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Really cool__

That's definitly how Internet should be. I was amazed as I noticed the ratio quality/speed of uploaded songs on WASTE... Good sounds?! Pretty fast loading?!?!WASTE CENTRAL is really cool...
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Мечты ломаются

Моя мечта сломаласьЯ выбросил ее на помойкуСвежим солнечным утромЯ выкинул ее на помойкуВ обычном бумажном пакетеБудничным простым движеньемОставив себе напоследокДве капли униженияПотом пришли холодаДожди с севера и югаЯ не знал как она дорогаМоя подругаЗачахли розыЧто никогда не росли в моем садуСтынут слезыНа ветруВесной опять как преждеПорадуюсь солнцу по утруОдену одежду полегчеИ пойду куда-нибудь к мудрецу* * *А пока ищу добра от добраА пока еще не поздно...
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Return of the Craptop

Yesterday was my mothers birthday, odviously she received presents from the family. My brother, the one I work with who actually owned my last crap top gave her that particular craptop I just got rid of gave it to her for her birthday. Now I get to put up with fixing it and making it work any time its little annoyances come up because my mom is like most adults and don't know how to use the computer for more than just checking her email and searching for stuff on google.
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Sometimes it's good

I am happy to report that this is one of those weeks where everything seems finally to be coming together.Well, everything other than yesterday's failed coffee ice cream experiment: it ended up being more of a coffee-infused curds-and-whey that never made it to the freezer.Everything else is coming together. Not only can I make a killer yellow dal, but company number two has called back about my application and I've rediscovered the joys of the chicken tomato.

I can only hope we may be again blessed this summer by the reincarnation of the chicken tomato.
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Dear Radiohead owned by ticketmaster is selling scalped tickets that fans, such as myself got barely a chance to buy. tickets were reserved for ticketsnow by ticketmaster and were never destined to reach the public at face value. This doesnt surprise me but it does annoy me.what i dont understand is why radiohead would tolerate this or even associate themselves with a monopoly like ticketmaster, especially since they used promote literature like "no logo" and are known as an "anti corporate" bandI've been a fan since i was 15, i met my wife because of a shared love of this band and I've been blessed to see them more than once and sometimes in very intimate settings. it hurts to have our loyalty and love for this band thrown to the lions.What i would like to see is the band showing some sort of appreciation to their fans by doing a few more smaller shows as apposed to one or 2 shows in lifeless venues like the hollywood bowl.i understand they have other things to do with their lives than play rock shows, i respect this and their families. What i dont respect is that when they do put a show on it is done in such a way that contradicts their ethics and ultimately leaves the fans at best out of pocket and at worst dissapointed.I am also a little bothered with the bands association with KROQ in los angeles. until they started playing bodysnatchers a few times a week the only radiohead song you could here from them was creepthe KROQ events i have been to are mostly glorified beer fests that have now also fallen under the thumb of ticketmaster.What i want the band to know, is that i would expect this kind of behaviour and business ethic from bands like limp bizkit or my chemical romancebut not youyou put on the best musical show i have ever had the pleasure to see. I admire your environmental and political view points and the fact that you are so vocal about them. but please stand by them.Please dont be a tool of organizations such as ticketmaster.I look forward to seeing you play sometime in the future, my wife and i missed out on all the california shows this year.good luck with the tour and God blessLee Young
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Creepy as Fuck

I saw this creepy fucking interview the other day, it was with the women from the Texas sect that was raided and left 416 children in state custody. Well, I took the sound clips from the video and messed around for a bit, really, work is so boring that I have time to do shit like this, hope you can actually make it through the song, I get a lil' bored with it, but I only have the Reason demo here at work so I couldn't very well do much, it makes you quit without saving after 20 minutes, so I had to record most of my sounds into Ableton before it shut me out, which doesn't leave a lot of time for tweaking, anyways, the link goes to the interview, the song is the "Our Children Are Taken Away" located in my profile sidebar.
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bush_acknowledges_existence_ofThe Onion, for those of us not familiar with it, is the most hilarious paper or as they say "america's finest news source".Here's the example: laugh through your tears....Bush Acknowledges Existence Of Carbon DioxideWASHINGTON—In an unexpected reversal that environmentalists and scientists worldwide are calling groundbreaking, President George W. Bush, for the first time in his political career, openly admitted to the existence of carbon dioxide following the release of the new U.N. Global Environment Outlook this October. ..... continued here:
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escape from new york!

just got back from nycwe went to the (yes i know i'm a gigantic dork) new york city comic conit was fun and we brought home and extra suitcase filled with action figures.i thought i actually had a lot to say about it but uh... at the moment that's really about it...
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chapter 3

I'd prefer to belong to the minority.I think, you can't invite to the party a half ofthe group, invite all of them.though I was invited, some people were not, so I'm not going anywhere. I don't like the situation.

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hi there

alright, that's another social network I'm joining %)glad this one is RH-oriented.hope to find new friends who would accept my extra-eccentric behaviour, passion to conquer the universe and make Sam & Max its eternal

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