Favourite music
Joy division xiu xiu einsturzende neubauten elliott smith parenthetical girls swan lake frog eyes current 93 molly shannon molly shannon mariah carey ssion morrissey roxy music syd barrett tchaikovsky prince radiohead
Favourite books
lewis carroll philip k dick emile zola charles dickens edward st aubyn bronte sisters nabokov gabriel garcia marquez david foster wallace r.d.laing
Favourite movies
mulholland drive sympathy for lady vengeance neverending story event horizon kumiko the treasure hunter sleepy hollow the shining let the right one in
Favourite tv shows
mystery science theatre 3000 battlestar gallactica noel fieldings luxury comedy star trek hannibal tim & erics awesome show twin peaks mr show
Favourite quotes
"the determinist forces are wrong But irresistibly strong While of God there's a dearth For he visits the earth But not for sufficiently long" Philip k Dick