Remember New Yorkers, Americans, Sympathizers worldwide:Today is the last day to voice your dissent in the fight to save Coney Island from re-development.I have sent the following missive. It seems fitting. I hope you follow. Email this address before 5pm ET 7/11/08: rbelsky@nycedc.comDear Mrs. Belsky,Sirs & Mdms,I am a Brooklyn resident, a New Yorker, an American. I am a student of our past and an admirer of our present. However, I see clearly the mistakes of our fathers in the name of development, of forward momentum, of manifest destiny.Progress and history are not mutually exclusive. An entity that exists in the collective conscious of so many souls, past and present--passed ever toward future souls--has cascading energy, like so much inertia, capable of blowing you over. A shockwave felt for generations.You and your monies will one day be gone. Coney Island will remain. For all of your efforts, it may change, but the fugitive sensation of its past will be the dread image that haunts our future sons and daughters: our living historians.One day we will clamor to rebuild, like Penn Station before it. And on this day your legacy will join the fate (prematurely ushered in by your kind) of our beloved park, our beloved boardwalk, our beloved Brooklyn--damned; the casualties of a gluttonous fold.In the end, Coney Island is lost; you, forgotten. Who does it serve?America needs its past; New York needs Coney Island; Brooklyn, its soul.Leave our park, our pastime, our land alone.Ever yours,Matthew S King[[contact info omitted]]
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Hey everyone...this is my first blog post on W.A.S.T.E.. Been a fan since '94.I can't tell if this is the best or the worst new band I've ever heard. You can decide I guess. genre is this?
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Some previous reports from radiohead have suggested they have written and rehearsed a few new songs... This hasn't really happened before.....except I suppose, for the end of the 1998 tour "how to disappear" and "nude" were played, and during 2001 the early "reckoner" was played. During the Hail to the Thief tour there were no songs newer than that album played. so of course it's possible that new songs might not be played during this tour, but it sounds like there are a few, and of course a few mysterious songs like "pig's ear" and stuff like that from sessions leading up to in rainbows that must have been pretty good. so, to get to the point, in a week or so (for myself) and less than that for others, there may be a completely new radiohead song to hear and marvel at! It's hard to comprehend, I suppose, and possible that new songs if any emerge in concerts, won't be played til later in the tour.Also definitely excited about the video recordings of apparently ten or so songs including "optimistic" "where i end" and "myxomatosis" along side in rainbows songs which will emerge tomorrow. I won't be watching those until after next friday, but that isn't too long to wait!
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