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Dear Radiohead,

Not sure if you pay any attention to the postings here on W.A.S.T.E., but if you are, you will surely notice how burned so many of your REAL fans feel after some of the the agonizing ticket sale fiascos of the past few weeks. Getting to know some of these folks by their W.A.S.T.E. postings (which means they are true and engaged fans), it has been heartbreaking to feel their disappointment at not having any REAL shot at buying tickets to see you guys in the Southern California area; up all night to dutifully try the pre-sales, logging on at the exact time to try the on-sales, etc, being told SECONDS after logging on that you're SOL pal. Then minutes afterward, seeing tickets popping up on scalper sites, craigslist, etc. for many hundreds and even thousands of dollars. Really!!! What gives?

I know that this is not what you guys are really about. These fans in particular, are the ones who really love your music. They're not the people who got all worked up about you when you got really popular from The Bends and OK Computer because you were the hot shit flavor of the moment, then slammed you for being all "weird" with Kid A, etc. (remember?: "where are the guitars!!!?"), or even the idiots who said "King of Limbs... It's so short!" (imagine... morons). No... they are the core fans who are really down for the twisting, turning wild musical journey that you guys are on (that WE are on too), no matter where that takes us all. They are the ones really listening to the music, and not there for the "scene".

But the truth is, for better or worse, your  preeminent musical vision has made you cultural "icons" as such, and therefore- there's all the bullshit that comes along with that. The scene-sters want to flock to you, and will pay anything to bask in your aura, and the opportunists, who recognize the deep passion of your true fans, seek to exploit that by re-selling them the "lucky" chance to participate in the musical journey (for mucho $$$$). You guys are great, but you're no Bieber! Meaning: as great as you are, most of the pop "mainstream" is still "Radio-who???" The intense demand for your tickets is not driven by mass pop hysteria, but mostly by deeply passionate music-heads. And unfortunately, passion like this is easily taken advantage of.

It is time to realize that you guys are both the creators AND the beneficiaries of a very unique, wonderful, and hopefully long lasting musical juggernaut, and that, again- for better or worse, this means you have to do things a little differently. I think you realized this when you revolutionized the joint with the way you got In Rainbows out there. Now, it seems time to take an equally revolutionary tack with the way your concert tickets are sold. The truly faithful need (and deserve) to have a clearer path to getting tickets for your shows. Please reference the way the Grateful Dead used to sell tickets to their shows: the GREATER percentage of their tickets (sometimes ALL the tickets for a show), were sold only through their fan club, via mail, and it was a true and fair lottery. Maybe you guys could come up with an approach which is as new, cool, and fresh as your music is! I know you can do it. If the Dead could do it for their Dead-Heads, you can do something right by your Head-Heads. And we Head-Heads hope there will be many many more years of wonderful music from you all for us to support, and that we will get a fair chance to be part of the ride. Thanks for listening.

Sincerely, Mad Johnny

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"Keep it"



The Sleep Thief has come again in the night to snatch away my dreams.

He hands me the watch and says "Here, keep it" I give it back to

Him saying in reply " Sorry, I don't believe in Time.

Only the distance between the dimentions of space and sound"...

As usual He laughs at me and dissapears into the dark.


Once He's gone I close my eyes and project

myself outside my body into those other dimensions--

the dimensions where I am not limitted by my body.

And then it's me who is laughing, but not at him, not at anybody

but myself.


If I keep it, it's gone...

If I let it go it always comes back.


My dreams travel faster than the speed of light.

He can tell me the times ticking, but

He can never catch me in my sleep.

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Ok Computer: A Tribute [MUSIC]



A while ago, came across a tribute album developed in honor of the 10th Anniversary of Ok Computer. Not sure it got the attention it deserved then, so figured if there was ever a place to share it, this would be it.


It features a motley crew of bands from all genres so there is bound to be something for everyone. Whether you prefer the more poppy or more experimental. All accounted for here.


Dig in.







14. Doveman - Airbag

13. Slaraffenland - Paranoid Android

12. Mobius Band - Subterranean Homesick Alien

11. Vampire Weekend - Exit Music (For A Film)

10. David Bazan's Black Cloud - Let Down

9. John Vanderslice - Karma Police

8. Samson Dalonga Feat. The Found Sound Orchestra - Fitter Happier

7. Cold War Kids - Electioneering

6. The Twilight Sad - Climbing Up The Walls

5. Marissa Nadler Feat. Black Hole Infinity - No Suprises

4. My Brightest Diamond - Lucky

3. Flash Hawk Parlor Ensemble - The Tourist

2. Northern States - No Surprises**

1. Chris Walla - Polyethylene (Parts 1 & 2)**






OKX - A Tribute To Ok Computer



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Radiohead: Top 20 Covers [MUSIC]



Been a while since a Radiohead post, so no choice but to dig through the archives for some gems. Reckon most people have heard the majority of these, but for those who have not, they're quite worth checking out: Radiohead's top 20 covers. Debatable, of course.. What is not, is the fact Thom Yorke loves Neil Young.


All the songs considered are only ones on which Thom sings. Which is pretty solid criteria for this post. Some of the covers include classic Pink Floyd, Joy Division and Neil Young, plus some Oasis and Bjork.




20. Radiohead - Wonderwall (Oasis Cover)

19. Radiohead - Down By The River (Neil Young Cover)

18. Radiohead - Sing A Song For You (Tim Buckley Cover)

17. Radiohead - I'll Wear It Proudly (Elvis Costello Cover)

16. Radiohead - Cinnamon Girl (Neil Young Cover)

15. Radiohead - Shot By Both Sides (Magazine Cover)

14. Radiohead - On The Beach (Neil Young Cover)

13. Radiohead - Tell Me Why (Neil Young Cover)

12. Radiohead - Rhinestone Cowboy (Glen Campbell Cover)

11. Radiohead - The Thief (Can Cover)

10. Radiohead - Unravel (Björk Cover)

9. Thom Yorke - All For The Best (Miracle Legion Cover)

8. Radiohead - The Rip (Portishead Cover)

7. Atoms For Peace - Love Will Tear Us Apart (Joy Division Cover)

6. Radiohead - Nobody Does It Better (Carly Simon Cover)

5. Sparklehorse (Feat. Thom Yorke) - Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd Cover)

4. Radiohead - Union City Blue (Blondie Cover)

3. Radiohead - Ceremony (Joy Division Cover)

2. Thom Yorke - After The Gold Rush (Neil Young Cover)

1. Radiohead - The Headmaster Ritual (The Smiths Cover)


If there is anything you feel is left out, please drop a note below and I'll try to remedy the situation.



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"Попутчики" на Эхе Москвы

вчера гостем программы был Василий Конов, главный редактор спортивного агенства "Р-Спорт". Понравилась история, рассказанная им, фэном группы, о поездке на концерт радиоголов в Лондон. Передам дословно, насколько я запомнила спросонья.

Итак, пятеро друзей, так и не дождавшись Йорка сотоварищи в России, решили поехать на один из лондонских концертов (уж не знаю, в какие года, но учитывая, что Василий молод, наверное, не так давно). Естественно, билетов нет, всё давно распродано - вы же сами не так давно участвовали в этом страшном марафоне в погоне за билетами, и поздравляю счастливчиков, которые летом впервые увидят и услышат. Спекулянты продают билет втридорога. Билеты, стоившие 32-33 фунта, стоят у них сто фунтов. Василий с друзьями уламывают перепродать не с такой бешеной наценкой, взывая о сострадании к российским фанатам, которые потратили последние деньги на дорогу до острова. Британских перекупщиков бесполезно бить на жалость. Но тут подходит полицейский, дежуривший в оцеплении, и, слыша русскую речь, заводит разговор на чистейшем русском языке. Я было подумала, что это наш эмигрант. Но оказалось, что нет. Узнав, что ребятам нужно пять билетов, он просит подойти их минут через 5-10 и потом приносит им пять билетов за первоначальную стоимость. Полицейский оказался, как выразился Василий, фанатом России, самостоятельно изучил русский язык, читает русскую классику и был рад встретить россиян. Слушайте, видимо, это все таки было давно, поскольку сейчас уже треть столицы британии говорит по-русски.

А история совершенно замечательная.

Он еще рассказывал, как побывал на концерте  Portishhead (вроде правильно написала). Вышел абсолютно восхищенный и ошарашенный и пошёл до отеля пешком, ничегошеньки не соображая про эту грешную жизнь. Но это пусть фэны портишей пересказывают.

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Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

"He gave him a thousand pounds.
Told him he was dead now and
couldn’t come back. Had to become
a Lotus Eater - forget everything
that happened - Control’s theory,
Tinker, Tailor... all of it."
 Great Movie last night, tried to figure out the term Lotus Eater...

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1. Lotus-eater or Lotus Eater Greek Mythology One of a people described in the Odyssey who lived in a drugged, indolent state from feeding on the lotus.
2. A lazy person devoted to pleasure and luxury.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
(Myth & Legend / Classical Myth & Legend) Greek myth one of a people encountered by Odysseus in North Africa who lived in indolent forgetfulness, drugged by the fruit of the legendary lotus

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers

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  I stayed up all night along with many other members trying to buy tickets, after being up all night and finally realizing the pre-sale goes on sale at 10AM and refreshed at 9:59:58 took about 5-6 seconds to refresh and then "Sold Out" sign was already up, some others had the opportunity to add tickets into their basket, only to find out there is nothing added. That day I went to work late with no sleep.

 Then today I was supposed to be at work at 9:00AM, called in to be late again and waited at the coffee bean near my work hoping to try scoring  tickets since 10:30am and then 10:59:57 I refreshed and took me to the ticket selection page right away without any loading delay, entered the 2 Capcha codes and then "Sorry No Matches Were Found, But Other Tickets May Still Be Available on Ticketmaster" This was exactly 11:00:04

 The Million Dollar question is how many actual tickets were available for the general public through Ticketmaster for them to be sold out in merely 3-4 seconds and same goes for the pre-sale. Or was it designed this way, so that if you really wanted to go to the Radiohead show, you would need to pay 2-10 times the actual face value. I've been buying tickets through Ticketmaster before there was a such thing as Online Purchase, where you had to go to a retail outlet and wait in a dreadful line, but never in my lifetime I saw any event sell out in few seconds, I strongly believe 90% plus was allocated by Ticket brokers and dealers before it went on sale to the general public. The GA Floor is selling for $800+ and middle section is $500+ and way in the back is $160-200, it almost seems like you either have to be rich or extremely lucky to purchase tickets at face value.

 Either way it sucks for many True Radiohead Fans that can't spend the broker/dealer prices, and even though someone decides to sell you tickets, I don't even know if these tickets are transferable, it said only if the promoters or the artist permits the transfer, same goes for the Ticketmaster personal ticket sales, you can only sell the tickets on only if the promoters/artist permits it. It's just a big upsale conspiracy and I am pissed.

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You bought as many tickets as you could and unfortunately you broke up with the person you were planning on taking, things just were not meant to be - your friends you bought tickets for did not show enough appreciation for your thoughtful gesture? Either way I can help you - I know how it must feel to have those extra tickets weighing you down - losing sleep at night, tossing and turning. The anticipation is too great, the burden is too heavy - the expectations, too intense to continue.

Take a deep breath and relax, - at last!  The resolve to your anguish has arrived. Email me at:  to discuss further remedies to your ailment.

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