miss_rutabaga (1)

My letter to w.a.s.t.e.

hi w.a.s.t.e.,re: the ordering of member pages.i very much like the waste central site -- it is wonderful! congratulations for your hard work being so successful.i'm an accountant. i like things to be orderly.so here's my two pence: i think the members’ pages would be preferable to my numerical sensibilities if they were ordered so that You, Thom and the gang, miss rutabaga, were all on page one (1). that way, a member would always be on the same page from the time they sign up.Additionally it would add a home-room kinship between all the people on page 47 (for example) -- and present new opportunities for folks to have something in common, and perhaps find the true loves of their lives.it would make searching for members easier because a member would know what pages they have viewed, and which members they have seen on which page. the way it is now, all members will change which member page they are on as more people sign up. such chaos confuses me and gives me a sense of minor discomfiture.with good cheer,~SJPS(still considering my friend request?)
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