



February 14



On the banks of the mighty Columbia River, in the shadow of Mount St. Helens

Favourite music

radiohead, led zeppelin, u2, the beatles (group AND their solo careers), bowie, queen, clapton, fleetwood mac, the killers, massive attack, patsy cline, johnny cash, hank williams, sheryl crow, the tubes, joni mitchell, paul simon, neil young, bette midler, bob dylan, chemical brothers, the beach boys, dead can dance, doves,

Favourite books

The Chalice and the Blade, by Riane Eisler The Woman With The Alabaster Jar, by Margaret Starbird The Moon Under Her Feet, by Clysta Kinstler The Avebury Cycle, by Michael Dames The Modern Antiquarian, by Julian Cope The Sun and The Serpent, by Paul Broadhurst & Hamish Miller The Isle of Avalon, by Nicholas Mann Jitterbug Perfume, by Tom Robbins The Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley The Amelia Peabody mysteries, by Elizabeth Peters The Outlander series, by Diana Gabaldon The Gate to Women's Country, by Sherri Tepper The Throne of Scone (Keltiad), by Patricia Kennealy (Jim Morrison's former, alleged wife) The Language of the Goddess, by Marija Gimbutas Motherpeace: A Way to the Goddess Through Myth, Art, and Tarot, by Vicki Noble and Karen Vogel Spriritual Midwifery, by Ina May Gaskin

Favourite movies

pretty much anything directed by Scorcese, the Coen brothers, Kubrick, Tim Burton, Speilberg, Spike Lee.... pretty much anything starring Robert Redford, Tom Hanks, Ewan MacGregor, Meryl Streep, Jodie Foster, Jonny Depp, ......

Favourite tv shows

okay I confess, I still watch Lost ;) Escape to Chimp Eden is one of my new faves.

Favourite quotes

"I am not afraid, I was born to do this." (Jeanne D'Arc) "The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self-awareness." (Annie Savoy, in the film Bull Durham) "There's no crying in baseball!" (Coach Jimmy Dugan, in the film A League Of Their Own) "If Bono left, we could carry on. If I left, we'd be screwed." (Larry Mullen Jr.) "…when seeking work, or if you already have a job, it is important to keep in mind that a human being isn’t meant to be some kind of machine designed only for production. No. Human life isn’t just for work, like [a socialistic] vision where everyone’s purpose is just to work for the state, and there is no individual freedom, where the state even arranges the person’s vacations and everything is planned out for the individual. That is not a full human life. Individuality is very important for a full human life, and then accordingly some leisure time, a bit of holiday, and time spent with family or friends. That is the means to a complete form of life…. If your life becomes only a medium of production, then many of the good human values and characteristics will be lost–then you will not, you cannot, become a complete person. So if you’re looking for work and have a choice of a job, choose a job that allows the opportunity for some creativity, and for spending time with your family. Even if it means less pay, personally I think it is better to choose work that is less demanding, that gives you greater freedom, more time to be with your family, or to do other activities, read, engage in cultural activities, or just play. I think that’s best." (His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama)

On RHMB I am known as

La Louve

To get to work/school I

Drive car