KAVA is a psychedelic band that formed in Chicago in 2011. We are now split all over the country (California, Colorado and Chicago) but still constantly release new material and tour a handful of times a year.

We decided that we would all meet in Seattle for the Radiohead show and are now looking to perform somewhere. Our music is weird. Over the past few years we have moved away from playing bars and have played communes in SF, art exhibits, live film scores, private parties, etc.

We are looking for nothing other than good people to share our strangeness with.  While we have some psych rock recordings:

when we play these types of events we tend to do more stuff like this:

If you are interested in hosting us for either a pre-Radiohead show or a late night thing after, we would love to join you and provide a live soundtrack and possibly visuals for your party.  Please contact me if interested:

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La banda festeja el cumpleaños de Ed con una fiesta en México !!

La banda adoptó la colonia Roma para comer; cenan y desayunan en el mismo lugar REFORMA/Redacción

Ciudad de México  (17 abril 2012).- Entre vino, champán y pastel festejó Radiohead el cumpleaños del guitarrista Ed O'Brien en su primera noche de visita a la Ciudad de México.

 "Feliz cumpleaños querido Eddy, feliz cumpleaños a ti", cantó en coro el quinteto de rock alternativo originario de Inglaterra, que se presentará hoy y mañana en el Foro Sol. 

Tras su llegada el domingo por la tarde al Aeropuerto de Toluca, la banda se registró alrededor de las 19:00 horas en el hotel de la colonia Juárez donde pasa su estancia en México.   

 Luego, a las 21:00 horas, salieron en dos camionetas rumbo al Restaurante Belmondo, en la colonia Roma, donde celebraron los 44 años de O'Brien, encargado también de la segunda voz del grupo.

 El lugar fue cerrado para este festejo, y dentro del mismo se encontraban al menos seis elementos de seguridad de la banda. 

Antes de partir el pastel, el grupo de britpop junto a su equipo degustó bajo la luz de las velas algunos emparedados, carne asada y ensalada, mientras que el vocalista de la banda, Thom York, quien es vegetariano, sólo comió verduras cocidas y una baguette de vegetales acompañando sus platillos con una copa de vino blanco. 

Con besos y abrazos felicitaron al músico tras apagar las 44 velas que adornaron su pastel. Algunos fans que se encontraban dentro del restaurante se acercaron para pedir un autógrafo al líder de la banda, quien se mostró muy sonriente. 

Entre los invitados a la velada se encontraba el músico Camilo Lara, integrante del Instituto Mexicano del Sonido, quien compartió durante tres horas de una celebración íntima con sus amigos.

 "Feliz cumpleaños, te quiero mucho Eddy, muchas felicidades", le dijo Colin Greenwood, bajista del grupo, al abrazar a su compañero músico, con el que trabaja desde 1985.

 Felices, los cinco integrantes agradecieron a los meseros su hospitalidad y luego se subieron a sus camionetas en punto de las 00:15 horas ya del lunes, para dirigirse directamente al hotel. 

Ayer, a los músicos les amaneció muy tarde, porque salieron a desayunar ¡a la hora de la comida! 

Thom Yorke y Colin Greenwood salieron del hotel hacia el Restaurante Belmondo, ubicado en la Colonia Roma, poco después de las 14:00 horas, el mismo inmueble donde cenaron el domingo por la noche. 

Yorke le pidió a su staff que evitara a toda costa que los fans se le acercaran, por lo que el bajista se acercó a dar autógrafos mientras Yorke se metió a la camioneta sin que nadie lo viera. 

Llegaron al sitio y la chef del lugar, Gabriela Romero, fue quien los atendió personalmente. 

"Nos pidieron que les preparáramos desayuno, estuvieron muy accesibles. Son chicos muy agradables", comentó Romero. 

Colin y Thom desayunaron huevos a la cazuela, aunque variaron la especialidad y el preparado. 

"Tom los pidió con espinaca y poro y solicitó una ensalada de arúgula con higos, tomates y espárragos. Colin los pidió a la mexicana con nopal y salsa de chile guajillo", detalló la chef.

 De beber solicitaron smoothies, el cantante de piña con coco y el bajista de té verde y los dos compartieron una rebanada de pastel de zanahoria, añadió.

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Not much to write these days... Work takes most of my day, sleep and idling use the rest.Can't help but get angry at myself for not taking time for all the stuff that matters, feeling apathic, want to go back to bed, in the dark, and WAIT. I don't know what I'm waiting for, but that's all I'm doing. Not even thinking, what a shame. Still have to install the new Firefox release and test it. Have been told bad stuff about it, hmmm. Still have to find a white dress for tonight. Cosplay party, I'd like to go as Sadako Yamamura from the リング trilogy, but I need the dress, and something to dye my hair. Might be fun to wander in the streets barefoot and in a white dress, it's warm enough.I've been out last night, idiotic business party ; speeches and drinking in a place you cannot access if you don't have a car ; crawl back in your head until you can get to the people you know and try to have fun (and make fun of others & listen to the firm gossip. That's actually the best part. Tongues definetely loosen in these parties, and you learn sooo much material). Hopefully (or not), I got there just as the managers speech ended (a shame, really), I had work to finish as soon as possible, might have to work this weekend, etc. I didn't want to go anyway. Was dragged by fellow coworkers (shit) with the promise of having fun and(as long as I was concerned for not having eaten all day) free food. The place was nice, enough trees to forget the big road just around the corner, and for once we got lucky with the weather. It was warm, it was sunny, the end-of-spring air was light and when I arrived (after struggling to park the car) I felt that, if I could find food and activate my selective hearing chip, maybe, just maybe, I could get through the night.The beginning wasn't so bad after all. Laughed for a while with a few people, made fun of others while others made fun of me, got my hand around a wiimote (4 wiis & 8 wiimotes for 250/300 more or less geek people, can you believe that ?)."We ate the food (they obviously didn't know how to cook meat on a barbecue, but dessert was great, first strawberry of the year !), we drank the wine, everybody having a good time..." (been listening to Achtung Baby these days, I forgot it was such a good record.). I didn't even talk about the end of the world, but had a nice conversation about Pierre Desproges. And about the difference between fandom and passion. Yeah, probably the best part of the night.Then music started, organizers probably expecting us to dance on the shit they put on, and I made a dignified exit. Had fun again when it was time to leave, for the guy I was taking home was struggling to understand how the provided alcootest worked, then marvelling at the green spreading beyond the limit. Kept mine for my flatmate, I'm sure he'll be moved by the gesture.We managed to get lost on the way home, which is nice even though I was a bit tired. I hope I'll never have to buy a GPS. I never could understand the use of it. Having a computerised voice telling you where to go reminds me of my driving class ; and mostly, how can you get lost if someone tells you where to go ? Well, seeing your parents reading maps when you go on holidays surely wrap your mind about how to go somewhere, or maybe I'm old before age.
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