The homeless-santa-claus excuse of a professor was on a role once again today for our micro lab. With characteristic patronizing non-answers, we learned today that all of the processes we have been going through in the last three or four labs - about 9-12 hours of time - we have to all come into the lab sometime this weekend and do all those processes together at once on our individual unknown samples now.Okay, so I don't fancy driving an hour up to the campus on my weekend when I have a ton of other classes to attend to and spending the majority of my day at the lab to get this done (it will probably take about 8 hours), but alright. That I don't like, but can deal with.Here's the problem.He still hasn't really explained to us what exactly we HAVE been doing with the last three or four labs. If he couldn't give us straight answers then - how are we supposed to do this alone with our own samples? And there's the one conversion thing that we've never done before, but somehow or another we're supposed to come up with this after doing all of our dilutions, spread plates, readings, etc. Don't know what it is! But we're supposed to do it. Also there's something else we did today...with these reddish samples. We took readings. Don't ask me why.And had we not mentioned that we needed all the many supplies for the series of tests we'll do over the weekend, he probably would have forgotten to get and leave it all out!Whatever it is we figure out to do this weekend, we're supposed to do a write up on it too for next week. And the exam! It still had some pretty left field questions and things that we never went over - but it was better than the last one! I think....that means, in other words, maybe the class just failed this time instead of really failed.
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I have rarely felt such ill will towards someone as with my current so-called "professor". It would be nice if he would actually take the time out of his day to TEACH US. This bastard is setting us up to fail - as I've gathered a bit of history about him from other students and faculty over the past few weeks, I've found that the only reason anyone makes it in his class is because he curves. Yes, I know many professors curve - but I don't just mean a bit - I mean a HUGE curve.This smart ass "forgets" to tell us things all the time, and good luck trying to get him to answer a question. He just cost everyone in our labs an assignment. We're supposed to turn in this graph tomorrow, but there's a section no one's been able to figure out what it meant. We couldn't really ever get a clear answer on WHAT exactly we were supposed to be doing. I just figured it out, but its too late now, we're all screwed. He kind of forgot to mention a step in the process vital to creating the chart.My concerns have almost always been rather I will get an A or a B+ in a class - I'm a focused, dedicated student. I have never in my life worried about passing a class.To top it all off, we nursing students are missing the typical classes that a biology student taking the course (about 3 or 4 out of about 70 students) would have, so we're completely lost from the get go. This professor also KNOWS that we don't have the general biology and chemistry classes that a bio student does. The thing is - even the biology students are having a hard time getting a straight answers out of him.I've been cultivating a deep and thriving hatred for this man over the past few weeks, and I still have two months left with him. .
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