens the snow
Each snowflake unique like each human being
Briefly frozen in time before melting
Before dying
Find more photos like this on w.a.s.t.e. central
(i'm adding new pics all the time)
01. Bloom
02. Airbag
03. Kid A
04. Bodysnatchers
05. Staircase
06. Codex
07. Meeting In The Aisle
08. The National Anthem
09. Nude
10. Morning Mr. Magpie
11. Identikit
12. Lotus Flower
13. Go To Sleep
14. The Gloaming
15. Feral
16. There There
17. You And Whose Army? (sorry, mistake, NO “How To Disappear Completely”)
18. 15 Step
19. Supercollider
20. Paranoid Android
21. Give Up the Ghost
22. Separator
23. Reckoner
best night of my life. i was very close to the stage! i yelled "i love you ed o'brien" in between songs - and he looked all over in the audience until we met eyes and yes, i must say, he smiled at me. best concert ever :x i'll be posting pics and vids, my friends!
love, diana