This blog post "THE KING OF LIMBS The RADIOHEAD New Record !!" (English, Portugues & Español) by Lady Newell & Friends  was just featured on w.a.s.t.e. central.



                                                                      thanks FYTHOMYORKE

Lady Newell & Friends (Guest Curator) on WASTECENTRAL


Lady Newell & Friends on Twitter

Lady Newell & Friends on Facebook





Photo by   Sebastian Edge







The Universal Sigh en Español added by Inez

The Universal Sigh en Español added by Inez

The Universal Sigh in English added by Inez







June, 21


Radiohead Staircase live from the basement   !!!


Here's a new track called Staircase, taken from our upcoming 'From The Basement' session:

And no, you're not seeing double. The doppelganger drummers are myself and Clive Deamer. Clive has long been one of my favourite drummers and so I was really excited when he agreed to perform with us. Hope you like what we've all done.






Radiohead – The King of Limbs: Live From The Basement

Español Gracias Radiohead Chile 


14 June 








Supercollider and The Butcher

are available to buy on TKOL store







6 June


The King of Limbs Remixes






Over the summer, Radiohead will be putting out a series of 12” vinyl releases, using remixes of tracks from The King Of Limbs.

The first release on the 4th July, starts with Little By Little by Caribou and Lotus Flower by Jacques Greene.

They will be available at selected independent record stores and from via The King of Limbs tab.


Traducción Español Gracias

Tradução Português Brasilioteque


8 de Junio 

The Universal Sigh en Argentina !!!!!



11010883273?profile=originalThe Universal Sigh llegó a la Argentina, y ExitMusic tiene algunas copias para entregar a lo largo del país.


 The Universal Sigh se repartió en casi todo el mundo y Argentina no podía quedar afuera!.

ExitMusic cuenta con un número de copias del periódico y queremos que llegue a las manos de los que día a día hacen alguna parada por este sitio.

Simplemente enviá un correo:


con tu nombre, apellido, ciudad y provincia donde vivís (muy importante este último dato).

Aclaramos que no se trata de un sorteo, sino de ver en una primera instancia la demanda para organizar envíos a provincias del interior en tanto y cuanto sea posible.

Las entregas se harán públicamente en fecha y hora a informar vía mail en las ciudades donde se organicen eventos.

Las copias son bastante limitadas (aproximadamente contamos con 250), por lo que la idea es hacerlo lo más equitativo y ordenado posible para la gente de todo el país, respetando las ideas originales del material – es decir que sea gratuito y público.

Agradecemos muy especialmente a Courtyard Management que hizo lugar a nuestro pedido y a EMI Argentina que nos cedió amablemente casi la totalidad de las copias.

Manténganse conectados al sitio para más información sobre eventos de reparto.



15 Junio


Gracias Radiohead Chile


Coleccionistas todos!

No hay plazo que no se cumpla ni deuda que no se pague. como ya por todos es sabido a se le encomendó la tarea de repartir la versión en Español de The Universal Sigh en Chile, luego de coordinar con los distintos entes involucrados estamos en condiciones de entregarles información oficial de la entrega… todo esto, despues del salto!


Antes de entregar los lugares, algunas cosas importantes para aclarar las dudas:

  • La entrega sera por orden de llegada
  • El periódico es TOTALMENTE gratuito, no dejes que nadie te cobre un peso por él!
  • Se entregara un periódico por persona
  • No se permitirá guardar puestos a otras persona
  • Al recibir el periódico podrías ser fotografiados, esta fotografía sera enviada a
  • Existen GRANDES posibilidades de que esta sea la primera entrega pero no la ultima por lo que los invitamos a participar de la mejor forma posible!



Lugar: Feria Mix Suecia con Providencia
Fecha: Viernes 17 de Junio
Hora: 18:30 a 20:30

Viña del Mar
Lugar: Feria Mix Marina Arauco
Hora: 18:30 a 20:30

Lugar: Feria Mix Plaza del Trebol
Hora: 18:30 a 20:30




6 Junio


The Universal Sigh en Chile


Como la Comunidad Radiohead Chile no se puede quedar dormida! Y gracias a las gestiones de Constanza Román (Zooni)

The Universal Sigh llego ayer a Chile y EMI nos ha entregado la cantidad de 200 para repartir. La distribución debe ser igual que en los otros países. Es decir, organizada y con publicidad para los fans. Los puntos de distribución pronto serán informados, serian disquerías al parecer. El objetivo además de llegar a los fans de Radiohead es también incentivar la compra del Disco en Chile.

Por el momento requerimos 6 voluntarios responsables para la entrega. Estimo que la entrega sería la próxima semana.

Les Saluda,

Mauricio Cid (Mauroxrhx)



26 May

The Universal Sigh en México


Mixup  anuncia en su página web una venta especial este 27 de mayo, en la cual adquiriendo The King of Limbs te llevas también un ejemplar de The Universal Sigh.

El periódico viene en su versión en idioma inglés.

Está limitado a un ejemplar por persona, sin importar si se adquiere CD o disco de acetato.

Únicamente hay un lote de 150 ejemplares por tienda.

La promoción es válida solamente en las siguientes tiendas del DF y área metropolitana: Génova Zona Rosa, Universidad, Satélite, Parque Delta y Plaza Loreto.


Gracias y


TKOL live from the Bassement !!!


Tuesday 03 May 201. BBC Worldwide Press Releases


BBC Worldwide takes exclusive Radiohead performance to the world


Date: 03.05.2011

BBC Worldwide Music Television has signed a deal with Radiohead to distribute internationally a new and exclusive live performance of Radiohead’s eighth album, ‘The King of Limbs’.


Radiohead – The King of Limbs: Live From The Basement is a 55-minute performance from one of the most successful and critically acclaimed acts of their generation, who have sold over 30 million albums worldwide. The programme will feature the notoriously elusive band performing the entirety of their celebrated new album in a studio setting with some additional behind the scenes material. It is scheduled to be the first time that the grammy-award winners are captured on camera this year.


The King of Limbs album was released digitally in February 2011 and physically at the end of March 2011, yet this exclusive performance will be the first time the band will have played this collection of songs in public. The band will be performing for acclaimed music show ‘From the Basement’, the brain child of production genius Nigel Godrich, who has either engineered or produced all of Radiohead’s albums since The Bends and has worked with a variety of international acts including Paul McCartney, U2, R.E.M and Air.


Having launched the title at MIPTV, BBC Worldwide has already received pre-sale offers for a number of major territories and expects to have a substantial network of broadcasters in place for its premiere.


Salim Mukaddam, VP Music Television at BBC Worldwide said, "It is a real honour to be working with Radiohead on this project. Radiohead are a band that rarely performs for television, but when they do, it’s a moment to savour. There is already huge anticipation for this performance and we’re delighted that they’ve decided to work with us at BBC Worldwide, confirming our position as market leaders in Music Television. As a fan I cannot wait to see these beautiful songs brought to life in this programme."


Bryce Edge of Courtyard Management, Radiohead’s management company said, "This will be Radiohead's first collaboration with BBC Worldwide and the band are excited at the prospect of having their first live performance of 'The King of Limbs' broadcast around the world . The band will be filmed and recorded by the From The Basement team, which includes Nigel Godrich their long time producer, Dilly Gent ,who commissioned many of the memorable Radiohead videos and Grant Gee who filmed the Radiohead documentary 'Meeting People is Easy'"

Radiohead – The King of Limbs: Live from the Basement becomes available to international broadcasters in June and is embargoed for broadcast until 1st July 2011. The programme is filmed in HD, will have no audience and no presenter – just a rare opportunity to see an intimate performance from one of the greatest bands in the world.

Emma Jonathan





Take Cover: Radiohead: The King of Limbs



Notable record covers help to define artists. With Take Cover, we aim to track down the most striking artwork and get the stories behind them.

When Radiohead announced that their new album, The King of Limbs, would be released in a "newspaper" version, it left people with lots of questions. Like: What the hell is a "newspaper album," anyway? Photos of the deluxe set started rolling in last week, and Jon Severs of PrintWeek sat down with the band's longtime artist Stanley Donwood to talk about the ideas behind the unusual packaging. The interview and scans from the King of Limbs art are below:



Jon Severs: Was this newspaper concept driven by the music?

Stanley Donwood: [laughs] I haven't heard the album yet-- not properly, not finished, not since it was being made. I'm waiting for the record company to send me a 12" version! But when I was listening to it being made-- because I work alongside the band when they are making the music-- I loved hearing it emerge. I was hearing these shufflings and bangings becoming this sonic space that you can almost walk into. As I listened, I had this vision of these old churches where you had these huge ceilings of overarching, intertwined colors, and this led me to painting all these colored trees.

JS: So the newspaper album concept is something that the band inspired?

SD: The whole idea of this album was to have something that was almost not existing, so we chose clear vinyl and the newspaper format. [In Rainbows] was this big, heavy, substantial thing-- if you were determined, you could have killed someone with it! It was very much a definitive statement, and that isn't where the band are at the moment. Where they are now is more transitory. When a newspaper comes out, that doesn't mean news stops, what you have is just a snapshot of how things were at the moment that newspaper was printed. And similarly, this album shows where Radiohead are at the moment the record was released. The music is a continuing thing. And we wanted to make the album representative of that.

I also really love newspapers. They are disposable. They are recyclable. They fall apart so easily. They are not like iPads or Kindles that can't be disposed of and end up on some third-world shore. And I love the heritage of them, the whole history of mass communication. Newspapers changed the world from being a really class based, feudal system to people being able to cheaply get information that informed them.

JS: Is the issue of disposability an important one with this project?

SD: There were two things to do with the newspaper. Firstly, I had left one out in the sun and it started to go yellow around the edges and fall apart. And I thought that was so nice because that is what happens to us as we get older. The other thing was that someone had left a big pile of old International Times and Oz magazines from the late 1960s at Colin [Greenwood's] place in the country. They were really cheaply printed and produced in a hurry and were decaying and had lost their corners, but they had become this archive that didn't exist on the Internet. And since they're not posh enough to be in the British Museum or elsewhere, they acquired a value because of their disposability.


JS: Is there a message in that?

SD: The whole thing with this is, if you look after it, like most things, they will last. If you don't, then they will disappear very quickly.

JS: Is the old look of the newspaper deliberate?

SD: We took the fonts from 1930s depression-era U.S. newspapers that had been collated by the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society of America. So all the fonts are from the last big depression. They call it the "credit crunch" now, back then they called it a "depression" because they didn't like the connotations of a slump. It's all this use of euphemistic language.

JS: Putting out this elaborate packaging for an album in this era is quite a statement in itself.

SD: Music packaging used to be quite a simple thing. Before, the way the music was produced determined the packaging, be it vinyl, tape, or CD. But, with digital, that's irrelevant. So now you could just make a whole load of art and sell it with the digital files. In that sense it's freed us up.

When I first started doing record covers, it was for CDs and I hated them for how little they are. They're so fucking horrible. That's one of the reasons the [King of Limbs] CD is in a dreadful one-color reverse board (below). If we could have made it any worse we would have done.

JS: Do you think digital music robs you of something then?

SD: I guess it robs you of the context of the music, though that wasn't in my thinking at the time. The packaging for music has now become a sort of King James Bible, where it elevates the contents to something more spiritual. This is something else that drove me to a newspaper format. I thought, "Let's put it in a newspaper, to get away from that spiritual thing." You don't want to elevate music to something it isn't. Music is something you hear in your head, that's all, we shouldn't give it more than it is.


JS: Speaking of which, there's one bit of artwork, a piece made up of more than a hundred tiny squares of art printed on blotting paper, should we read into this one?

SD: Ah! I wonder what people will make of it. There is a guy who recently died, Augustus Owsley Stanley III, who was one of the most famous creators of LSD in history, a very wealthy American. He set up a laboratory making very cheap, pure, good LSD. In theory, someone could dip them in something, they could do that. I don't think that's been done as a marketing ploy before-- not that I am encouraging such activities.


Español gracias





I want to spread the word about a book that I read almost exactly a year ago, which I think some of you will adore/recognise/need. It’s a book called ‘Wild’ and it’s written by Jay Griffiths and it is an astonishing piece of writing and it was exactly what I needed to read….

I was not in the greatest of places .. I was feeling low, getting increasingly disturbed and frustrated by the state of pretty much everything in the 21st century, which, can be simply summarised as the inability of the vast majority of our business and political leaders to truly look after the welfare of the vast majority of this planet’s citizens and the earth that we all live on….Nothing new then?! …..Well… this book was truly medicinal and like all great music, it helped to lift me up and pull me out of this low level depression… Reading it, felt like one of those amazing moments in life where one feels an overwhelming sense of relief and amazement that someone could actually be writing about the very things that seemed to be affecting oneself ….. It makes you feel less alone….And it does this in such a beautiful, passionate and raw way ….

If you got a copy of ‘The Universal Sigh’, you will notice that Jay Griffiths contributed a piece to it …. I don’t normally recommend books on DAS, but seeing as I’ve given away probably 20 or so copies of it to friends and family, I thought some of you should know about this … Good luck …




Portugues obligado brasilioteque

Español gracias



Trees are friends to humanity

The newspaper features essays and short stories on the theme of wildness. We chatted to Jay Griffiths, author of 'Forests Of The Mind' (from the newspaper), as well as 'Wild: An Elemental Journey'

Who approached you to be involved in The Universal Sigh?

"I got approached to be involved in because various people in Radiohead had read Wild: An Elemental Journey."

Had you any previous involvement with the band?

"I met Ed O’Brien through KT Tunstall after he’d read my book. I know he really liked it and he’d asked me to write a piece for the paper."

Did they give you a brief?

"No they didn’t and that was really lovely. All they said was that it was going to be a free newspaper given out internationally about woods, trees and forests. That really was about it, which was fantastic because that meant we could take it wherever we wanted to."

That’s quite general - did you feel overwhelmed?

"Well no actually, because I’ve written loads about The Amazon, the forests in West Papua and the importance of trees and woodlands in general and so it wasn’t an unfamiliar topic to me."

What did you think of the band’s mode of distribution for The Universal Sigh?

"Human beings have always had strong relationships with nature and forests, and to take that right into the heart of the city like Radiohead have done is tremendous. They dropped off the paper in big urban cities and that was like bringing the forests into the heart of the city. To me these things matter, partly because of the physical deforestation. But also in places like West Papua and The Amazon, you are deforesting the human mind. You are robbing people of their history, their culture, their myth."

Thom Yorke gives away free Radiohead newspaper - photo blog

In your piece you make the link between the spirit of the forest and your re-finding your spirit. How do you mean?

"I would say that wherever there are trees, people can find healing. That’s why if you have children, if you have half a chance you want to get them near forests. A friends of mine’s child lives in the centre of the city but has a particular relationship to a tree, it means an awful lot to him. I know other adults who would see trees being cut down and they would cry. It’s a very well rooted - excuse the pun - love."

How about you?

"I had a reading tree when I was a kid, I used to climb it and read."

How did your interest develop?

"I don’t know how to answer that. Partly with my book Wild: An Elemental Journey, it began with the terrible depression I wrote about in the newspaper. Nature is absolutely essential to the human condition."

If you had to sum up your philosophy in one line what would it be?



"Trees are friends to humanity."

In the paper there’s lots of references to the historical, mythological role of trees.

"Yes, it's also interesting to note things like the language of trees, that the word ‘tree’, ‘truth’ and ‘trust’ are related. I mean, that’s beautiful isn’t it? Because it’s like, here’s something that’s so solid that you can trust, like a tree. There’s nothing complex about that. It’s simple and profound one go."

Radiohead's 'The Universal Sigh' - what does it all mean?

What do you think of a band like Radiohead bringing these things into popular culture?

"I think it’s magnificent. And what they’re doing has such intelligence and awareness. Such thoughtfulness and deep down such kindness. The quality of kindness is not something that modernity likes that much, but it’s one of the most important qualities in the world. Very deep down that’s what they're thinking and that’s what their music represents."


Español Traducción Gracias

The special newspaper edition !!



The King of Limbs Newspaper Album by Stanley Donwood



TKOL Newspaper Edition Pics


Supercollider and The Butcher     11010885496?profile=original


Record Store Day 


You may have heard that tomorrow we will be releasing two tracks, Supercollider and The Butcher on 12" vinyl through participating stores for Record Store Day.

This vinyl will also available in the USA & Canada on the 14th June.

Unfortunately, due to err…unforeseen circumstances that we didn't foresee, some of the vinyl have the labels on the wrong way around. It is too late to recall the vinyl and stick them on the right way round, so here is a copy of the labels for those of you who wish to download, print, cut out and stick on yourself with pritt stick (other glues are available) thus correcting the error. Or we could just rename the songs.

Apologies for any confusion caused and have a happyRecord Store Day.



THE UNIVERSAL SIGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thom is handing out The Universal Sigh in London

 Stanley Donwood On Radiohead's 'The Universal Sigh' Newspaper






The Universal Sigh Photo Album added by Tam


Stanley Donwood has designed all of Radiohead's artwork. Here he explains the thinking behind the free newspaper, 'The Universal Sigh', copies of which were handed out last week

On March 28th and 29th 2011, thousands and thousands of copies of a publication entitled The Universal Sigh were handed out in many major cities around the world. Many people might now be wondering why this happened.


Well me, I got back from London, from Brick Lane, where I and a fellow-conspirator handed out about three thousand free copies of The Universal Sigh outside a record shop called Rough Trade East.

This was the culmination of an idea that had its germination in a seething mass of humanity that I’d been embroiled in at the top of the steps down to Oxford Circus tube station, where amongst the heaving throng of commuters were valiant distributors of London Lite and Metro and the Standard, attempting to hand them out.

The newspaper thing began some months previously, in the summer. I’d left a newspaper on a bench in the sun, and when I returned to get it a few hours later it had already begun its inevitable decay; the paper had rippled slightly, the whiteness was yellowing, and it was feeling more brittle and delicate than it had before. I thought that this constituted a wonderful medium.



There’s nothing archival about a newspaper. It doesn’t pretend to be definitive; just because a newspaper comes out we don’t expect news to stop, or sport to finish. A newspaper is just a simple statement, an account of how things were at the time of writing. Newspapers aren’t even preserved. The vast bulk of them are recycled and turned into more newspapers.

The last packaging that I’d produced for a record was the hefty chunk of cardboard and paper that accompanied ‘In Rainbows’, but something of that kind was entirely inappropriate for this new record, which was very much more a state-of-play document.


After a lengthy concatenation of ideas, the usual meetings, conversations, work, doubt, worry and fear of the unknown, we had produced a large-format 36-page full colour newspaper which was to be presented, along with various other articles with the record ‘The King of Limbs’.


Afterwards, in response to the idea that began in a crush of commuters at Oxford Circus, we made another one. The Universal Sigh was a 12-page tabloid, printed using web-offset lithography on newsprint paper, just like the LA Weekly or London Lite or The Daily Mail. It may have been printed using the same machines that produce these newspapers.

The newspaper can of course be seen as a relic of the past, a dying format that has no place in the modern world where digital content interfaces seamlessly with an ever burgeoning plethora of shiny devices; portable tablet computers and e-readers, laptops, netbooks and smartphones.


But it is also a tactile pleasure, a finger-inking, page-flapping, paper rustling codex of information that won’t crash or corrupt. It won’t become useless without electricity. It won’t end up on the shores of somewhere far away, its innards picked at by underpaid children. But it will, with time, slowly crinkle, yellow, fade and crumble; much as we will.


 Puedes leer el artìculo en españ ol    Gracias exitmusic !!

Colin Greenwood reviews the Guardian writers’ Creep

When Radiohead announced they’d be releasing a newspaper, some writers at the Guardian decided to take action. In their own words, “If a band could wade so recklessly into the Guardian’s area of expertise, could we not wade into theirs?” With tongue firmly in cheek, the Guardian dutifully knocked out a cover of Creep. With a banjo!

You can listen to the Guardian cover Creephere.


Radiohead’s response came courtesy of Colin Greenwood who wrote a column in the Guardian today reviewing the Creep cover. Colin should be writing lyrics because he is great with words: “Having heard quite a few covers of Creep by artists such as Chrissie Hynde and Roland Orzabal, this is definitively one of them. I thought the Radio Eds dispatched it with pitiless ease.”

OK Colin, now get back to perfecting Bloom’s bassline for future performances.


Colin’s review Creep cover on The Guardian   here!/StanleyDonwood



im sorry we couldnt get every city. practicalities and problems. as ever: so much we wanted to do/so much we couldnt. sorry





adiohead are set to release two more tracks on Record Store Day. Two brand new tracks following Today’s physical release of The King Of Limbs.

Record Store Day

Hey guys, the Radiohead Record Store Day piece that Pitchfork and others are talking about today is a UK-ONLY release. Took us by surprise too, those sneaky Radiohead fellas!

As announced Today, Radiohead will be releasing a two track 12″ vinyl on the worldwide Record Store Day. The two tracks are The Butcher and Supercollider. The latter has been played before by Radiohead on their previous live shows. Record Store Day is on April 16 and there are rumours of a limited edition of 2,000 copies. This number is most likely for one territory only. So the total number of copies are expected to be much higher. According to retailer Rise Bristol Ltd, who issued the info, the UK price is expected to be £10.

Aparentemente, Radiohead estaría participando del Record Store Day — como ya lo hiciera hace unos años — esta vez con un vinilo 12” exclusivo, que contiene los temas Supercollider y The Butcher. Se rumorea que la edición será de solo 2.000 copias, y sería lanzada el próximo 16/04. Aún no hay confirmación oficial en el sitio [...]


Exclusive Radiohead artwork plus The King of Limbs album stream






You are invited to post pictures of yourself and your friends reading the newspaper in locations diverse and unusual.





more pics



March 24



The Radiohead album ‘The King of Limbs’ will be available for purchase in all good record stores everywhere on Monday 28th March, except in the United States of America and in Canada, where for reasons beyond the purview of this writer it will be available from Tuesday 29th March. On VINYL! On COMPACT DISC! As a DOWNLOAD!


To commemorate this momentous occasion, Radiohead have produced a newspaper which will be given away, free, gratis, without cost to the consumer by accredited vendors from a multitude of locations WORLDWIDE! In the USA, in the Netherlands, in Belgium, Poland, Germany, Austria, in the Czech Republic, in Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Ireland, France, Italy, Slovakia, Finland, Greece, Norway, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Australia, Latvia, Iceland, Romania, New Zealand, the UK and a load of other places around the globe, our dedicated teams of newspaper delivery people will be handing out copies of THE UNIVERSAL SIGH to anyone who wants one, until we run out!

In conjunction with this unbelievable offer, Radiohead have established THE UNIVERSAL SIGH as a website on the internet, where details of your nearest vendor can be found, as well as more informations and a photogallery where we will be posting photos and the lucky owners of the gratis tabloid are invited to post pictures of themselves and their friends reading the newspaper in locations diverse and unusual. There will be other stuff too, but we haven’t thought of it yet.


Español Gracias


More information click here












Vinil Record expect the same front and back as the cd. The actual record is housed in an inner sleeve with a drawing (like the right page on the cd edition) on one side, and the drawings and credits on the other side. Inside the sleeve you’ll find a card with a download code to obtain the digital edition of The King Of Limbs.

Expect the same edition of the CD and Vinyl in all territories as all labels (XL Recordings, TBD Records, Hostess Entertainment) have their logo’s on the back. There’s one other logo, which is Ticker Tape Ltd. It looks like this is the name of the band’s own label and publisher.



And last, but not least, the credits: The music and sounds of The King Of Limbs were conjured up by Radiohead and Nigel Godrich. The imagery was summoned up by Zachariah Wildwood and Donald Twain. Engineered and mixed by Nigel Godrich. Additional engineering by Drew Brown. Additional assistance by Darrell Thorp and Bryan Cooke. Flugelhorn on Bloom and Codex performed by Noel Langley and Yazz Ahmed. Strings on Codex performed by The London Telefilmonic Orchestra, led by Levine Andrale and conducted by Robert Ziegler. Mastered by Robert C. Ludwig at Gateway Mastering & DVD. Also thanks to Peter Yozell, and Neil Whitcher. Studio equipment etc., kept going by Plank. Ourselves kept going by Kat and Tim. And our office! A big thank you very much indeed to Drew Barrymore. This one’s for new Henry, Zohar and all our little ones. Hello Guys

As you’ve noticed no recording location has been given, but thanking Drew Barrymore might confirm the earlier rumours that the album was indeed recorded at Barrymore’s house. Zachariah Wildwood and Donald Twain are credited for the artwork, who are obviously the new alter egos of Stanley Donwood and Thom Yorke.


Radiohead’s The King Of Limbs available now! / ya está disponible  para bajar The King of Limbs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's Friday... It's almost the weekend...It's a full moon....


You can download 'The King of Limbs' now if you so wish!


Thank you good people for waiting ... Have a great weekend wherever you are....





Como descargar el disco instructive !! gracias Radiohead Chile !!

1. Accede a
2. Da clic en el anuncio en rojo que dice “If you are an existing costumer please go to ORDER TRACKING to download your MP3 or WAV” para acceder al área de Order Tracking
3. Ingresa tu correo electrónico y la contraseña con la que hiciste el registro
4. Si ya estás dentro del área de Order Tracking, podrás tener disponible el botón “DOWNLOAD” para empezar la descarga
5. El archivo se bajará comprimimdo en ZIP directamente a tu computadora





Radiohead - Lotus Flower (First Video The King of the Limbs)



                                           Lotus Flower Metro Santiago Chile - Gracias Radiohead Chile !!!

Video for 'Lotus Flower' from The King of Limbs. Produced and Directed by Garth Jennings
Choreographed by Wayne McGregor




 The King of the Limbs Tracklist

1. Bloom

2. Morning Mr. Magpie

3. Little By Little

4. Feral                                                                                         

5. Lotus Flower

6. Codex

7. Give Up The Ghost

8. Separator





01. Bloom                                                                                11010891854?profile=original

Open your mouth wide

Universal sighs

And while the ocean blooms

It’s what keeps me alive

So I lose and start over

Don’t blow your mind with why

I’m moving out of orbit

Turning in sour salt

Turning in sour salt

I dive into those eyes

I dive into those eye

Timid fish go by




02. Morning Mr. Magpie

You got some nerve

Coming here

You got some nerve

Coming here

You stole it all                                                                              11010891689?profile=original 

Give it back

You stole it all

Give it back

Goodmorning, Mr Magpie

How are we today?                                                                                        

Now you’ve stolen all the magic

Took my melody

You know you should

But you don’t

You know you should

But you don’t

Goodmorning, Mr Magpie

How are we today?

Now you’ve stolen all the magic

Took my melody



03. Little by little                                        11010892067?profile=original

Turn to nasty now

The dark cell

The pit of my soul

The last one out of the box

The one who broke this spell

Little by little by hook or by crook

I’m such a tease

And you’re such a flirt

Once you’ve been hurt

You’ve been around enough

Little by little by hook or by crook

Never get nervous

Never get judged

I’m no idiot

I should look

Your clue on hold, snapped up

Crawling with my love

The last one out of the box                                                      11010891890?profile=original

The one that broke the seal



Routines and schedules

Drug and kill you                                                                                               

Kill you

Little by little by hook or by crook

Never get nervous

Never get judged

I’m no idiot

I should look


04. Feral

- Sin letra -


05. Lotus Flower

I will shape myself into your pocket


Do what you want

Do what you want

I will sink and I will disappear

I will slip into the groove                                                                         

you cut me up, you cut me up

There’s an empty space inside my heart                             

Where the weeds take root

And now I’ll set you free

I’ll set you free

There’s an empty space inside my heart                                        11010892678?profile=original 

Where the weeds take root

Tonight I’ll set you free

I’ll set you free

Slowly we unfurl

As lotus flowers

‘Cos all I want is the moon upon a stick

Just to see what is

Just to see what is

I can’t kick your habit

Just to fill your fast-ballooning head

Listen to your heart

We were shaking and be quiet as mice

While the cat is away

Do what we want

Do what we want

There’s an empty space inside my heart

Where the roots take place

So now I’ll set you free

I’ll set you free                                                                                          11010892691?profile=original

‘Cos all I want is the moon upon a stick

Just to see what if

Just to see what is               

Birds float into my room                                                                               

Slowly we unfurl


‘Cos all I want is the moon upon a stick                            

I feel surrounded here

The darkness is for me

I can’t kick your habit

Just to fill your fast-ballooning head

Listen to your heart


06. Codex

Slight of hand

Jump off the end                                             11010893283?profile=original

Into a clear lake

No one around

Just dragonflies

Flying to the ¿?

No one gets hurt

You’ve done nothing wrong

Slide your hand

Jump off the end

The water’s clear

And innocent

The water’s clear

And innocent


07. Give up the ghost

Don’t haunt me

Don’t hurt me

Don’t haunt me

Don’t hurt me

Gather up the lost and sold

In your arms

In your arms

Gather up the pitiful

In your arms

In your arms

While it seems impossible

In your arms                                                         11010892872?profile=original                                          

In your arms

I think I have my fill

In your arms

In your arms

I think I should give up the ghost

In your arms

In your arms

08. Separator

It’s like I’m falling out of bed

From a long, weary dream

The sweetest flowers and fruits hang from trees

Falling off the giant bird that’s been carrying me

It’s like I’m falling out of bed

From a long and weary dream

Just exactly as I remember

Every root

Every gesture

I’m a heart in …¿?

Like I’m falling out of bed

From a long and weary dream

Finally I’m free to …¿?

And as a …¿? lows my cover

In the eye of the beholder

I’m a fish now out of water

Falling off a giant bird that’s been carrying me

I fell open

I laid under

At the …¿?                                                                            11010892885?profile=original

I was just your number

I wanna tip it over

And lay back under

And if you think this is over

Then you’re wrong

If you think this is over

Then you’re wrong

If you think this is over

Then you’re wrong

(Wake me up, when you wake me up)

If you think this is over

Then you’re wrong

(Wake me up, when you wake me up)

Like I’m falling out of bed

From a long, weary dream


When I ask you again

When I ask you again

Wake me up (x7)







Stanley Donwood: Work on Paper 



"Everything done exhibition up record out im having a cup of tea. if you go to the show dont go upstairs. the models arent included you know" 






Stanley Donwood's solo show at Outsiders gallery in London, which opened yesterday, offers a first glimpse of some of the artwork he's created for the new Radiohead album, The King of Limbs...

"There's three new screenprints here and a fucking great big drawing," he says. "This is all from the work that's to do with the record." The artworks are inspired by nature, Donwood goes onto explain, and the northern European heritage of fairy tales and myths based around forests and woods. "It's very much about natural forms. I'd heard something about the northern European imagination, in the sense of all our fairy stories and mythical creatures. They all come from the woods - Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Hansel & Gretel...we've got all these stories and myths.

"Me and Thom were working on these ideas of strange, multi-limbed creatures that are neither malevolent or benevolent, they're simply there, part of the living spirit of the forest. That's come through into all of the work."

Donwood worked on the artwork for the new record at the same time the band was putting the songs together. "It works at the same sort of pace as the music," he says. "It's something that grows very organically, which again went into the style of the artwork."

Fans of the band can pre-order a special edition of the album, featuring a number of artworks from Donwood, online now. For the main cover artwork, he worked in oil for the first time. "It's really, really hard," he says of the medium. "I've only painted with acrylic before, which is bascially coloured mud that dries really quickly. It's very forgiving, but oil paint isn't really. It doesn't dry at all quickly. Eventually, after a lot of disappointment I figured out how to use it. I use it in conjunction with Halfords spray paint, which is the magic ingredient."


Entrevista en español aquí !! thnaks exit music !!



First Review !!!


Radiohead release The King of Limbs – live coverage. Radiohead's new album, The King Of Limbs, has been released 24 hours earlier than expected. Here's how it happened


Radiohead's Yorke struts his stuff


Radiohead are big teases


We've only heard it once, but Radiohead's The King of Limbs hardly sounds like a band breaking new ground


Radiohead fans give their reactions to 'Lotus Flower''The-King-Of-Limbs'---First-Review


Such was the demand that Radiohead brought the release of their new album ‘The King Of Limbs’ forward to today (February 18) - and that means Gigwise is the first to bring you a track-by-track guide review.





Radiohead on The Independient UK The return of Radiohead: No surprises? How about a new album


Radiohead have tweeted details of a mysterious Tokyo location and time ahead of the release of their new album on Saturday (February 19).!/radiohead

渋谷 ハチ公広場 金曜日 18時59分


 Hachiko Square Shibuya, 59 minutes at 18 Friday/  “Plaza Hachiko Shibuya, Viernes 18:59″


Radiohead tweet mysterious Tokyo location ahead of new album release

Band spark rumours of performance in Japanese city

February 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

The band posted the message in Japanese on their official page,, this morning (17).

It roughly translates as: "Hachiko Square Shibuya, 59 minutes at 18 Friday". The square is one of the notoriously busy 'pedestrian roads' in Tokyo.

Fans are now speculating that the band may appear at the square at 18:59 (JST) tomorrow, which would be 4:59am UK time on Saturday morning. Radiohead have so far not elaborated on what the message means, and their spokesperson said they would not be commenting on the tweet.

Their new album 'The King Of Limbs' is tipped to feature eight songs, although the band have said that they will not release tracklisting details ahead of its release.

News and topics surrounding Radiohead

February 18, 2011

Radiohead publicity, "18, do not live in Tokyo"

17 Twitter accounts Radiohead official day "Friday 18 23:59 Shibuya Hachiko Square" and tweet in the reviews, the band's public relations in the Shibuya appear prior to the release of the album the band has denied rumors that . 
NME spokesman for the question, "the band might not be the day of Japan. So everybody went to Shibuya to meet with members expected to be." Are answered. The services performed by the band performance on the 18th national label, the band's hostess, Inc. has announced on the site . 
Hachiko crossing in Shibuya overlooking the LED Vision "Q'S EYE" There is, in some of the broadcast is made and there are rumors that influential theory.


The Real King of Limbs


The tree is an oak in Wiltshire's Savernake Forest, thought to be around 1,000 years old. The forest lies around three miles away from Tottenham House, a listed country house where Radiohead recorded part of 2007’s 'In Rainbows'

This is the real King of Limbs (Savernake Fores UK)


Tom Davenport

I'm hunting the largest privately owned forest in the UK to find clues about the new Radiohead album. 'King Of Limbs' is named after one of the oldest trees in Savernake Forest - one of the oldest in Europe, in fact - and something tells me I'm getting close. The paths ended an hour ago, and even with the morning light, the depth of darkness between the increasingly dense trees is becoming ominous. I really must be close.


Radiohead have grown familiar to Wiltshire. It began when they recorded 'OK Computer' in a mansion near Bath, which began their affinity for recording in grand houses. They returned to the county to record part of 'In Rainbows' at Tottenham House, the grand mansion that reigns over Savernake Forest. "It was literally an old country pile," Ed O’Brien told Mojo in 2008, "huge and crumbling at the seams... Stanley [Donwood], who does all our artworks, said the ley lines were not very forgiving."


They spent three weeks there, recording live their most energetic songs from the album, 'Bodysnatchers' and 'Jigsaw Falling Into Place'. Between recording, they had the extensive forest to explore, with Thom reportedly being struck by the sound of a barking stag guarding it's territory. But Thom became sick, and with only a damp caravan to recover in, they soon returned to an Oxford studio. Before leaving, producer Nigel Godrich sampled the reverb from the mansion's grand chamber, which was applied to much of the album, notably Thom's vocal on 'House Of Cards'.


Perhaps the drawing of a six-limbed monster revealed on for the 'King Of Limbs'' official announcement offers a clue. King Henry VIII hunted here, where he famously met his third wife Jane Seymore (not the actress, of course) whose father owned the forest. They lived here at Wolf Hall, better known since the Booker-prize winning novel. Could each of the six limbs represent the ill-fated wives of the English dictator?


Although access to the 'King Of Limbs' is difficult, Savernake houses the largest concentration of ancient trees in Europe, a status only achieved when it's age is close to a millenia and the structure appears so strikingly complex that the appearance becomes a landmark. But the 'King Of Limbs' is the tree hunter's goldmine. Said to be older than England (which became a state in 927), few know where to find it and less are prepared to tell. Before my journey, I found a source who was unwilling to reveal the 'King Of Limbs'' exact location, but more than happy to challenge me with his cryptic advice. "Head towards Birch Copse, a third mile from Crockmere Oak" he tells in his thick Wiltshire drawl. I have no idea what he means. "Yes, King Of Limbs lost major branches, but still, 'tis magnificent."


I want to turn back, but I see a clearing ahead. The last of the thin whipping branches hit my rain-beaten face, and finally, I see it. The King Of Limbs. The sight of this oak leaves me no doubt, but a wooden sign confirms the landmark. It stands grand and majestic, the bark slick with rain and litchen. Two branches lay on the ground beside it, themselves large enough to appear an independant felled tree. I walk around the trunk's supposed 11-metre girth to stand in the hollow cavernous stump.


I imagine Thom Yorke standing here together in staggered disbelief, just as I am. Civilisations have risen in less time than this tree. I wonder if I should rummage through the hollow in case the band left a memento for the keenest fans, but to trek here has been obsessive enough. I take some photos, sit for a while, and begin my walk back.


Now, how do I get home…

La traduccion al español puedes leerla aqui Gracias Radiohead Chile


11010893095?profile=originalRadiohead manager explains album release strategy


12:02 | Tuesday February 15, 2011

By Christopher Barrett

Radiohead co-manager Chris Hufford has outlined the reasons for Radiohead’s surprise move to release their forthcoming album online with only a few days notice, in an exclusive interview with Music Week.


Hufford, one of the founders of Courtyard Management, said that the move to make Radiohead’s eighth studio album The King Of Limbs available to download on Saturday February 19 via bespoke website, more than a month before a physical release via XL Recordings, is a “logical progression” from the release strategy behind previous album In Rainbows.


He explained that Courtyard and the band learned what aspects of the In Rainbows release worked and what aspects did not during the campaign. The decision was made not to take an ‘honesty box’ approach with The King Of Limbs, as they had with In Rainbows.


Following The King Of Limbs' release on CD, vinyl and download via XL on March 28, the album will be available in a multi-format deluxe set, described as a “newspaper album” via on May 9.


Hufford explains that the set, which includes two ten-inch records, a CD, artwork and a download, will be housed in a package designed as a newspaper.


From the £6 price tag of the MP3 release to the move to initially bypass traditional retail routes, Hufford said every decision made has been done with Radiohead’s fans in mind.


“Our allegiances are to the band. We manage Radiohead, we don’t manage retail or labels, we just manage the band and are just trying to do the best possible thing to allow another brilliant record to be embraced by the fanbase,” said Hufford.


For the full interview see Music Week magazine this Monday.


Radiohead manager: ''The King Of Limbs' release is logical progression'

Chris Hufford speaks about band's new record

February 15, 2011 | 0 Comments
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Radiohead's manager Chris Hufford has described the release plan for the band's new album 'The King Of Limbs' as a "logical progression".

The record will be released as a paid-for download on Saturday (February 19), then on CD and 12-inch vinyl on March 28.

In 2007 the band released their 'In Rainbows' album as a pay-what-you-like download before it came out physically in 2008. As well as calling the new paid-for download a "logical progression", Hufford said he was trying to look after the band's interests by charging this time round.

"Our allegiances are to the band," he said. "We manage Radiohead, we don’t manage retail or labels, we just manage the band and are just trying to do the best possible thing to allow another brilliant record to be embraced by the fanbase."

'The King Of Limbs' will also be released on May 9 as what the band are billing as a 'newspaper album'. The package features the album on 10-inch vinyl and CD plus artwork sheets designed to look like a newspaper.

Radiohead fansite crashed under the weight of hits yesterday (14) morning as fans searched for information about the new album.

Blog - Radiohead's 'The King Of Limbs', what we know

Blog – What will 'The King Of Limbs' sound like?

The Shockwaves NME Awards Tour 2011 takes place throughout February, while Shockwaves NME Awards Shows are also taking place in London throughout the month. See NME.COM/TICKETS for details.


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