ticket (8)

I need one ticket to the show

I'm in New York from Minneasota to hopefully see Radiohead tonight, Wednesday at MSG. I am a lifelong fan, not a reseller. My favorite songs are 4 Minute Warning, Nude, and In Limbo. My favorite song off the new album is Daydreaming. Thank you in advance! text me 612-366-4247 Shaun
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ATL Extra Ticket!!

hey if interested let me know. its not the best seat. in fact its a seat i would not want, but HEY! you might.... so lets say in the upper level. hell if in the end no one wants to buy it i might as well give it away for free right...... thats right i said FREE. but lets start a bid. Maybe a true Radiohead fan might stick to the end with me...so BID.BIIID!!!!




just one ticket again. ONLY 1. fuck it make and a "me" time with this ticket. ..


ps. if nothing occurs with this post you can just really tag along with me and ill just give it to you free.


but there can be bids. it all evens out well except for the fact that i might lose money but hey, its RADIOHEAD



oh, dead air:

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