Short (8)

Give Up The Ghost

The Song that inspired me to create....

Thanks to you, Radiohead for writing it.  I am sad that I never was able to get licencing for your song, but....

I was still able to create something that I feel is of some worth, and am glad for the experience.

Watch the short Film inspired in-whole by simply listening to "Give Up the Ghost" .....

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365 Stories

Hi there, 

This might seem completely off topic and a little bit cheeky, but I'm a struggling writer (I've got to have a day job in a well known bank that's lost a lot of your money) and I have taken it upon myself to write a short story of 500 words or more every day for a year. I started on the 7th of October. That makes today day 168 (I started on day 0). 

I sometimes even write a good one!

It's a bit tiring, but I could do with some support - so get reading or I'll hunt you down and eat all your biscuits. And I don't even like biscuits.

Website address:

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365 Stories - Best Ever Viewing Figure!

Today marks the highest visitors to my site ( to date! Make it even higher - take a gander at the last few stories I've written - or the first few! Already got a few people hooked today!

Leave a comment - show your support!

I'm tired, bedraggled and slightly dead! I work 9-5 at cut-throat consultant company for a lazy, good for nothin' British Bank! I've worked til 10pm every night for almost two weeks now - and I still have to write a story at the end of it! All this staring at a computer screen, I might go crazy! So show your support to a poor little wannabe writer!

Much Love

Steph - the 365 girl!

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Day 171 of 365 stories tonight - 12 days until half way point! 

You may be interested in this series that I'm writing:

Or perhaps this one:

This one I always write when listening to Radiohead:

Check them out!

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365 Stories - Folie-a-Deux Series

Hey guys

This is definitely my favourite series that I am currently writing in my 365 project. I can only start writing this once I put on Radiohead. 

It has to be one of the following songs: How to Disappear Completely, Go Slowly, Last Flowers, True Love Waits, Life in a Glass House, Videotape, You or Pyramid Song. And most likely the rest, but these are the most frequent. Especially You. 

You can find the series here:

Starting with Part 1, obviously. 

It is about a 10th of the way through I think, so more still to come!


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