Stories (8)

Hey guys!

It's day 245 at 365stories... Take a look at what I've already managed to painfully, exhaustedly, strenuously and by some miracle (Cue Phil Selway) have written every day for the last 245 days (I started on day 0). So far I have managed to write sci fi, thriller, comedy (sometimes not by intention), horror (check out Day 69) and attempted love story, plot devices and characterisation. I hope I have at least entertained someone - if only for a few moments!

Happy to receive criticism and comments!

And if I can even vaguely make this to do with Radiohead.... I met Thom Yorke once and chatted to him in the street?


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365 Stories

Hi there, 

This might seem completely off topic and a little bit cheeky, but I'm a struggling writer (I've got to have a day job in a well known bank that's lost a lot of your money) and I have taken it upon myself to write a short story of 500 words or more every day for a year. I started on the 7th of October. That makes today day 168 (I started on day 0). 

I sometimes even write a good one!

It's a bit tiring, but I could do with some support - so get reading or I'll hunt you down and eat all your biscuits. And I don't even like biscuits.

Website address:

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365 Stories - Best Ever Viewing Figure!

Today marks the highest visitors to my site ( to date! Make it even higher - take a gander at the last few stories I've written - or the first few! Already got a few people hooked today!

Leave a comment - show your support!

I'm tired, bedraggled and slightly dead! I work 9-5 at cut-throat consultant company for a lazy, good for nothin' British Bank! I've worked til 10pm every night for almost two weeks now - and I still have to write a story at the end of it! All this staring at a computer screen, I might go crazy! So show your support to a poor little wannabe writer!

Much Love

Steph - the 365 girl!

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Day 171 of 365 stories tonight - 12 days until half way point! 

You may be interested in this series that I'm writing:

Or perhaps this one:

This one I always write when listening to Radiohead:

Check them out!

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365 Stories - Folie-a-Deux Series

Hey guys

This is definitely my favourite series that I am currently writing in my 365 project. I can only start writing this once I put on Radiohead. 

It has to be one of the following songs: How to Disappear Completely, Go Slowly, Last Flowers, True Love Waits, Life in a Glass House, Videotape, You or Pyramid Song. And most likely the rest, but these are the most frequent. Especially You. 

You can find the series here:

Starting with Part 1, obviously. 

It is about a 10th of the way through I think, so more still to come!


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