recital (1)

Hi. I didn't write this, I friend did and already posted it here, I believe. I want to make sure it reaches the band, somehow.I really want to go to the concert, I've never seen Radiohead live and I won't be travelling to Europe or the US anytime soon, but I'm not going to pay ridiculous sums and contribute to the vicious cycle. I decided not to pay anymore excesive sums for international concerts, and I want to keep doing my own private boicot. But Radiohead for me is different. Just read the article, please. It says exactly what I'm trying to say.Thanks.Hey guys,HOLA; GENTE:I don't really know why am I writting this.NO SÉ REALMENTE POR QUÉ ESCRIBO ESTO.I'm pretty much a mosquito fighting a rhino, come to think of it, but I was outraged at 90% confirmed rumors that the tickets for Radiohead's show in Argentina would cost about 270 argentinean pesos (roughly 80 dollars), which is about 30% of an average middle class income in my country (!).BÁSICAMENTE, SOY UN MOSQUITO ATACANDO UN RINOCERONTE, SI ME PONGO A PENSAR, PERO REALMENTE ME SACÓ EL RUMOR 90% CONFIRMADO DE QUE LAS ENTRADAS PARA RADIOHEAD VAN A SALIR 270 PESOS (UNOS 80 DÓLARES) QUE REPRESENTAN ALREDEDOR DE UN 30% DEL SUELDO BÁSICO DE CLASE MEDIA EN ARGENTINA.The figure is ridiculous by any standards and, furthermore, the concert organizers are exploiting the fact that we're desperate to see a band as relevant as Radiohead in our own country.ES UNA CIFRA RIDÍCULA COMO SE LA MIRE Y, MÁS AÚN, LOS ORGANIZADORES EXPLOTAN EL HECHO DE QUE ESTAMOS DESESPERADOS POR VER A UNA BANDA DE LA RELEVANCIA DE RADIOHEAD EN NUESTRO PAÍS.I could choose not to buy a ticket, right?PUEDO ELEGIR NO COMPRAR MI ENTRADA ¿NO?I could organize a boicot.PUEDO ORGANIZAR UN BOICOT.I most surely will.CASI SEGURO LO HAGA.But what bugs me the most, what really gets to me, is that this comes from Radiohead.PERO LO QUE MÁS ME MOLESTA, LO QUE ME SACA, ES QUE SEA RADIOHEAD.If it were U2, Coldplay, well... fuck them. I'd skip the concert. No biggie.SI FUERA U2 o COLDPLAY, BUENO... AL CARAJO. NO VOY. NO HAY DRAMA.But I still believe in Radiohead!¡PERO YO AÚN CREO EN RADIOHEAD!For my generation they symbolize social awareness, and social awareness is poorly represented by ticket values of nearly 30% of an average middle class income.PARA MI GENERACIÓN, SIMBOLIZAN CONCIENCIA SOCIAL Y LA CONCIENCIA SOCIAL NO ESTÁ BIEN REPRESENTADA EN VALORES DE ENTRADAS DE UN 30% DE UN SUELDO DE CLASE MEDIA.And let me tell you: we, the middle class leftover in Argentina after countless crisis, are not that many. So let us not even discuss those poor bastards underneath our socio-economical level. They can't even afford dreaming about Radiohead.Y DÉJENME DECIRLES ALGO MÁS: NOSOTROS, LAS SOBRAS DE LA CLASE MEDIA ARGENTINA LUEGO DE LAS MUCHAS CRISIS, TAMPOCO SOMOS TANTOS. ASÍ QUE NI SIQUIERA HABLEMOS DE LOS POBRES TIPOS DEBAJO DE NUESTRO NIVEL SOCIOECONÓMICO. A ELLOS NI SIQUIERA LES ALCANZA PARA SOÑAR CON RADIOHEAD.So what's the deal, here, people?ENTONCES... ¿QUÉ ONDA?:a. Radiohead are not aware of the cost of their own tickets and their incidence on the average income in a country they're visiting?A. ¿RADIOHEAD NO TIENE IDEA DEL COSTO DE SUS PROPIAS ENTRADAS Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL INGRESO PROMEDIO EN EL PAÍS QUE VISITAN?b. Is there nothing they can do about it?B. ¿NO PUEDEN HACER NADA AL RESPECTO?c. Do they even care anymore?C. ¿DEJÓ DE IMPORTARLES?I remember Thom recalling one of his nightmares during an interview in the late 90's: he was onstage and suddenly realised he was Bono (!).ME ACUERDO DE THOM CONTANDO UNA DE SUS PESADILLAS EN UNA ENTREVISTA A FINALES DE LOS 90'S: ESTABA EN ESCENA Y DE PRONTO SE DABA CUENTA DE QUE ERA BONO (!)Do we want that nightmare to come true?¿QUEREMOS QUE LA PESADILLA SE CONVIERTA EN REALIDAD?I don't, and I don't want to think it has come to that.YO NO, NI QUIERO CREER QUE YA ES ASÍ.But, hey, thanks for reading, whoever reads.PERO, EN FIN, GRACIAS POR LEER; QUIENQUIERA QUE LEA.Even though I'm not hoping for a reaction, thank you for allowing me this relief.A PESAR DE QUE NO ESPERO UNA REACCIÓN, GRACIAS POR DEJARME EXPRESARME.
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