adam (1)

Radiohead: intense and serious !!!

Radiohead have a reputation for being quite an intense and serious bunch but people don't realise exactly how intense they are

I know you're friendly with Radiohead but were you a bit nervous about directing their video [for the song Jigsaw Falling into Place]? Can you tell us a bit about their working methods?

Radiohead have a reputation for being quite an intense and serious bunch but people don't realise exactly how intense they are. On the occasions that Garth [Jennings] and I have worked with them in their studio outside Oxford, the intensity was so intense that bulbs would often blow spontaneously and toast would get burned after only a few seconds in the toaster.

Here's what you tend to see in the studio: Jonny and Colin Greenwood write heartbreaking poetry and talk about third-world debt all the time. Ed O'Brien is so obsessed by Nietzsche that he now only speaks German and wears what looks like a small Tim Burgess wig on his upper lip as a tribute to his unhappy philosopher hero.

Phil Selway is in the process of tattooing the whole of the Koran all over his body as a statement about Islamophobia (in public he covers the tattoos with make-up so as not to offend Muslims). It's a project that has already taken years and will take many more to complete and he is in constant pain, which is evident in his face when he's drumming.

Thom just sit on a corner crying and ranting about climate change. He is undoubtedly the most intense in the band but he's not averse to the occasional bit of clowning. Once, when he knew we were watching, he pretended to put a plastic water bottle in the non-recycling bin! We laughed and laughed then he started crying again so we stopped laughing and things went back to being very tense.

Were you surprised how beloved your 6music show became? What's the oddest place you've heard a 'Stephen', and what's the plan now for Adam and Joe?

I once got 'Stephened' from an adjoining toilet cubicle in an airport. I never saw the guy. I felt as though I was involved in some very pathetic form of cottaging.

As far as Joe and I are concerned I've no idea. We discovered in the early noughties that we weren't very good at forging a proper career together. We both prefer doing a wide variety of stuff rather than just being in a room for months working on one thing as a duo so that kind of narrows down our options for collaboration! The radio shows presented a great way for us to just be friends and ponce about again which we hadn't properly done for years but now our professional lives are so distinct it's becoming harder and harder to get together, which is a shame.

I miss doing the 6 Music very much and we'll certainly be doing the odd one-off in the next few months but as far as another proper long run goes, I dunno. Hope so. I think it's the thing I've loved doing most with Joe over the years and the fact that listeners seem to have taken it to their hearts is the icing on the cherry on the cake balanced on the attractive naked ladyman.

Your TV and film CV is impressive but do you feel you've found the right outlet for your own stuff yet? Any exciting new projects in the pipeline?

One day I may focus on something more substantial but for the time being I'm having fun tooling about on the internet, doing BUG and dreaming my dreamy dreams. There's always pilots and schemes bubbling away but I've learned not to talk them up as they often come to nothing. I've got so many ideas for things I'd love to do that I think would be great, the trick is to actually do them. Some people master that trick in their teens, I'm hoping to get to grips with it in my fifties

Español Gracias Radiohead Mexico por la traducción

Sé que eres amigo de Radiohead, pero ¿te encontrabas algo nervioso al dirigir el video de “Jigsaw Falling into Place”? ¿Puedes contarnos algo acerca la forma en que trabajan?

Los chicos de Radiohead tienen la reputación de ser muy intensos y serios, pero mucha gente no se da cuenta de cuán intensos son exactamente. Durante las veces que Garth Jennings y yo hemos trabajado con ellos en su estudio a las afueras de Oxford, la intensidad era tan intensa que los focos se fundían de repente y los panes se tostaban nada más dejarlos unos segundos en la tostadora.

Esto es lo que se suele ver en el estudio: Jonny y Colin Greenwood escriben poesía conmovedora y se la pasan hablando sobre la deuda del tercer mundo. Ed O’Brien está tan obsesionado con Nietzsche que ahora solo habla alemán y sobre su labio superior se pone una especie de peluca estilo Tim Burgess, como un tributo a su infeliz héroe filósofo.

Phil está en el proceso de tatuarse en todo el cuerpo el Corán completo como una declaración acerca de la islamofobia (en público cubre los tatuajes con maquillaje para no ofender a los musulmanes). Es un proyecto que ya le ha tomado años y le seguirá tomando muchos más para finalizar, y se encuentra en constante dolor, lo cual es evidente en su rostro cuando toca la batería.

Thom solo se sienta en un rincón a llorar y quejarse sobre el cambio climático. Sin duda alguna él es el más intenso del grupo, aunque de vez en cuando soporta algunas cuantas payasadas. Una vez, cuando supo que lo estábamos viendo, ¡pretendió echar una botella de plástico en el bote de desechos no reciclables! Nos reímos y reímos hasta que empezó a llorar de nuevo, entonces nos dejamos de reír y las cosas otra vez se pusieron muy tensas.

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