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Abortion photos; who needs 'em?

Day 3 of the Street Fair, very loud dude walking around with a GIGANTIC picture of an aborted fetus. There's a time and a place, and it's usually not a sunny day when people are enjoying (or at least were) delicious, unhealthy food at the street fair.Also, anyone who expects pictures like that to move other people must be moved by them themselves, and if you believed that abortion was such a heinous deed, would you truly want to put it on a gigantic poster and parade it around, if it really made that much of an impact on you? If a photo made me feel strongly enough about something like that, I'd probably never want to see it again.I've started working on the full length cd, I think it's be good.I've almost applied for my RFID chip enhanced passport, I'm kinda sad. Little metal radio-frequency destroying passport case, here I come.-Zach
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Radiohead en Lantinoamerica

Me voy a sumar a los varios blogs que vi (y tantos otros que deben haber que yo no haya visto) para expresar mi deseo de que radiohead venga a este a este rinconcito alejado del mundo. Este es un pedido y un deseo que todos tenemos desde hace años, deseo que a medida que pasaba el tiempo subía al mismo tiempo que disminuía nuestra esperanza. El año pasado fue un año muy movido con respecto a Radiohead, todos sabíamos que estaban preparando un álbum, y sabíamos muy poco por lo que nos contaban en dead air space. De pronto, en julio... empezó el SILENCIO. Durante dos meses no supimos nada de ellos, se habían escondido "in the woods" como había adelantado Thom. Esos dos meses parecieron mucho mas, la ansiedad estaba apoderándose de los fanáticos de Radiohead hasta el punto de desesperación en algunos casos. De pronto en septiembre vuelven los posteos en DAS... pero en forma de mensajes crípticos y misteriosos... que aumentaron la ansiedad y desesperación de los fanáticos... durante todo el mes se tejieron miles de teorías con respecto al nuevo álbum (que por tanto tiempo llamamos LP7) con respecto a su fecha de lanzamiento y demás... y de un día para el otro, recibimos Jonny nos dio la noticia, sin anestesia, de que en 10 días el mundo iba a conocer el nuevo álbum de Radiohead, llamado In Rainbows. Una vez más lo habían hecho. Los cinco muchachos de Oxford volvieron a sorprender al mundo, lograron desviar nuestra atención lo suficiente para que la noticia del nuevo álbum sea algo que nadie se esperaba. SIn conformarse con eso, la manera en que lo lanzaron marcó un antes y un después en la historia de la música, ya que además de lanzarlo sin la ayuda de una discográfica, en formato enteramente digital, y dejar que cada uno pusiera el precio que quisiera por el álbum, lograron que millones de fanáticos escuchen por primera vez el disco mas esperado del año SIMULTANEAMENTE. Es indudable que radiohead a la hora de innovar es incomparable, siempre van un paso adelante.Hago esta pequeña reseña, porque durante el año pasado pasaron tantas cosas con radiohead que no nos dieron tiempo a pensar si iban a venir o no a Latinoamérica o si iban a hacer una gira siquiera. Después de la locura de los discboxs y los downloads y demás, comenzó una nueva etapa: LA GIRA. Como siempre, los latinoamericanos esperamos con ansiedad la noticia de que Radiohead finalmente nos tiene en cuenta para su gira, y esa noticia llegó de la boca del propio Ed O'brien, que expresaba su deseo de visitar Latinoamérica, después de su gira por USA, Europa y Japón. Por primera vez, lo que todos veíamos casi como una utopía se convirtió en una posibilidad. Lamentablemente esa posibilidad fue decreciendo ya que la gira se fue armando, aparecían todos los destinos de los que habían hablado, menos el que a nosotros realmente nos importaba. La esperanza termino de derrumbarse hace poco, cuando nos enteramos por Daniel Grinbank, un empresario argentino, responsable de traer a muchos de los grandes artistas que han pisado nuestro suelo, que radiohead no tenia planeado venir a Latinoamérica en lo que restaba del 2008, y que si había una posibilidad de que vinieran, recién seria en marzo/ abril del 2009. Esta noticia, obviamente nos cayo muy mal a todos, porque vuelven las sospechas y el miedo de que una vez mas radiohead no nos incluya en su gira mundial, dejándonos a la mayoría sin esperanzas de poder verlos en vivo, salvo que tengamos que ir a buscarlos a algún otro punto del globo, algo que los Latinoamericanos en general, vemos como algo muy difícil lamentablemente.En fin, todo esto es un preámbulo para lo que realmente quería escribir, y es que no tenemos que perder la esperanza, y además, tenemos que demostrar que somos suficientes para que sepan que pueden venir a Latinoamérica. Esta es una buena manera, por medio de internet, de blogs, de lo que sea, tratar de unirnos todos por esta causa. Escribamos, manifestemos nuestras opiniones, aprovechemos este fabuloso medio como es la internet, de saltarnos las distancias y las fronteras, y así como radiohead nos da su música, ya sea mandándonos su disco por email o trasmitiendo webcasts, demostremos nosotros nuestra gratitud hacia ellos y su música, y nuestro deseo de que finalmente vengan a visitarnos a este ya no tan alejado ni tan pequeño rincón del mundo.
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Check Out My Songs

They're pretty amateurish really. I used audio editing software to create loops and layer them and I'm gonna keep practicing until I can produce something of higher quality but this will do for now. My one man band Church Of Remixology was set up this year and you'll find the songs on the player on my page. Give me some feedback whynot??!?$?Love,The Jackal
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The Liffey Art House

The name of the new business is "The Liffey Art House".I used the Liffey so I could get a Radiohead reference in the business name. Tom and I went over all the logistics again today and I still believe we can open July 1, 2008. The front of the store is going to showcase art pieces with bios on the artists. The back of the front area will be a counter with frame examples and fine art / poster / picture framing ideas, (samples). The back will be the work room for the framing and an office for all of my work (taxes, insurance, accounting, payroll, etc.). The other half of the back of the store will be "sound proof" studio rental space for the artist needing a very private space rental. Additionally, when the room(s) are not rented, we will teach classes on different art subjects.I guess that gives you a rough idea of the plan. I, of course, have pages and pages of detail and numbers. Additionally, I am looking into grants for opening your own business. There are a lot of grants out there and some just for women and some just for single parents. So, I have a lot of work to do, but if I never have to work for anyone else again I will be so happy.And, we're putting it in the east county of San Diego, so no more commuting!! No more 52!!We are going to have a grand opening event and I will give you all posted. This is going to work. All the stars are aligning for the first time.I am going to stay positive!!
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oh people!

One of the things that's recently really started to bother me about people is the way they smell. I mean, not when they've gone too long without a shower, but just in general. The way skin smells, naturally, washed or otherwise, I just dislike it. I mean, I've never smelled anyone that didn't remind me of all the people I've tortured, beaten, kidnapped, raped, shot, suffocated, garroted, drowned, or hit with a car. Maybe it's regret, maybe it's something else like guilt, but more than likely I'm just going through a phase.
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I figured it'd be appropriate to post a blog here onhow I came to label Radiohead my favorite band of all time:When I was about 10 or 11 years old, I snuck into my brother's roomto listen to some of his music collection. I found a CD that didn't really havemuch decoration on it. I blame my young age for not immediatelybeing captivated upon the first few seconds of listening to it.Anyway, I skipped most of the songs and stumbled upon one that sounded like alullaby for me to go to sleep to. It was the first song I heardin which it touched my soul.The CD didn't have the band name on it (or at least I couldn'tfind it any where) and I didn't want to ask my brother what bandhad made this particular song because then he'd know I was going through his stuff.Time went on.When I was about 14 or 15 I became curious about this CD cover artworkby a band named Radiohead, the album was called Amnesiac.Once again, I was too young and brainwashed into thinking that bands like'Limp Bizkit' were actually good, thus I thought Radiohead were garbage. (!)Later on I would give Radiohead another shot, (this was when I started realizingthat all the music I was currently listening to really sucked) and I boughtOK Computer. By now I'd become smart enough to listen to albums from start to finish.What a rewarding experience...and what to my surprise but at age 16 or 17 I once morelistened to "No Surprises" and immediately recognized it from when I was about 10 or 11!!!!Nostalgia...I'd gotten into Radiohead just in time before Hail to the Thief came out...The rest (I made it my mission to obtain all Radiohead albums) is history.: )Post script:I humbly believe that The Bends, OK Computer, Kid A, and In Rainbows areall some of the best albums of the last 20 years.Amnesiac and Hail to the Thief are great though, but they seem slightlyflawed compared to the aforementioned albums.In short: Radiohead is the greatest band. Ever.
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New York, All Points Wherever.

Should I go to that festival? It seems churlish not to, seeing as I'll be in NYC that week anyway. I would quite like the Sunday line up though... Friday and Sunday. Going for all three days when there is no camping would be a hassle though.Will anyone come with me?
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시험 기간의 현실 도피:아무 것도 생각나지 않는다. 하지만 손을 움직이면 어쨌든 단어 부스러기들을 끄적거린다. 몇 년간 해댄 가락이 있으므로 헛소리 정도는 주워섬길 수 있다. 어쨌든 입력량과 출력량은 비례하지 않는다. 잠들면 안된다고 생각하면 더 잠이 온다. 그리고 나는 딴 짓을 하고 있다. 옆에 쌓여 있는 책들과 논문들이 조금, 부담스럽기는 하다. 진실로 진실로 내 머릿속은 비어 가기만 하는 것 같다. 그 자리에 무엇인가 뜻있는 다른 것들을 채워넣을 수 있다면 좋겠다.공부해도 성적 안 나올 테니 아예 손 놓는 학생을 욕하면서 (자기가 지지하는 후보가)안 될 것 같아서 안 찍는다는 소리를 떳떳하게 해 대는 사람들을 볼 때마다 혐오감이 싹튼다. 책임을 다하지 않은 채 권리를 주장하는 인간들. 그게 쿨해 보인다고 생각하나본데, 그건 무의미보다도 더 못하다. (선거 앞두니 별 소리가 다 나오는군.)목련이 푸지게 피었다. 벚꽃도 슬슬 피어나기 시작했다. 곧 미친 꽃비가 불어내릴 게다.
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Can't WAIT till tomorrow!

Tour Dates? Maybe??? I need to plan a graduation party! Common guys.. let's hear it!PLUS -- Will there, or will the not be Radiohead FTB tommorrow? I for one will be watching to see!hereMeanwhile.. today is a beautiful day. Going to go for a walk, perhaps see a movie. Oh.. and get some work done.And.. I can't possible post to a blog without including a vid for the day. Here you go:
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E quem vai ler isso?

Queria ser que nem o Warren Ellis, mas não vivo pra escrever, então...Espordicamente colocarei alguma coisa de interessante que aconteceu na minha pouco interessante vida de trabalho-almoço-trabalho-academia-casa-janta-internetear-estudar-assistir TV-dormir. Boa sorte pra quem ficar esperando pera ler o próximo post!Mas, nesse fim-de-semana passei em Porto Alegre. Um evento para quem mora em uma cidade de 25.000 habitantes. Fiz todas as coisas que interiorano adora em capital: Shopping, shopping, shopping, Livraria Cultura. Só faltou cinema, mas estava fazendo um curso e tinha prova, ralando minha diversão. Não fui assaltada, coloquei o carro sempre em garagens pagas, comi nos shoppings e só em cadeias de fast food, não bebi, não usei drogas, não fui em raves/casas noturna/bar/show, não fiz sexo, e nem tentei fazer. Just living the life of a pig on a cage on antibiotics. No meu caso, antibióticos, anticoncepcionais, remédio pra hipotireodismo, depressão, e para a gastrite que tudo isso está me dando. É impressão minha ou depois dos 30 realmente você começa a envelhecer?
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F Train

Catastrophes deep frozen, remaining moments horizontal like a stone.Endless slowing down till actions turn sidelong.Still inverts to regressionLessons unlearnedInertia presides over burnt modernist strides.Looking glass to stones thrown.Fractions laterSwan songs colliding, unpopular finding, incubated micro command shells, acoustic arguments no longer specified.Yet this timeBreathing transpires wide open desertsYet access deniedSinking in like rotten requests from cherished minds.Affirmations become distant light sources pinpointing curved fragments.Mysterious elements, time stretched incubators illuminate strange tangents.Electrocution integrated into life on stretcher beds conceived by airborne sickness surrounding cold avenues of silence.Getting to grips in preparation for long falls. Staircases previously seen only by the dead seem to persist in times of denied states.Yet return to errors like false locking doors. Random disintegration occurs as we await falling forwards forever.AXIS DISCREPANCY INDICATES HEXAGONS BEYOND CONTROL ANOMALY.MUTILATION COLONY REFLECTS NO TRIANGULAR ENERGY.ASYNCHRONOUS MATTER AVOIDED BY A DIAGRAM INVISIBILITY.A SUBTLE METHOD SYMMETRY UNCOVERED A DIAGONAL TELEMETRY.
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have you ever had the very same song in your dreams for a weeks time?no? you're missing out on it.emily haines is my night soundtrack
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My First Blog Post

Blog, its a horrible word. I'm guessing it stands for Biographical Log which actually sounds better than Blog. I suppose blogging isn't anything new, Anne Frank did it, Samuel Pepys even Captain Picard, he seems to blog a lot. The thing is, those people probably have more to say than me, I've got no Nazis trying to hunt me down, there doesn't appear to be a Bubonic plague about and I definitely haven't seen any Romulans attacking a federation outpost recently. Never mind. I shall try my best.So there you go, I've made a start. Maybe I should post my current favourite youtube video with each posting I make, so here's the first, its fairly well known but I love it. You can't beat Japanese game shows. Human Tetris, its a game I'd love to have a go at!
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It's going to take me a while to figure all this out because I'm not too smart with new sites and such, but so far... this place is kick-ass. It's nice for Radiohead to have a place like this for fans to come together and stuff.And it's always nice to meet fellow fans.I hope everyone who's attending the future shows has a blast, and Charlotte, NC people, see you there!Kristen
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