good (4)


2017: a voyage or ‘Careful with That Axe, [E]

That was the year I tattooed my brain
On a wa{vv}y sea of cold iron fists,
Creating a nice whorl of image; of how

Syd used to dive into Warhol’s infamous cow
Wallpaper; the pink scratch and sniff udders
Enabling us penny-wise fans to wade up

If only to smell the green ham and eggs 
And green eggs and spam. Most would take 
A bow or a Bath after eighteen pages–
That or a few notches up and higher

With our fancable, non-plussed driver
Exchanging a couple sobs and a few 
Magnesium proverbs; again 
With that same ballroom audience.

That and every so often–it almost goes 
belly-up and steady enough: steering a liddle-
red steamboat wheel while sitting half
bored next to the driver, whose still fast asleep.

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How to be a hedonist without being selfish.

  1. If you want to do what makes you feel good, be sure to make other people feel good too.
  2. Bending rules is a lot different than breaking them.
  3. Revenge is a dish best served never.
  4. Give others your time, before you lose yourself in it.
  5. Teach love and the joy of indulgence by example.
  6. Stay present. Try not to let your fantasy life intrude upon time spent with people you love.
  7. Be honest with yourself and much as possible. Honesty unhinges fear.
  8. Fun is of the essence, but at no one's expense. Indulge in your own health!
  9. Is it really true that what they don't know can't hurt them?
    Ponder your true intentions and reaffirm your commitment to upholding them before proceeding.
  10. Know that if more people really loved themselves, the world would be a much less annoying place.

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